Then a purely American joke.
At breakfast, the wife says to her husband: John, I'm sorry if I spoil your appetite, but the pit in our toilet is overflowing, and soon it will be impossible to use it. We have to do something.
- But, Mary, to be honest, I do not know what to do in this case, I need to ask someone.
- The middle son returned to the Joneses down the mountain. He has just graduated from college, he is an educated person, and undoubtedly knows how to solve this problem.
John started the pickup and drove to the Joneses. The guy, after listening, said: "So that's it. Go to the city, buy two sticks of dynamite and two detonators with cords at the supermarket (be careful with detonators). Cut one cord shorter. Set fire to the cords and throw them into the pit. When the first one explodes, everything will fly up, and when the second one explodes, the contents will scatter around, enriching the soil of the farm with organic and mineral substances, and the house will fall back to the pit, and you can continue to use it.
John thanked him, and did everything according to the advice. Returning to the farm, he immediately threw dynamite into the toilet and, running away, hid behind a large sycamore. And with horror he saw that his wife was running from the house to the toilet and running into it! John did not have time to do anything, as two explosions occurred, and the toilet house, indeed, fell into its place. John, running up, opened the door - and saw that his wife was sitting on the toilet seat.
The wife says, "Thank God, I barely made it."