
There is really one strange thing about that attack. The attack itself was carried out in a professional way. They got in there, shot the place up, lit it on fire and managed to escape. Their escape though was totally amateur. They did not change cars and all 4 of them were in the same car. In order to minimize the chance of capture they probably should have split up and fled in different directions. Now I just want to say here I am talking about this purely from an operational perspective, I in no way shape or form support this attack.
From what little I read, the attackers were dropped off in a minivan and escaped in a Renault; so it sounds like they had access to multiple vehicles, so yeah it seems strange that they would all drive off together (or at least, seems like they would have separated shortly thereafter). Then again, we may just be talking about the patsies here.
Zeihan's latest assessment of the Russian terror attack. My concern is that for all the reasons Zeihan lists, Putin will be desperate to deflect blame for the attack. He also has limited ability to apply significant force elsewhere due to the catastrophic losses in Ukraine. Assuming there is no immediate instability in the South, he may be tempted to push the Ukrainian "connection" to the max in order to justify both broader mobilization and extensive strikes against Ukrainian population centers. As Zeihan notes, Putin hasn't made many smart choices in this conflict and the likelihood that he begins to do so now is pretty small.

…and whilst he deliberately looks in the wrong direction it can’t be beyond the intellect of ISIS planners to exploit the situation and continue to push their advantage
Looks like Leticia James ain’t getting her $454 billion from Trump after all…. Bond has been reduced to $175 million this morning…… leftist communists are heart broken today…..
Another factor that these leftist subhuman buckets of slime might be beginning to realize, is that if they start trying to seize Trumps assets, it will assure a Trump victory in November.
I haven't followed the bond thing enough to have an opinion about fair or not fair, and had not seen that it was reduced.

But... bragging you have $500 million in cash after saying it was impossible?

Trump's attorneys argued obtaining a bond for the full amount of $464 million was a "practical impossibility."

(Trump "Hold my beer.")

Friday: “Through hard work, talent, and luck, I currently have almost five hundred million dollars in cash,” he wrote in all caps.

He is a first ballot hall of famer with regards to not keeping his mouth shut.

Here - fixed it for him: “Through hard work, talent, luck, and people donating their actual hard earned money, I currently have almost five hundred million dollars in cash."
This clip is worth hearing - not because I agree - I frankly think both New York trials are indeed purely political. As others have noted, the NY appellate court reduced Trump's bond for his conviction of a crime with no victims from an outrageous half a billion to a less daunting 175 million. The clip is the response on MSNBC. The reason it is important is this is how half the electorate will view the appellate ruling. And yes, @Tundra Tiger is correct. Just shut up if all you can do is crow.

In 3 years we went from the strongest relationship with one of our most valuable allies in the region to this disaster. Israel has stated they will move forward with their offensive into Rafah with, or without, US support.

I can’t help but feel that the US is turning its back on a natural ally in the hope of not upsetting temporary allies

Our current foreign policy seems to be ‘let’s see how bad we can f&$* this up’!
There is really one strange thing about that attack. The attack itself was carried out in a professional way. They got in there, shot the place up, lit it on fire and managed to escape. Their escape though was totally amateur. They did not change cars and all 4 of them were in the same car. In order to minimize the chance of capture they probably should have split up and fled in different directions. Now I just want to say here I am talking about this purely from an operational perspective, I in no way shape or form support this attack.
Well, there is hardly such a profession as a suicide bomber. They are always amateurs. The same applies to shooters in public places. An ordinary crazy schoolboy can shoot dozens of children, and this has been done repeatedly.
One of the terrorists is a hairdresser, the other was assembling furniture. Аt least two other shooters clearly know how to handle recoil, but no more.
As for their behavior, it's hard to say anything. They may have been afraid to "lay low", we do not have ethnic areas where the police are afraid to enter. And the nearest borders with Belarus or Ukraine are about 400 km away. They could have made it. There is no fence there.
It doesn't really matter, it's clear that they wanted to live, and they're idiots. The question is who the customer is.
Well, there is hardly such a profession as a suicide bomber. They are always amateurs. The same applies to shooters in public places. An ordinary crazy schoolboy can shoot dozens of children, and this has been done repeatedly.
One of the terrorists is a hairdresser, the other was assembling furniture. Аt least two other shooters clearly know how to handle recoil, but no more.
As for their behavior, it's hard to say anything. They may have been afraid to "lay low", we do not have ethnic areas where the police are afraid to enter. And the nearest borders with Belarus or Ukraine are about 400 km away. They could have made it. There is no fence there.
It doesn't really matter, it's clear that they wanted to live, and they're idiots. The question is who the customer is.

