
Regarding Bob Woodward's book- He has been creditably accused of inventing statements, so there is doubt that the General would have told China that he would warn them of an attack. If true, the general is toast, if invented, Woodward's mental stability is in question. For to claim he would warn of an attack requires that the person considers China to be adversarial enough that the US would consider such action. Considering Woodward's reputation, I don't see how he remains employed.

Fortunately, any US economic risk is being managed by extraordinary hands at the top.
That is one of the scariest things I have ever seen. We all have reason to be terrified, and that includes you Dems, the US vacuum will not be filled by nice people and you can forget your freedom.
After watching that clip I just had to sit back, close my eyes, and attempt to cool off. I don't have words to express my rage and contempt for that misbegotten piece of sewer sludge.

I encourage all of you to loudly and proudly label all sitting democrats in Senate and House as Socialists. If you are in one of these states with so-called moderates, be conscious of how they actually vote. Do not listen merely to what their campaign ads may say.
So predictable… wait for it… “nothing to see here” combined with msm coverage of smoke and diversion and upside down conclusions to what is obvious on the face. It’s already started. Orange Man treacherous, Milley brave hero.
I am one of the staunchest critics of Trump and I do not believe even half of what Woodward has claimed about him over the last two years, so forgive me for not jumping at another shocking "revelation" from this man as he publicizes his latest book.
This is so embarrassing. He obviously can not remember the name of the Australian prime Minister after looking up from his crib sheet. :unsure:

Embarrassment and disbelief. That and the “Joe” video together or alone makes me wonder how those clowns can keep propping him up in front of them while they cringe and hide. Honestly, how in the world can this guy have an approval rating anywhere above subzero…much less in the 40’s? What exactly is there to approve of? :E Red Hot:
Honestly, how in the world can this guy have an approval rating anywhere above subzero…much less in the 40’s? What exactly is there to approve of? :E Red Hot:

It's all in how the question is phrased and who is paying for the poll (and their desired result). for example, Are you in favor of locking children up in cages? or, Are you in favor of keeping children safe until they can be placed with family? Both questions are asking the same thing but are slanted for a different answer.
Embarrassment and disbelief. That and the “Joe” video together or alone makes me wonder how those clowns can keep propping him up in front of them while they cringe and hide. Honestly, how in the world can this guy have an approval rating anywhere above subzero…much less in the 40’s? What exactly is there to approve of? :E Red Hot:
It's all in how the question is phrased and who is paying for the poll (and their desired result). for example, Are you in favor of locking children up in cages? or, Are you in favor of keeping children safe until they can be placed with family? Both questions are asking the same thing but are slanted for a different answer.

Pretty simple, really. They've lied about so much, why on earth should we believe they don't just make up the numbers?
Not sure how many indictments will come out but after way to long, Durham is emerging.

The scum at the top plus the sludge layer just below the surface who are really pulling the strings are all, as a whole bad enough, but what really scares me is the number or % of people out in the population who are all in! Commifornai is a big state with a ton of people and look how they just voted and not by a close margin. The last thing I want to hear is about some political mis-triangulation where it was all the fault of the normal people or the opposing party organizers or poor strategy or some such sell out excuse. I'm done with assigning blame to the wrong people. The population who thinks and votes that way are the ones to blame and that is what is so scary about it. This country may be so far in deep doo doo that recovery is impossible. Hope I'm wrong but.........

Clinton Lawyer Michael Sussmann Indicted For Lying to FBI While Spreading The False Alfa Bank Trump-Russia Collusion Conspiracy on Behalf of Clinton Campaign

Put two divisions on the southern border. If Mexico doesn't stop the refugees comming through their country invade Mexico and take care of the problem. Shouldn't be much of a problem. We send military all over the middle east.
Put two divisions on the southern border. If Mexico doesn't stop the refugees comming through their country invade Mexico and take care of the problem. Shouldn't be much of a problem. We send military all over the middle east.
This is an extension of a plan that I read several years ago with regard to the border problem. At that time a solution was for the US military to rent the unimproved property within 2 miles of the southern border. the Army/Marines could then treat the border as a perimeter to a combat base, setting up concertina wire, guard posts, etc and treat the border as if it was an actual border. There would be no incursions into the country through the area. If the cartels wanted to challenge the border all they need to do is read a history book on the US Army's response to Pancho Villa's incursions during WWI.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

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Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
