
Well this is some real Tom Clancy sh&t. Apparently, both Nord Stream pipelines were blown overnight (one Nord Stream 2 line - they are paired - may remain). Judging by the size of the rising gas, they were completely cut, and likely so extensively damaged as to require several months are longer to repair. All three blasts were near simultaneous and took place just outside any territorial waters. The obvious explosive charges were sufficient to register on Scandinavian seismic stations. They also were detonated the same time the new Baltic line running from Norway to Poland (further reducing Western European dependence on Russia) was inaugurated.

I have yet to see an indication of water depth, but considering the location and time of year, this likely wasn't three guys with snorkels operating from a fishing boat. This would have had to have been done by professional naval SOF team. Russia, the US, and probably three other NATO countries would have the expertise to do it. Both Russia and the US could have used SOF teams operating from submarines. I am unsure about British, French, or German underwater capability, though over the side deployment would be possible from a surface vessel depending upon depth. If that happened there is likely a radar paper trail.

So who and why?

Russia did it in a snit and to potentially threaten other pipelines like the new Baltic line.

a) Nord Stream 2 has never been opened
b) Nord Stream 1 has been largely down for "maintenance" reasons for a couple of months

Russia did it because it believes severing natural gas completely will cause panic in Western Europe as winter approaches.

a) Closing the tap would have seemed more effective than destroying it. If the flow can't be turned back on, then the leverage against NATO vanishes.
b) Is an explicit threat to the new Norwegian pipeline.

Russia did it to cast suspicion on the US and thus break NATO solidarity - a Russian "false flag" operation.

Putin did it to undermine internal opposition wanting to make an accommodation with Ukraine and NATO

The US did it.

a) Removes much of the leverage of opposition European parties to continuing support of Ukraine.
b) Accelerates European search for alternative sources.

Germany did it. See "a" above.

Russian ultra-nationalists within the Russian Military/Government did it as a way of forcing Putin to take more decisive actions against Ukraine. A burning bridges action.

a) Declaration of martial law
b) Full mobilization
c) Use of weapons of mass destruction.

Aliens did it to study our reactions.

If the US did indeed warn Germany of just such a possibility (see story attached), it does weaken the case against the US significantly.

I would also note that though the US has this capability, and contrary to what conspiracy theorists will be assuming, something so obvious really isn't our modus operandi.
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And yes, I also think that 30% of the NATO countries are too much. Perhaps they are somewhere in the department, but why are they at the front? So far, there are only a few of them among the prisoners and killed.
And you're wrong about "neglect." The same Russians are fighting on the opposite side of the front, the Ukrainian dialect is heard on the video as an exception, and the army is generally of the same type. The word "Khokhol" - yes, it is a nickname, it literally means "forelock", there was such a Turkish fashion in those parts in the Middle Ages.
Other than a few western volunteers, the manpower in this war is coming from Ukraine. I realize it's difficult for the average citizen of the Russian Federation to grasp this after decades of being told of the might of their military but it is a fact. Vast armies of NATO forces are not needed, just plenty of equipment, intelligence and a host of pissed off Ukrainians. The Russian armed forces have proved to be much less powerful than anyone previously imagined.

The fact that Russians continue to attempt to justify what their country has done in Ukraine speaks volumes about the quality of Russian propaganda or perhaps the gullibility of it's citizens. Now that's not to say I believe everything that comes from the pro Ukraine side either, there is plenty of BS there as well. However the fact that 7 months into this "military adventure" the Russians now have to resort to some sort of sham referendum in order to show some progress, lends a great deal of creditably to the pro Ukrainian reports.

Will the addition of hundreds of thousands of troops help the Federation's position? Time will tell. But if they are no more motivated and as poorly led as the Russian forces which have been fighting in Ukraine then they will simply be cannon fodder.
Very interesting reports on the mass exodus of military age men from Russia. This likely equates to a significant brain drain from Russian industry. Russia’s recovery from this debacle will take decades.
Aliens did it to study our reactions.
That's got my vote.

It certainly is a bizarre plot twist. From your discussion, it would seem that a more radicalized anti-O&G group would be unable to pull it off. Very strange.
Polish government actively thanks the US for destroying the Nordstream 2 pipeline
what the top member of the Polish European parliament had to say



If Russia invades Ukraine, there will be no Nord Stream 2, Biden says​

Tucker was running with this tonight. Found it interesting that even his buddy Tulsi Gabbard was not willing to jump on that bus this evening. Since the pipeline has never been opened, as the President promised BEFORE THE INVASION, it doesn't make sense for the US to blow it up now.

I am more and more convinced either Putin is burning bridges with the West, or he is losing control of the ultra nationalists.

The first fits the strategic bungling to date, the latter is very dangerous.
Polish government actively thanks the US for destroying the Nordstream 2 pipeline
what the top member of the Polish European parliament had to say



Since you laughed at @Red Leg and his post and then reading your post, I assume you’re assuming that the U.S. did this. My question is if so, to what purpose?

Tucker was running with this tonight. Found it interesting that even his buddy Tulsi Gabbard was not willing to jump on that bus this evening. Since the pipeline has never been opened, as the President promised BEFORE THE INVASION, it doesn't make sense for the US to blow it up now.

I am more and more convinced either Putin is burning bridges with the West, or he is losing control of the ultra nationalists.

The first fits the strategic bungling to date, the latter is very dangerous.
Putin's henchmen blew it up. Putin could give a rat's ass what Brandon thinks. Stand by for Putin using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine to "protect" recently annexed and now Russian territory. Elections have consequences. Regardless of what people think of Trump, this looming WORLDWIDE NUCLEAR DISASTER would NEVER have happened under TRUMP. Hopefully, NATO will be able to contain the fallout with a massive non nuclear response. I'm not an alarmist, but I see this coming soon. Putin is a mentally delusional (ill) dictator with apparently no counterbalance in place while having his finger on the nuclear trigger. Please, tell me I'm DEAD WRONG @Red Leg, but I don't see Putin bluffing and I fear for humanity.
Putin's henchmen blew it up. Putin could give a rat's ass what Brandon thinks. Stand by for Putin using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine to "protect" recently annexed and now Russian territory. Elections have consequences. Regardless of what people think of Trump, this looming WORLDWIDE NUCLEAR DISASTER would NEVER have happened under TRUMP. Hopefully, NATO will be able to contain the fallout with a massive non nuclear response. I'm not an alarmist, but I see this coming soon. Putin is a mentally delusional (ill) dictator with apparently no counterbalance in place while having his finger on the nuclear trigger. Please, tell me I'm DEAD WRONG @Red Leg, but I don't see Putin bluffing and I fear for humanity.
I can’t say you‘re dead wrong. I do hope and believe that Russia has something of a process beyond Putin having his finger on the nuclear trigger and that’s all there is to launching some nukes. If so, I’d like to believe there are those who will intervene and say no to doing so.

That said, the danger here may not be Putin being mentally ill, but just so full of himself and his aspirations to power that this is the corner he is pushing himself into. Again I hope there are those who will recognize that the situation here is that the true existential threat to Russia is not the Ukraine, nor NATO, but is in fact Putin himself.

But hope is not a strategy……
Tucker was running with this tonight. Found it interesting that even his buddy Tulsi Gabbard was not willing to jump on that bus this evening. Since the pipeline has never been opened, as the President promised BEFORE THE INVASION, it doesn't make sense for the US to blow it up now.

I am more and more convinced either Putin is burning bridges with the West, or he is losing control of the ultra nationalists.

The first fits the strategic bungling to date, the latter is very dangerous.

Tucker does tend to get out ahead of himself at times.

Even if it was to US advantage, which I don’t believe it was, a move like this would have to be approved by the President. Can you really imagine Biden having the cajones to authorize this? The Brits sure, but us, I don’t see it.

As much as I hate to say it, this is almost certainly Russia, and that is very, very concerning. If it was Russia, we need to pray that NATO is ready and resolute.

If Russia invades Ukraine, there will be no Nord Stream 2, Biden says​

I can’t say you‘re dead wrong. I do hope and believe that Russia has something of a process beyond Putin having his finger on the nuclear trigger and that’s all there is to launching some nukes. If so, I’d like to believe there are those who will intervene and say no to doing so.

That said, the danger here may not be Putin being mentally ill, but just so full of himself and his aspirations to power that this is the corner he is pushing himself into. Again I hope there are those who will recognize that the situation here is that the true existential threat to Russia is not the Ukraine, nor NATO, but is in fact Putin himself.

But hope is not a strategy……
I REALLY hope so. But I haven't seen anyone yet in Putin's "circle of anarchy" that has stepped up to counter his delusional mental state and aspirations? Who in the past does this sound like?
Tucker does tend to get out ahead of himself at times.

Even if it was to US advantage, which I don’t believe it was, a move like this would have to be approved by the President. Can you really imagine Biden having the cajones to authorize this? The Brits sure, but us, I don’t see it.

As much as I hate to say it, this is almost certainly Russia, and that is very, very concerning. If it was Russia, we need to pray that NATO is ready and resolute.

I would say Biden does what he’s told to do by his handlers…..that scares me more than anything else. I agree with you that I don’t see this event having benefit to the USA……but then I don’t see anything out of this administration having that either.
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I REALLY hope so. But I haven't seen anyone yet in Putin's "circle of anarchy" that has stepped up to counter his delusional mental state and aspirations? Who in the past does this sound like?
Hitler for certain. Again all I can hope for is that history has taught some Russians in high places a lesson. We’re certainly at this point not going to ”see” who those may be that would counter him, at least not those in places where they would be capable of stopping this madness. If we could, they’d already be dead.

Time will tell.
Tucker does tend to get out ahead of himself at times.

Even if it was to US advantage, which I don’t believe it was, a move like this would have to be approved by the President. Can you really imagine Biden having the cajones to authorize this? The Brits sure, but us, I don’t see it.

As much as I hate to say it, this is almost certainly Russia, and that is very, very concerning. If it was Russia, we need to pray that NATO is ready and resolute.
Unfortunately for us, Brandon doesn't have the mental capacity to decide which ice cream parlor to visit on any given day, let alone authorize ANYTHING of this magnitude. Remember the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that he authorized? He was deciding between pralines and cream or Rocky Road ice cream when it happened! God help us all!

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
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1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
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@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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