One of the isis offshoots or isis itself.....pretty obvious that it would put a rocket up putins arsehole, just after he "magically " got himself reelected ....then pretty obvious due to the fkup of serious proportions by your intelligence and security sectors ...who were warned...I mean apart from the USA and uk informing your colleagues...the USA and UK put warnings on their websites warning of the high likely hood of a terrorist attack on large public gathering.....so didn't exactly keep it quiet.....and this then leading to putin trying to blame Ukraine to shift attention from yet another of his fkups....in doing this it creates yet more rumours and Internet distrust spilling over into real life politics and public opinions....so causing more shit that isis etc can use to their advantage.....
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One of the isis offshoots or isis itself.....pretty obvious that it would put a rocket up putins arsehole, just after he "magically " got himself reelected ....then pretty obvious due to the fkup of serious proportions by your intelligence and security sectors ...who were warned...I mean apart from the USA and uk informing your colleagues...the USA and UK put warnings on their websites warning of the high likely hood of a terrorist attack on lage public gathering.....so didn't exactly keep it quiet.....and this then leading to putin trying to blame Ukraine to shift attention from yet another of his fkups....in doing this it creates yet more rumours and Internet distrust spilling over into real life politics....so causing more shit that isis etc can use to their advantage.....
I think that is the most likely explanation. Putin largely rode to power as a result of his leadership following the apartment bombings (at the expense of lots of Muslims). He further built upon that credit by seemingly modernizing the Russian military and expanding the role and reach of the FSB in Russian society. That new power gave him the ability to extend Russian military influence through Wagner and traditional air power into the Levant and North Africa. Both created enemies everywhere they went. More recently Russia concluded an agreement with Shia Iran - an action that would seem particularly incendiary to the Sunni fundamentalists of ISIS-K. Russia should not be surprised it is suddenly getting the attention of radical Muslims in the same way the US has entertained them for the last four decades.

No, that Occam fellow was pretty smart, particularly when the subject was razors. Whomever ordered and organized the operation, and however inconvenient that might be for the strategic genius in the Kremlin, he was most likely a Sunni Muslim. Were it me, before I became too enamored with blaming Ukraine or NATO or that man behind the tree, I think I would devote substantial renewed intelligence and deterrence focus in the South. Thanks to the unfathomable wastage in Ukraine, Russia is totally unprepared for an ethnic explosion in the Caucasus. And by the way, were I in the Russian MOD, I wouldn't trust that fat little dictator in Chechnya as far as Vladimir could throw him.
The attackers in Russia were poorly trained amateurs doing it for reportedly $5K each.
Half paid before half will be paid after!
They were told that the escape plan would work and as uneducated morons they probably believed it would.
No need to give too much credit to them.
The unanswered question here is why this attack took place.
There are various scenarios but the most probable one is:
ISIS decided to hit Russia because of their involvement in Syria helping Bashar Assad.
I also agree with @Red Leg that this operation definitely carried by Sunni Muslims regardless of who's behind it.
One interesting note, the concert hall where this took place owned by a very wealthy Russian Jew and friend of Putin which brings another angle to the table.
Our current foreign policy seems to be ‘let’s see how bad we can f&$* this up’!
Well, Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates did state that Brandon (as a Senator and VP) had never made a correct foreign policy decision in his 40 years in politics. And wasn't it Obama that said when Brandon was his VP, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fu** things up"? At least 'ol China Joe IS consistent. But to our peril.
I guess you and some others here are having a hard time understanding what I disputed.

Claim: US Government aka Brandon flew illegals from overseas locations to US.

Facts are:

One: US Government never flies anybody here, everybody flies on their own dime(cheap or not).

Two: They are not considered illegals because they go trough a process(regardless how effective, easy etc) to get the permission to fly. Nobody can board a plane to US from anywhere in the World without appropriate documentation.(refuge, visa, etc..)

Three: They can still be turned down and sent back at the port of entry according to Government.

Four: These flights are not secret and have been going on for years and known by mainstream media but has no news value unlike what's happening at our land border.

Five: I got tired of explaining and not even bothering to reply to anybody anymore on this subject.
Believe whichever conspiracy or QAnan theory you want to believe including stolen election or January 6th attack being instigated by the FBI.
Yet, here you are again, explaining how nobody gets it but you. Check, got it.
I haven't followed the bond thing enough to have an opinion about fair or not fair, and had not seen that it was reduced.

But... bragging you have $500 million in cash after saying it was impossible?

Trump's attorneys argued obtaining a bond for the full amount of $464 million was a "practical impossibility."

(Trump "Hold my beer.")

Friday: “Through hard work, talent, and luck, I currently have almost five hundred million dollars in cash,” he wrote in all caps.

He is a first ballot hall of famer with regards to not keeping his mouth shut.

Here - fixed it for him: “Through hard work, talent, luck, and people donating their actual hard earned money, I currently have almost five hundred million dollars in cash."
Here is what is not fair. Ms James, the AG who brought the case against him, ran for the office on the pledge to take down Trump, and doing it for the people. Literally there are many vids of her bragging about how she planned to make his life a living Hell and take everything he has, that was the plan from the start. She was sitting in court at times with a grin like a Cheshire cat, trying hard to not be seen rubbing her hands together in gleeful anticipation of destroying Trump.
Now the so called conviction of the victimless crimes that were "committed" by Trump that hurt nobody, will likely get the toss later, but in the meantime he wanted to appeal his conviction.
The judge, Engomoron said he wanted the full amount of his fine put up JUST to appeal the case, it was unprecedented and many others felt so as well.
Thankfully the appeals court today, said lets take a step back on that fine, cutting it nearly two thirds to something more doable. Even for Trump, asking to put up nearly a half BILLION dollars cash just to appeal a case is ludicrous, except to the die hard lib tards in the lamestream media who all acted like someone took a big dump in their oatmeal this morning.
That was glorious!

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EDELWEISS wrote on bowjijohn's profile.
Thanks again for your support on the Rhodesian Shotgun thread. From the amount of "LIKES" it received, it appears there was only ONE person who objected. Hes also the same one who continually insisted on interjecting his posts that werent relevant to the thread.
sierraone wrote on AZDAVE's profile.
Dave if you copy this, call me I can't find your number.

David Hodo
We fitted a new backup generator for the Wildgoose lodge!
one of our hunters had to move his hunt to next year we have an opening first week of September, shoot me a message!