
Here’s an old 03 factor for all the nay sayers. Dilligaf? If yer a real marine you’ll know what that means….
I'm not a Marine of any sort, but I do know what that means.
Allow me to clarify.

LA graduates stick together with your argument. However, the FACT remains that business undergraduates are REQUIRED to take several LA courses while LA undergraduates are NOT required to take ANY business courses. That’s just flat-out wrong. Because of this, LA graduates almost always have to get an MBA to get hired by major private sector firms and/or to move up. Not so for business graduates. An MBA can be a waste of money and adds substantial costs to an already expensive education.

College should be the way to get a good job afterwards and the majority of graduates go into the private business sector. Businesses would be much better served if all graduates had a well-rounded education (meaning they have studied both LA and business) instead of your having to “learn on the job” or get a post-grad degree. As a customer, it bothers me that banks and other businesses that I deal with have to teach LA grads some things so basic on the job. Banks/businesses shouldn’t have to do that.

My father is a retired financial planner/stock broker and entrepreneur. My major started in accounting but I switched to marketing in my senior year and I have a minor in biology. At first, after two years of accounting classes in high school, I wanted to be a CPA but changed my mind in college when I saw the ever-changing tax code and I also became more interested in working outdoors. I’m a history, art, and art history buff and took a bunch of LA courses in those disciplines, as well as psychology. My parents wanted me to be a lawyer but I didn’t want it. My younger brother has degrees in finance and economics and worked for a major firm before he took over my father’s “book” after I turned it down and stayed with outfitting. Sorry but I, for one, would rather trust someone with their background or mine with my investments than a LA graduate that is learning as they go. In addition and quite frankly, bank brokerage departments don’t exactly have the best reputation in the brokerage and financial planning industry.

My two boys both have engineering degrees and also took a substantial amount of LA courses, as required. They also took business and economics courses and one of them has a minor in economics. To our way of thinking, this is also more well-rounded than an LA graduate without an MBA and neither of them will ever have to get a post-graduate degree to move up. They have already been promoted more than once and are leading teams.
And a caveat.

The LA departments will never require their graduates to take business course electives because that would mean they would be accepting an idea that might expose their students to some different ideas and possibly, some conservative capitalist thoughts. God forbid!! Meanwhile, I had to hold my nose and fake it through LA courses without sharing my true beliefs to get an “A” grade while watching lots of lemmings get further indoctrinated.
Scott, This is why I’m a big fan of Hillsdale college. It’s primarily liberal arts but sets people up for the real world. Also. No government funding.

Read the last paragraph on the page

“By teaching students the practical side of business, while also teaching the liberal arts, Hillsdale is able to graduate competent and well-rounded business leaders.

Here’s an old 03 factor for all the nay sayers. Dilligaf? If yer a real marine you’ll know what that means….
If you are real marine you would trust and listen to guys like General Mattis or Kelly rather than being concerned about the fairness of a trial.
So you believe affordable college is wrong??
Nice strawman you set up there. Be a shame if somebody had to put a match to it.

Government involvement in markets always makes the products/services offered in those markets less affordable, not more. Pouring money into a market will serve only for those receiving the money to bid up prices, putting those things further out of reach of those who don't get any assistance in the purchase. If you have more money chasing an static quantity of a thing, the price tag on that thing will only go up, necessitating more government assistance, which will only increase prices again, necessitating yet more government assistance, and so on and so on, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

The sellers in those markets are all too happy for government (taxpayers) to chip in a bit of vigorish.
A bit of a long read, and by no means entirely neutral, but I think it does a fair job of giving context to her worldview and how it has translated into her particular brand of politics.

If anyone here is a fan of hers, I would genuinely like to better understand what it is about her that is so appealing.

First of all, the Atlantic is a propaganda machine for the left... There is NOTHING fair or unbiased about their coverage on any subject...

