AH legend
Howdy y'all,
I want to post a quick report about our trip out to the Rockin' G.
I've had the good fortune to be able to hunt the Rockin' G a few times, now..... and over the years become good friends with @gizmo . Last Fall, while hunting Aoudad, he suggested I come out in the Spring for Turkeys, Hogs, Fish, etc.
As life goes, the Winter & Spring months got crazy..... with work, kids, death in family, etc. I was convinced it wasn't going to work out this year. Things were so crazy, my wife & I really barely celebrated our own 20th Wedding Anniversary.
Staying regular communication with @gizmo, I told him I really didn't know if I was going to be able to thread that needle. Then he rolled around the idea of bringing my family. It sounds great on paper, but to actually execute would be totally different. Nevertheless, we said F it.... let's try. So you know... My wife is a Texas girl, but not exactly a Country Girl. My 10 year old daughter is a gamer, all girly girl around her & all Tom Boy around Dad ... up for whatever. My son, he is 12, he has Autism.... here typically lies the challenge. He is the greatest dude, one of the great purposes of my life. However, the obstacles life throws at him, requires the family dynamic to be flexible & often times having to forego many opportunities.
So here we go..... April 27th, the kids cut school, we are loaded for bear. We leave our home in NTX for the 300 mile drive to the Rockin' G. The drive was a non-event, which is good thing.... 5 hours later we arrive. Kids & wife got to see parts of TX they have never seen.
Once we arrive, they were amazed at the Lodge..... All the comforts of home, plus awesome views overlooking the ranch to the South. My son was anxious to go check out the creeks, ponds & lakes. My daughter was excited to out for my evening hunt.... The wife, she was excited about being left alone on a wrap around porch watching the beautiful Texas sun go down.... in peace & quiet.
Upon arrival, @gizmo threw us a little bit of a curve ball. (Remember, this was supposed to be my Turkey & Hog hunt)...... He said that he was wanting to do some management to his Sheep herd ( i.e. Black Hawaiian, Merino, Texas Dall, etc.) He asked if my daughter would be interested. She lit up like a Christmas Tree....pretty soon we were off stalking Sheep.
Funny thing is most of you hunters will understand....sometimes what we think will be a slam dunk, often becomes an exercise in futility. @gizmo thought it would be fairly easy to locate the sheep & get in position.
Well 2.8 miles on foot later, stalking, crawling, walking, hiking, digging thorns out of shoes, socks, etc. We got in a favorable position. We rapidly place the .308 on the sticks, I was obsessing to her, are you ok, can you see it, you on the right one, etc...... seconds later. My daughter said "YES"!!!!! And Boom, dropped like a bag of concrete at 100 yards.
After loading up, heading back to the skinning shed (i.e. Badass first class barn), it was late. So a few cocktails, dinner & bed.
Next Morning, my son really wanted to go to the Caprock Canyon State Park.... It is only like 30 min away, and that area & the Town of Turkey looks so much like his favorite show/movie... Cars (Lightning McQueen). So the entire morning was spent sightseeing.
Once we got back to ranch.... We spent the majority of the afternoon fishing at the Lake & the Creek. Oddly enough everyone caught fish except for Dad.... you know the guy that has been fishing from Florida to Mexico to Hawaii to Alaska to Montana to Colorado & back to Texas.
Later that evening, @gizmo really wanted to take my son & the rest of us over the his High Fenced operation, to see some of the trophy exotics he has. I bet we spent a few hours over there... probbaly saw 5-6 species, 30+ animals. He explained to my wife that wasn't very many... She was shocked. It is incredible how those animals can hide in those cedar breaks, mesquites & deep canyons..... literally just "vanish".
Erik took my daughter & I out for an evening turkey hunt.... sadly the turkeys got to our spot before we did. So we just watched the turkey from a distance & enjoyed.
Sunday morning came..... after a good nights rest after a full day prior. It was time to pack up for the 5 hour drive back.... The kids have school, dad has work & mom has a lot of laundry to do.
The time I spend at the Rockin' G, is always treasured. I mean it is awesome. However, this time.... no turkey, no hogs, no fish.... But memories... man the memories.
Life just got a little more expensive for me.... We have a new Huntress to welcome to the fold.
Thanks for letting me share!
I want to post a quick report about our trip out to the Rockin' G.
I've had the good fortune to be able to hunt the Rockin' G a few times, now..... and over the years become good friends with @gizmo . Last Fall, while hunting Aoudad, he suggested I come out in the Spring for Turkeys, Hogs, Fish, etc.
As life goes, the Winter & Spring months got crazy..... with work, kids, death in family, etc. I was convinced it wasn't going to work out this year. Things were so crazy, my wife & I really barely celebrated our own 20th Wedding Anniversary.
Staying regular communication with @gizmo, I told him I really didn't know if I was going to be able to thread that needle. Then he rolled around the idea of bringing my family. It sounds great on paper, but to actually execute would be totally different. Nevertheless, we said F it.... let's try. So you know... My wife is a Texas girl, but not exactly a Country Girl. My 10 year old daughter is a gamer, all girly girl around her & all Tom Boy around Dad ... up for whatever. My son, he is 12, he has Autism.... here typically lies the challenge. He is the greatest dude, one of the great purposes of my life. However, the obstacles life throws at him, requires the family dynamic to be flexible & often times having to forego many opportunities.
So here we go..... April 27th, the kids cut school, we are loaded for bear. We leave our home in NTX for the 300 mile drive to the Rockin' G. The drive was a non-event, which is good thing.... 5 hours later we arrive. Kids & wife got to see parts of TX they have never seen.
Once we arrive, they were amazed at the Lodge..... All the comforts of home, plus awesome views overlooking the ranch to the South. My son was anxious to go check out the creeks, ponds & lakes. My daughter was excited to out for my evening hunt.... The wife, she was excited about being left alone on a wrap around porch watching the beautiful Texas sun go down.... in peace & quiet.
Upon arrival, @gizmo threw us a little bit of a curve ball. (Remember, this was supposed to be my Turkey & Hog hunt)...... He said that he was wanting to do some management to his Sheep herd ( i.e. Black Hawaiian, Merino, Texas Dall, etc.) He asked if my daughter would be interested. She lit up like a Christmas Tree....pretty soon we were off stalking Sheep.
Funny thing is most of you hunters will understand....sometimes what we think will be a slam dunk, often becomes an exercise in futility. @gizmo thought it would be fairly easy to locate the sheep & get in position.
Well 2.8 miles on foot later, stalking, crawling, walking, hiking, digging thorns out of shoes, socks, etc. We got in a favorable position. We rapidly place the .308 on the sticks, I was obsessing to her, are you ok, can you see it, you on the right one, etc...... seconds later. My daughter said "YES"!!!!! And Boom, dropped like a bag of concrete at 100 yards.
After loading up, heading back to the skinning shed (i.e. Badass first class barn), it was late. So a few cocktails, dinner & bed.
Next Morning, my son really wanted to go to the Caprock Canyon State Park.... It is only like 30 min away, and that area & the Town of Turkey looks so much like his favorite show/movie... Cars (Lightning McQueen). So the entire morning was spent sightseeing.
Once we got back to ranch.... We spent the majority of the afternoon fishing at the Lake & the Creek. Oddly enough everyone caught fish except for Dad.... you know the guy that has been fishing from Florida to Mexico to Hawaii to Alaska to Montana to Colorado & back to Texas.
Later that evening, @gizmo really wanted to take my son & the rest of us over the his High Fenced operation, to see some of the trophy exotics he has. I bet we spent a few hours over there... probbaly saw 5-6 species, 30+ animals. He explained to my wife that wasn't very many... She was shocked. It is incredible how those animals can hide in those cedar breaks, mesquites & deep canyons..... literally just "vanish".
Erik took my daughter & I out for an evening turkey hunt.... sadly the turkeys got to our spot before we did. So we just watched the turkey from a distance & enjoyed.
Sunday morning came..... after a good nights rest after a full day prior. It was time to pack up for the 5 hour drive back.... The kids have school, dad has work & mom has a lot of laundry to do.
The time I spend at the Rockin' G, is always treasured. I mean it is awesome. However, this time.... no turkey, no hogs, no fish.... But memories... man the memories.
Life just got a little more expensive for me.... We have a new Huntress to welcome to the fold.
Thanks for letting me share!