
I think the point he was making is Omaha Beach was real Anti Fascism....

You know.. liberate Europe from the Nazis (Fascists) and Mussolini's regime (also Fascists)...

Therefore the allies landing at Omaha = ANTI-FASCISTS

as opposed to assclown millenials dressed in black trying to act like they oppose fascism that call themselves anti-fascists.. but are in fact acting more like some sort of sissified version of Hitlers Brown Shirts and just wanting to promote chaos and anarchy..

That's how I read it.

I understood what he meant. ANTIFA (the current ones) are preaching anti-fascism while being fascists/anarchists in the process. While the ones in the photo were actually fighting and sacrificing to eliminate fascists. Highly doubt it was an A-hole comparison.

Thank you guys for clarifying my statement.(y)
@BSO Dave Don't know if you were around 1968 when MLK was killed. Riots a lot worse than this year broke out. Buildings burned. The National Guard was called out to restore order and kept in place in Wilmington, Delaware for over a year. The Westinghouse plant I worked in had 12,000 employees, some were in the Black Panthers and brought guns to work. I was too young and dumb at the time to be afraid and there was talk of a race war in the offing. That was over fifty years ago but same scenario occurred with the 1992 Rodney King debacle in California. Check the photos of those riots, one posted below. This stuff now is chicken shit compared to those days. As far as a civil war? Won't happen because the pandering politicians in D.C. will do what they've been doing since LBJ, throwing money down those same rathole, Dem controlled cities with more giveaways, subsidies, enterprise zones and business tax breaks. Cutting to the chase, nobody gives a damn about those cities but the politicians who run them and the misguided, ethics destroying NGOs that think they can save the world.

I am not quite old enough to remember the '68 MLK riots, but I was a teenager growing up in Miami at the time of the '80 & '82 riots, and subsequently the '89 & '91 riots, so I am certainly no naive stranger to these events. However, as I mentioned previously, there are stark differences between now and then which leaves the possibilities wide open.

There was never serious political or public support for abolishing law enforcement subsequent to any of those riots. If anything the exact opposite was true. There was never a public disapproval for bringing in the National Guard to supplement the local police. There were never whites actually condoning and participating in the violence. And, most significantly, there was no social media which is now the key to be able to organize, as well as create mass incitement and escalation of these events.

I certainly hope your assessment is right, but after witnessing the impotence of government at all levels to be able to control the recent violence, I have zero faith in any political solutions of appeasement that do not include defying the Constitution.
Paramount has officially cancelled the television show 'Cops' to appease the ignorant mass.
It's an election year. We will see a mass of Liberal b.s leading up to Nov.3

Blame & distraction.

The Democrats.....aka...the Communist party....will stop at nothing to get rid of Trump.

Trump has been slipping in the Rasmussen poll, which is not good.

He needs to get back on the campaign trail and get his base fired up, or this election may not end well.

Anyone notice since Trump announced that he is going to resume his campaign rallies, that the media immediately ramped up the Covid narrative claiming a massive spike in cases?

Coincidence? I don't think so.

I'm gonna be real, the sheer lack of any self-awareness from Carlson here is nothing short of embarrassing. Like yes, people get treated differently based on their ethnicity, this isn't some grand Neo-Marxist conspiracy by George Soros or God knows what. This is on par with when they declared Mr. Rogers evil aka the guy that, if he were Catholic, would deserve immediate Sainthood IMO. I feel that in trying to bash liberal victim playing, they themselves are becoming perpetrators of a victim narrative.

This kind of cancer is why I don't watch any news from television. No matter what, it's all pandering garbage with only the most superficial disguise of current events and I will happily die on this hill.
Linick, was an Obama appointee, and part of the establishment swamp.
Trumps admin realized what this guy was up to, and showed him the door.

Is that some sort of surprise to you?

Trump, has taken on the establishment swamp, as well as the media lapdogs. He has them all foaming at the mouth. Trump has stood up to the Liberal media Hyena's, and exposed them for the biased frauds that they are. Nothing but Democrat cheerleaders, and propagandists.

Trump, may not be perfect, but who is.?

Will the last perfect man in the room, please shut off the lights on the way out the door.
Trump is no different from the rest of the government, just of a different flavor.

Trump is no different from the rest of the government, just of a different flavor.


Depends who you want running some of the countries....better the devil there already....northern Africa isn't doing too well after the uprisings there....which has lead to big escalation of troubles further south fuelled by the arms looted and Islamic fighters moving there and running amok.....

I'm gonna be real, the sheer lack of any self-awareness from Carlson here is nothing short of embarrassing. Like yes, people get treated differently based on their ethnicity, this isn't some grand Neo-Marxist conspiracy by George Soros or God knows what. This is on par with when they declared Mr. Rogers evil aka the guy that, if he were Catholic, would deserve immediate Sainthood IMO. I feel that in trying to bash liberal victim playing, they themselves are becoming perpetrators of a victim narrative.

When you said you were going to be "real" you should have added "naive" to your phrasing. Carlson's 14 minute assessment is about as spot-on as I have heard in regard to the reality of the radical left's agenda here in the USA. The fact that you view it the way you have is a sign of your ignorance, naivete, or both . I'll go out on a short limb here and guess you are under 25 years old..?
I have a massive amount of bones to pick with the Saudis, and my biggest gripe with Obama is how he straight up helped them bomb the Yemenis. I get that you have to be friends with them to get anywhere as a world leader but to be complacent in such atrocity while putting on the woke face is the textbook definition of neoliberalism to me.

I may not be an expert in Middle Eastern history but it seems that 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time we get involved, it ends up being a giant mess.
When you said you were going to be "real" you should have added "naive" to your phrasing. Carlson's 14-minute assessment is about as spot-on as I have heard in regard to the reality of the radical left's agenda here in the USA. The fact that you view it the way you have is a sign of your ignorance, naivete, or both. I'll go out on a short limb here and guess you are under 25 years old..?
Ok, let me make an amendment.

I hate guilt based on politics. The constant self-flagellation of yourself in the name of things you have no say in is disgusting. And as someone who already has innate anxiety issues, it's not something that I need more of. I think that by using guilt, politicians know that they're taking advantage of those that are emotionally uneasy by making them feel that they are in a constant need to reparate whatever, no matter how emotionally taxing it is. Now, after watching the Sesame Street clip without the commentary, I think that there are much better ways that this message could have been done, especially for little kids who would get this habit. Now I don't write for children's shows, but I'd have done something where I at least try and have some form of positive closure so that children can have a positive emotional experience with race relations, not a negative one. While I cannot stand Carlson as a presenter (dw, it's the same for those like Maddow and Lemon), I can at least see where he's coming from, I just think it's the wrong angle, coming from someone with this sense of Catholic guilt. I'd rather he talked about how you should not feed guilt. Guilt eats you alive, leaving a pathetic husk of who you once were and this is not what children need. I'd say that the best way to encourage positive race relations in children's media is just to not bring attention to the more complex nuances of it. Maybe once they're older but for the 2-5 demographic, you gotta tread lightly.
Ok, let me make an amendment.

I hate guilt based on politics. The constant self-flagellation of yourself in the name of things you have no say in is disgusting. And as someone who already has innate anxiety issues, it's not something that I need more of. I think that by using guilt, politicians know that they're taking advantage of those that are emotionally uneasy by making them feel that they are in a constant need to reparate whatever, no matter how emotionally taxing it is. Now, after watching the Sesame Street clip without the commentary, I think that there are much better ways that this message could have been done, especially for little kids who would get this habit. Now I don't write for children's shows, but I'd have done something where I at least try and have some form of positive closure so that children can have a positive emotional experience with race relations, not a negative one. While I cannot stand Carlson as a presenter (dw, it's the same for those like Maddow and Lemon), I can at least see where he's coming from, I just think it's the wrong angle.

You are over-complicating and over-thinking a very simple concept that the left has predicated their entire false narrative upon which is that racism in America is exclusively whites against blacks and systematically ingrained into every part of society. This narrative, which has been sold to the black community by the left is very simply a huge load of bullshit that has effectively perpetuated the victimhood mentality for the last 50 years. You are only susceptible to the guilt if you subscribe to the lie.
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You are over-complicating and over-thinking a very simple concept that the left has predicated their entire false narrative upon which is that racism in America is exclusively whites against blacks and systematically ingrained into every part of society. This narrative, which has been sold to the black community by the left is very simply a huge load of bullshit that has effectively perpetuated the victimhood mentality for the last 50 years. You are only susceptible to the guilt if you subscribe to the lie.
I don't think I am. Politicians use emotions to garner support. This is an indisputable fact. Thus, the left using guilt as their weapon is a perfectly normal phenomenon. I do admit that I got really personal with that last bit, but my point still stands on the use of guilt in politics.
Antifa Domestic Terrorists Take Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle – Set Up Security Watch – Call for Armed Volunteers


Thier list oif demands

The list includes reparations, ending the police and free stuff — pretty much what you would expect from a bunch of illiterate leftie kids.