Secondly, I am not a "fan" of MTG per se, but it's very easy to understand her appeal to her constituency if you consider that she is one of only a handful of conservative representatives in D.C. that actually represents the ideologies and agendas that she was elected to pursue. She was elected precisely because she vowed to the voters of her district that she would no longer continue to compromise and capitulate to the left. Sadly, that's such a rare quality in elected representatives these days, it shocks people...

She, along with a few others in the Freedom Causcus, have been mocked by some here for their uncompromising attitudes. Some have stated that this unwillingness to capitulate or compromise is damaging to our political system and the conservative cause. I would argue that the exact opposite is true... This perilous downward slide to the far left in D.C. will never be halted unless enough true conservatives refuse to capitulate to the left's ongoing lunacy... Compromising with the democrats in today's political atmosphere is as about as productive as negotiating with terrorists... And, likely more dangerous to the conservative agenda.
Allow me to clarify.
LA graduates stick together with your argument. However, the FACT remains that business undergraduates are REQUIRED to take several LA courses.
The requirement is much more stringent than “several”. AACSB accreditation requirements insist on half the program being outside of business and have strict minima on science math English, history and philosophy courses.

My colleagues in LA always said that LA programs teach students to think and I didn’t bother arguing with them. Thinking and problem solving is best learned in an Engineering program. My former MBA students with engineering undergraduate degrees were able to think and solve problems much better than LA or Business undergrads.

To that aim we made sure that our son took a business minor in his EE/CS program. He felt that business was fairly easy. Notably he commented that Finance was mostly jargon. Unlike engineering where you could figure out something that you didn’t know, in Finance you have to learn the jargon first. This was a revelation to me even after teaching Finance for 45 years.

The exception is brilliant LA grads from top schools. I taught the Merrill Lynch boot camp for analysts hired without undergrad business degrees. We went from basics of time value to duration and convexity in two weeks They were able to absorb it well. They are the exception, however. They probably could have learned nuclear physics in the same time. In the same vein, the IB firms will hire PhDs in physics or engineering and teach them option pricing in a couple of weeks. The math is the hard part. How options are traded is easy.
If you are real marine you would trust and listen to guys like General Mattis or Kelly rather than being concerned about the fairness of a trial.
Sorry not sorry I was taught in the Marines not to blindly follow anyone. If you think we were all robots you are sadly mistaken
First of all, the Atlantic is a propaganda machine for the left... There is NOTHING fair or unbiased about their coverage on any subject...

Secondly, I am not a "fan" of MTG per se, but it's very easy to understand her appeal to her constituency if you consider that she is one of only a handful of conservative representatives in D.C. that actually represents the ideologies and agendas that she was elected to pursue. She was elected precisely because she vowed to the voters of her district that she would no longer continue to compromise and capitulate to the left. Sadly, that's such a rare quality in elected representatives these days, it shocks people...

She, along with a few others in the Freedom Causcus, have been mocked by some here for their uncompromising attitudes. Some have stated that this unwillingness to capitulate or compromise is damaging to our political system and the conservative cause. I would argue that the exact opposite is true... This perilous downward slide to the far left in D.C. will never be halted unless enough true conservatives refuse to capitulate to the left's ongoing lunacy... Compromising with the democrats in today's political atmosphere is as about as productive as negotiating with terrorists... And, likely more dangerous to the conservative agenda.
Agree to disagree on the Atlantic, but thank you for sharing your perspective on MTG.
My brother Marine @John Wasmuth referred to “real Marines”. Honestly, I served for 21 years but had to Google his acronym. :) That one must not have been in my "Little Red Monster" book we studied in boot camp!

For those who are not Marines, All Marines are real Marines until we die and then we stand post at Heaven’s gate.

But…, Lance Corporal Jordan Haerter and Corporal Jonathan Yale and Marines like them are the real Marines. Their story is portrayed in the 25 minute movie, The 11th (General) Order.

