Looking For Recommendations for Elephant

Hello everybody
I´m starting to do my research for elephant hunting next year (august). So far I´ve been offered a hunt in Zambia, 21 full days, in a concession near Kafue (i think). Thpe price is U$ 100.000, which I consider to be expensive. But I´m not sure of that right know. I hunted with that PH last year in SA, I have an excellent opinino of him but would like to do a bigger research for this hunt.
I´m looking for recommendations of a traditional stalking hunt, in big areas with sustainable herds. For me and my brother is more imprtant how the hunting is done than size of the trophy. That being said, we look forward for tusks around 40 lbs.
looking forward for recommendations, I ve sent a couple of messages for outfitters that are in AH, but I want to know what country is best right now
Best regards
Just took mine two days ago. $100,000 for 40 pounds. no thanks!!!! For that budget I would go to Botswana and target 60-70 pounders and you might get lucky with something bigger but luck plays a big role
I would contact Willie with Legadema Safaris to hunt on their concession in Mozambique.

No shortage of elephant, and I'd bet his price would be better.
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Speak wayne from nyamazana and martin pieters both from zimbabwe
Hello everybody
I´m starting to do my research for elephant hunting next year (august). So far I´ve been offered a hunt in Zambia, 21 full days, in a concession near Kafue (i think). Thpe price is U$ 100.000, which I consider to be expensive. But I´m not sure of that right know. I hunted with that PH last year in SA, I have an excellent opinino of him but would like to do a bigger research for this hunt.
I´m looking for recommendations of a traditional stalking hunt, in big areas with sustainable herds. For me and my brother is more imprtant how the hunting is done than size of the trophy. That being said, we look forward for tusks around 40 lbs.
looking forward for recommendations, I ve sent a couple of messages for outfitters that are in AH, but I want to know what country is best right now
Best regards
Dalton & York have a big quota for these smaller type bulls in Maninga. I don't know the price.
I know Wayne here on AH offers some great deals in Zim as well.
You are right to do your research. There is a wide range of hunts. They vary from tuskless cows and non-exportable bulls all the way up to the Botswana premium hunts that can go even higher than you mention.
In luangwa you could do a tuskless for usd 30,000.00 or a trophy one for usd 50,000.00.....can't say anymore than that as not allowed to due to site rules for outfitters..phs etc ...but can be done cheaper than your other price you were quoted
100k???? Botswana......chance of a 100 pounder forget the rest......
Tuskless can be done for 15-16k…non-trophy about the same. Both in Zim. Exportable ivory hunts are typically high 20k on a special to low 6 figures for the best areas.
Hello everybody
I´m starting to do my research for elephant hunting next year (august). So far I´ve been offered a hunt in Zambia, 21 full days, in a concession near Kafue (i think). Thpe price is U$ 100.000, which I consider to be expensive. But I´m not sure of that right know. I hunted with that PH last year in SA, I have an excellent opinino of him but would like to do a bigger research for this hunt.
I´m looking for recommendations of a traditional stalking hunt, in big areas with sustainable herds. For me and my brother is more imprtant how the hunting is done than size of the trophy. That being said, we look forward for tusks around 40 lbs.
looking forward for recommendations, I ve sent a couple of messages for outfitters that are in AH, but I want to know what country is best right now
Best regards
OP lots of people have chimed in …. What exactly are you looking for? What other animals do you also want available? Where other animals included in your quote?

IMO if you are comfortable spending $100k on an Elephant Hunt you should look at Botswana in an area producing 70#+ or look towards Tanzania and consider a full bag hunt. Might also include an area in Namibia too. There’s a handful of outfitters I’d reach out to if I had that budget for a hunt.
Hello everybody
I´m starting to do my research for elephant hunting next year (august). So far I´ve been offered a hunt in Zambia, 21 full days, in a concession near Kafue (i think). Thpe price is U$ 100.000, which I consider to be expensive. But I´m not sure of that right know. I hunted with that PH last year in SA, I have an excellent opinino of him but would like to do a bigger research for this hunt.
I´m looking for recommendations of a traditional stalking hunt, in big areas with sustainable herds. For me and my brother is more imprtant how the hunting is done than size of the trophy. That being said, we look forward for tusks around 40 lbs.
looking forward for recommendations, I ve sent a couple of messages for outfitters that are in AH, but I want to know what country is best right now
Best regards
You should consider Lategan safaris - Bennie he has some videos on YouTube. That’s who I’ll book and elephant hunt with when the time comes
Bennie Lategan guided me on my last ele hunt in Sept/Oct. We took a 50 # along with a lot of other excellent trophies.
Hello everybody
I´m starting to do my research for elephant hunting next year (august). So far I´ve been offered a hunt in Zambia, 21 full days, in a concession near Kafue (i think). Thpe price is U$ 100.000, which I consider to be expensive. But I´m not sure of that right know. I hunted with that PH last year in SA, I have an excellent opinino of him but would like to do a bigger research for this hunt.
I´m looking for recommendations of a traditional stalking hunt, in big areas with sustainable herds. For me and my brother is more imprtant how the hunting is done than size of the trophy. That being said, we look forward for tusks around 40 lbs.
looking forward for recommendations, I ve sent a couple of messages for outfitters that are in AH, but I want to know what country is best right now
Best regards
Good day sir

JKO Safaris will gladly provide you with more information hunting elephant with us either in Botswana or Zimbabwe.
If you want to hunt elephant alone, Botswana will be a good choice.
Should you want to take other species as well we would recommend Zimbabwe. We can help you in Matetsi Unit 6, very good and beautiful area with big elephants. Please let me know if you are interested in more information and a quote.
Best Regards

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt