Springbok/Blesbok Slam Combo 2025?


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May 21, 2024
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Looking to quote for spring of 2025. Ideally would package with a cull hunt for the same species as well.

Post note. Does anyone offer hunts for the more uncommon phases I’ve attached below?

Thanks folks.
Hello BokFancier
We have the following Springbuck variants :
Copper (think on your photo chart is says Royal)
We also have common and white blesbuck.
We do cull hunts in the above mentioned (common) species in addition to other species like black and blue wildebees, impala, etc.
Send e-mail for price list.

Hans de Klerk
Good day BokFancier, we can offer you both springbuck and blesbuck slam on the same 32,000+ acre low fence property in the northern cape as well as cull animals for Blesbuck and springbuck and an array of other species. I will send you a direct message as well with our slam specials that we have for 2025. If you have any other questions feel free to reach out any time.
kind regards
Springbok slam is a fun project. Not sure I want to pursue ALL those in your picture but there are some great rugs and pillows waiting to be made in that grouping. Good luck in your search!
Springbok slam is a fun project. Not sure I want to pursue ALL those in your picture but there are some great rugs and pillows waiting to be made in that grouping. Good luck in your search!
My exact sentiments. I’m aiming at the base slams for now then I’ll add the oddballs after. The Bont Springbok is on my list at a higher spot though. I’m thinking euros with “pillow” patches behind them for the mounts.
Hi Bokfancier

Hope you are well. We can most dedinitely put a Springbuck slam together and a Blesbuck slam, we can also cull lots of common Springbuck and Blesbuck.

Please send us an email at ljsafaris@gmail.com

Kind Regards
Juan Stander

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