For those overseas that can’t watch the video, here is a synopsis of it;

General Kelly spoke to the Gold Star Families of California in 2014 and told the story of two Marines bravery. He tells of how they stood their Post and did their jobs as Marines, and how they stopped the truck that the homicide bomber was driving before he could detonate the 2,000 pounds of explosives meant for the other Marines and Iraqi police who were sleeping in the barracks, close to where the bomb went off.

Jonathan Yale and Jordan Haerter had only six seconds to engage the driver. Not enough time to think of anything but how to stop the driver of the truck that was trying to get past them and destroy the barracks housing their fellow Marines and the Iraqi Police.

They gave their all and now the rest at peace, least we forget their bravery and that this nation has some of the best that stand in the ranks of our armed forces. They stand on the wall every night keeping their families and their fellow Americans safe from those who would destroy all that we are. Semper Fi

USMC 11th General Order:
Be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and allow no one to pass without proper authority.
I confess that I cannot watch this movie without tearing up. I've known many, many Marines like Yale and Haertner, most of them still among us. But to a man and woman, they would all do their duty when challenged. No matter the cost.

A little bonus for you; Kevin Bacon in Taking Chance, a movie about a Marine Officer volunteering for Casualty Duty:

The full movie is available on Amazon Prime:
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USMC 11th General Order:
Be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and allow no one to pass without proper authority.

Funny, that’s the exact question I had to answer during my final inspection in boot camp at Parris Island. Seems like a million years ago. Semper Fi Devil Dog!
The people that lean towards the establishment side of politics expect everyone to toe the party line.
The reason they don't like the freedom caucus. Standing up and being vocal about what they believe in, seems to be frowned upon and ridiculed by the establishment crowd.
If you are real marine you would trust and listen to guys like General Mattis or Kelly rather than being concerned about the fairness of a trial.
That is absolutely the dumbest thing I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading! We shouldn’t be concerned over the fairness of a trial? We are a nation of laws and our constitution demands that the law is applied equally to ALL, the constitution demands it. Yes I am concerned about the impartial conduct of a trial. So sad that you are perfectly fine watching some one get rail roaded. To blindly follow anyone that has been proven to be less than honest simply because they are Marines is ridiculous, Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine…… he was a Marine so he’s gotta be a peachy keen guy right? For crying out loud you need to flush out your BHG……
My brother Marine @John Wasmuth referred to “real Marines”. Honestly, I served for 21 years but had to Google his acronym. :) That one must not have been in my "Little Red Monster" book we studied in boot camp!

For those who are not Marines, All Marines are real Marines until we die and then we stand post at Heaven’s gate.

But…, Lance Corporal Jordan Haerter and Corporal Jonathan Yale and Marines like them are the real Marines. Their story is portrayed in the 25 minute movie, The 11th (General) Order.

For those overseas that can’t watch the video, here is a synopsis of it;

General Kelly spoke to the Gold Star Families of California in 2014 and told the story of two Marines bravery. He tells of how they stood their Post and did their jobs as Marines, and how they stopped the truck that the homicide bomber was driving before he could detonate the 2,000 pounds of explosives meant for the other Marines and Iraqi police who were sleeping in the barracks, close to where the bomb went off.

Jonathan Yale and Jordan Haerter had only six seconds to engage the driver. Not enough time to think of anything but how to stop the driver of the truck that was trying to get past them and destroy the barracks housing their fellow Marines and the Iraqi Police.

They gave their all and now the rest at peace, least we forget their bravery and that this nation has some of the best that stand in the ranks of our armed forces. They stand on the wall every night keeping their families and their fellow Americans safe from those who would destroy all that we are. Semper Fi

USMC 11th General Order:
Be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and allow no one to pass without proper authority.
I confess that I cannot watch this movie without tearing up. I've known many, many Marines like Yale and Haertner, most of them still among us. But to a man and woman, they would all do their duty when challenged. No matter the cost.

A little bonus for you; Kevin Bacon in Taking Chance, a movie about a Marine Officer volunteering for Casualty Duty:

The full movie is available on Amazon Prime:

@Mark A Ouellette, thank you sir for sharing.

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt