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My first safari, I don't believe I could have asked for better. The game was abundant, but even more importantly, the staff was just jaw-droppingly amazing. My wife and my best friend came with me, and neither was particularly happy about going to Africa. My friend came because he lost a bet. "OK, I'll go, but no taxidermy, only pictures." That lasted until he got his first animal, a blue wildebeest. By day 5 of the hunt, he was already working on re-booking with Limcroma for July '25. By the end of our hunt, my wife, as far removed from being a huntress as you might imagine, had been infected with Limcroma's enthusiasm. She didn't get her zebra, but she also wants to come back next year to get one, and I imagine a number of others. The dedication of the staff at Limcroma was no small part of her change of heart.

I really hate giving such a glowing review because I know I'm going to have to compete with you people for time with Limcroma in the next 2 or 3 years.