Via Medium:

Given the historical moment, we’ll begin with our demands pertaining to the Justice System.
  1. The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle.
  2. In the transitionary period between now and the dismantlement of the Seattle Police Department, we demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely. No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
  3. We demand an end to the school-to-prison pipeline and the abolition of youth jails. Get kids out of prison, get cops out of schools. We also demand that the new youth prison being built in Seattle currently be repurposed.
  4. We demand that not the City government, nor the State government, but that the Federal government launch a full-scale investigation into past and current cases of police brutality in Seattle and Washington, as well as the re-opening of all closed cases reported to the Office of Police Accountability. In particular, we demand that cases particular to Seattle and Washington be reopened where no justice has been served, namely the cases of Iosia Faletogo, Damarius Butts, Isaiah Obet, Tommy Le, Shaun Fuhr, and Charleena Lyles.
  5. We demand reparations for victims of police brutality, in a form to be determined.
  6. We demand that the City of Seattle make the names of officers involved in police brutality a matter of public record. Anonymity should not even be a privilege in public service.
  7. We demand a retrial of all People in Color currently serving a prison sentence for violent crime, by a jury of their peers in their community.
  8. We demand decriminalization of the acts of protest, and amnesty for protestors generally, but specifically those involved in what has been termed “The George Floyd Rebellion” against the terrorist cell that previously occupied this area known as the Seattle Police Department. This includes the immediate release of all protestors currently being held in prison after the arrests made at 11th and Pine on Sunday night and early Saturday morning June 7th and 8th, and any other protesters arrested in the past two weeks of the uprising, the name Evan Hreha in particular comes to mind who filmed Seattle police macing a young girl and is now in jail.
  9. We demand that the City of Seattle and the State Government release any prisoner currently serving time for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.
  10. We demand the City of Seattle and State Government release any prisoner currently serving time just for resisting arrest if there are no other related charges, and that those convictions should also be expunged.
  11. We demand that prisoners currently serving time be given the full and unrestricted right to vote, and for Washington State to pass legislation specifically breaking from Federal law that prevents felons from being able to vote.
  12. We demand an end to prosecutorial immunity for police officers in the time between now and the dissolution of the SPD and extant justice system.
  13. We demand the abolition of imprisonment, generally speaking, but especially the abolition of both youth prisons and privately-owned, for-profit prisons.
  14. We demand in replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment.
  15. We demand autonomy be given to the people to create localized anti-crime systems.
  16. We demand that the Seattle Police Department, between now and the time of its abolition in the near future, empty its “lost and found” and return property owned by denizens of the city.
  17. We demand justice for those who have been sexually harassed or abused by the Seattle Police Department or prison guards in the state of Washington.
  18. We demand that between now and the abolition of the SPD that each and every SPD officer turn on their body cameras, and that the body camera video of all Seattle police should be a matter of easily accessible public record.
  19. We demand that the funding previously used for Seattle Police be redirected into: A) Socialized Health and Medicine for the City of Seattle. B) Free public housing, because housing is a right, not a privilege. C) Public education, to decrease the average class size in city schools and increase teacher salary. D) Naturalization services for immigrants to the United States living here undocumented. (We demand they be called “undocumented” because no person is illegal.) E) General community development. Parks, etc.
We also have economic demands that must be addressed.
  1. We demand the de-gentrification of Seattle, starting with rent control.
  2. We demand the restoration of city funding for arts and culture to re-establish the once-rich local cultural identity of Seattle.
  3. We demand free college for the people of the state of Washington, due to the overwhelming effect that education has on economic success, and the correlated overwhelming impact of poverty on people of color, as a form of reparations for the treatment of Black people in this state and country.
  4. We demand that between now and the abolition of the SPD that Seattle Police be prohibited from performing “homeless sweeps” that displace and disturb our homeless neighbors, and on equal footing we demand an end to all evictions.
  5. We demand a decentralized election process to give the citizens of Seattle a greater ability to select candidates for public office such that we are not forced to choose at the poll between equally undesirable options. There are multiple systems and policies in place which make it impractical at best for working-class people to run for public office, all of which must go, starting with any fees associated with applying to run for public office.
Related to economic demands, we also have demands pertaining to what we would formally call “Health and Human Services.”
  1. We demand the hospitals and care facilities of Seattle employ black doctors and nurses specifically to help care for black patients.
  2. We demand the people of Seattle seek out and proudly support Black-owned businesses. Your money is our power and sustainability.
  3. We demand that the city create an entirely separate system staffed by mental health experts to respond to 911 calls pertaining to mental health crises, and insist that all involved in such a program be put through thorough, rigorous training in conflict de-escalation.
Finally, let us now address our demands regarding the education system in the City of Seattle and State of Washington.
  1. We demand that the history of Black and Native Americans be given a significantly greater focus in the Washington State education curriculum.
  2. We demand that thorough anti-bias training become a legal requirement for all jobs in the education system, as well as in the medical profession and in mass media.
  3. We demand the City of Seattle and State of Washington remove any and all monuments dedicated to historical figures of the Confederacy, whose treasonous attempts to build an America with slavery as a permanent fixture were an affront to the human race.
Transcribed by @irie_kenya and @AustinCHowe. Special thanks to Magik for starting and facilitating the discussion to create this list, to Omari Salisbury for the idea to break the list into categories, and as well a thanks to Kshama Sawant for being the only Seattle official to discuss with the people on Free Capitol Hill the night that it was liberated.

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