
There's always an opportunity for dialogue (even with the Ayatollah, and Putin), it just takes people leaving their ego at the door and being realistic. Iran isn't as much of a force of chaos as we're often led to believe. There's a logos there.

In regards to Russia/ Ukraine I think the US should've stayed out of Ukrainian internal politics altogether, and even if Maidan would've went down the same way without US backing (highly unlikely), the breakaway Republics of the DPR and LPR should've just gotten recognition in the United Nations or at a minimum the Minsk Accords should have been better adhered to by all parties. The Republic of Georgia doesn't shell South Ossetia or Abkhazia, nor do they send police to round up dissidents in the middle of the night. Ukraine didn't need to shell and harass the DPR/ LPR movements the way they did from 2014-2022. And yes, the Ukrainian govt moved BMPs into the east before the "little green men" of Russia showed up to assist the separatists, they also employed Gestapo like tactics against the people in the East who were perceived to be counter to the Kiev government from 2014-2022. It's a tough region, and Right Sector essentially had a free pass for quite a while.

If political elements inside Ukraine wanted to overthrow Yanukovych in 2014.... fine, go for it. However, they also should have calculated the risk better. If they wanted to keep the DPR/LPR regions because of the industrial base (a valid concern), well this is where the EU and US could have come to the table with modern industrial investment packages for development in Lviv or other Western areas. It would've been an uneasy and shaky peace, but that is far superior to the war that is happening now, and again I'll point to South Ossetia and Abkhazia as an example of it working. You could even use Kosovo, which if you wanted to you could call a "Serbian breakaway Republic" that American troops carved out.

The long game in my mind is having as much leverage against China as possible. If, God forbid, we were ever in a shooting war with China I'd rather have the Iranians and Russians on our side or at a minimum neutral/ not harassing our logistics where they can.

If having an independent, or even Russian incorporated Donbass and Crimea can create the conditions for a new Russia/China split, and US/NATO and Russia are on the same side of that split, I'll take that all day. This isn't the first time Europe's borders have changed and it probably won't be the last.

History is replete with "should haves" and "would haves." They make interesting debating points for historians. Whatever should have or could have happened with respect to Minsk did not. We are left with what did.

My problem with a notion of anticipating reasonable behavior and dialogue with respect to the ambitions of Putin's Russia is that Ukraine has been an independent nation for thirty years. I would suggest our ability to force Ukraine to simply surrender 25% of its territory to appease Russia would have been misguided at best at any point in those thirty years. That would seem particularly true with respect to the rest of Putin's ambitions to restore a Russian Empire.

Those "reasonable" solutions also completely ignore the results of the 1991 independence referendum in which 84+% of the population took part and 92+% voted in favor of independence. In spite of the majority of the population speaking Russian, fully 83% of the voters of Luhansk and Donetsk voted for independence from Russia. In Zaporizhia and Kherson, recently "annexed" by Russia, the totals were 90%.

So, why should Ukraine not have moved troops into the Donbas in 2014? Ukraine was facing a separatist conflict sponsored by Russia which the vast majority of the people in the region did not support. Under those conditions, who in Ukraine could possibly have agreed to simply surrendering that area and population to Russia regardless of what sort of mini-Marshal plan might have been provided the rest of the country - a proposal that was never on the table.

I think even the most ardent Russian apologists would also be forced to agree that the Ukrainian people have demonstrated overwhelmingly they want to see their future aligned with the EU rather than Moscow. That is a referendum they have courageously voted in every single day since February of 2022.

I see no evidence that an independent Luhansk and Donetsk were ever really a Russian objective. Certainly Russia's actions in September of 22 demonstrated the underlying reality of that ploy.

You have lost me completely with the notion that allowing Russia to take by force 20% of Ukraine is going to somehow usher in this new "split" between Russia and China or form the foundation of a new age of cooperation with Western Europe and the United States. I see no evidence that such an act of appeasement would do anything but embolden Russian ambitions and further solidify its partnership with China.

That said, and thanks to US fecklessness, it is ever more likely that the negotiations that end this war will entertain just such a solution in the Donbas and perhaps much of Zaporizhia and Kherson as well. We will likely get an opportunity to test your theory that Russian victory will usher in a new age of good will and cooperation. I personally think the opposite is far more likely.
Another worthless Judge, and another useless slap on the Democrat wrist.

Another worthless Judge, and another useless slap on the Democrat wrist.

View attachment 593141

The easy solution there is… to do what they’ve already been doing…. Lie…

“We broke up weeks ago your honor… even before that ruling… I hate that man”…

Then 36 hours after a final ruling from the court, they will have fallen back in love and be open about their relationship…

Fani isn’t exactly full of morality, truth, honor, or integrity…

This is an easy hurdle to get over…

And this was never about winning…

It was always about creating distraction, eating up resources (time and money), and getting as much air time as possible…

So far Fani is succeeding in spades..
Rather than debate those concerns, the typical response is to employ name calling, or more recently pray for pitchforks and torches.

Plenty of fact-based debate has been offered by me and others to contradict his nonsensical assertions about the economy. Nonsense is nonsense regardless of what "perspective" it comes from. If someone is going to make these types of comments, they had better also be willing to take the heat for it... By your compulsion to defend him, his position must not be very strong even in your eyes...

As far as the torches and pitchforks, that's what happens to those who dismiss, abuse, and belittle the struggles of others not as fortunate.... My reference was geared specifically to the events in New England leading up to the American revolution... His reference to the "Bolsheviks" was much more revealing about his own character...
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You could see this coming, when the judge dropped a few of the charges against Trump. He can now say how “fair” he is.

Well the state can refile those. What the Judge said was they were so poorly written, did not give fair notice. I suspect they will be refiled.
Well the state can refile those. What the Judge said was they were so poorly written, did not give fair notice. I suspect they will be refiled.

I thought the exact same thing when I saw the Judges decision..

The state will spend a week building a new draft.. then re-file..

Again, this was never about actually "winning" (although I am sure they would love to)..

This was always about eating away at Trumps time, his money, etc.. and creating a distraction for him and his team that takes their focus away from the campaign as much as possible..

While I am no huge fan of Trump.. this was clearly a BS political move in Atlanta (I cant say the same thing for all charges filed across all of the different courts.. while they may or may not be politically motivated, the others arent nearly as obvious and rife with corruption..)..

Fani, whether she wins or loses her case, has already "won" in many ways...

Shes captured the national spotlight.. she'll be featured on MSM outlets for the next decade when they need a former DA to speak to whatever is going on in the country at the time... If/when she ever decides to leave the DA's office, some very high dollar (and also very liberal, and likely very minority focused) law firm will pick her up and let her solicit a $1K an hour billable rate for services... she has absolutely eaten up tons of Trump team time, lots of Trump team dollars, and created a distraction for them to deal with while trying to campaign..

Clearly illicit practices dont inhibit leading democrat careers.. look at countless Chicago based D's (many of whom served in the Obama Administration) as an example.. they have all, almost to a person, gone on to have HUGE careers, make TONS of money, and no one cares how many times they got called to the carpet for immoral, unethical, or even straight up corrupt activities..
This was always about eating away at Trumps time, his money, etc.. and creating a distraction for him and his team that takes their focus away from the campaign as much as possible..

While I am no huge fan of Trump.. this was clearly a BS political move in Atlanta (I cant say the same thing for all charges filed across all of the different courts.. while they may or may not be politically motivated, the others arent nearly as obvious and rife with corruption..)..
I agree with you there. I think the DC, Manhattan and Georgia cases have no merit.

Florida case though, seems to be legitimate, especially the obstruction of Justice charges. That is also self-inflicted as Trump refused multiple requests to return the documents as well as being cavalier with them.
I agree with you there. I think the DC, Manhattan and Georgia cases have no merit.

Florida case though, seems to be legitimate, especially the obstruction of Justice charges. That is also self-inflicted as Trump refused multiple requests to return the documents as well as being cavalier with them.
I agree with you @Tanks, but I think Biden, Clinton and for that matter Pence should also be prosecuted if they are going to prosecute Trump. None of the others were ever entitled to possess classified documents, Biden had them from back as far as when he was in the senate and Clinton from being Secretary of State and Pence as VP. Clinton even supposedly destroyed some.
Biden even had them scattered all over and Trumps were behind a locked door. I’m definitely not a Trump apologist but this does stink to high heaven. IMO

More Biden nonsense. But yeah, great president, makes the stock market very happy....
You are the only one that I can think of that is saying "great President", even if it is sarcastically. I can't think of anyone on this site who has championed anything Biden has done, not even a little bit. I only respond because the way you say it makes it sound like an implication that some here do support him. I don't think that's true. And what someone had said about stocks was that their stocks were pretty much the same irrespective of who's in office. That's not the same as supporting Biden. Frankly, I'm making more money thanks to Biden: he gave us (federal workers) a nice raise. I guarantee you that I don't support him in any way though.

More Biden nonsense. But yeah, great president, makes the stock market very happy....
I don't see how him spending previously allocated funds on the green energy stuff impacts the stock market one way or another. Yes, it is misguided spending from my view as well.

BTW, if Trump, through his actions, had not thrown the Georgia runoff election to the Democrats, none of these bills would have passed the GOP majority in the Senate.

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Thought I would drop you a PM. It is super exciting to plan a hunt and we are more than happy to assist you. Have you given any thought yet to which species you would like to take?

What do you hunt usually and which weapons/calibers are you using?

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