So it was YOU that started the invasion of Californians in the early to mid 90s!?!

Yanno you left the gate open behind you!!!

Seemed like every other vehicle we saw had CA plates on it in those days as Colorado Springs became the new Silicone Valley.
Colorado is the 8th state I've lived in, and the 1st I got to choose to live in (Dad was a Marine pilot). Still like living here, although I'd rather a return to the politics 20+ years ago instead of the BS being shoved on us by the flake in the Governor's seat leading the dark blue House & Senate.
Only real complaint is that it's getting too crowded for my tastes, even out here on the prairie. When I arrived 42+ years ago, once the ridge east of the Springs was crested, it was a black void at night. Just a handful of sodium lights dotting the landscape. Now, it looks like a city. Fortunately, my house backs up to a large sandcreek, with state trust land and a sod farm to the east, so I can shoot in the backyard and not see the crowding in of homes. Good chance I'll be putting the house on the market if/when a big box store lands in Ellicott, and look to buy towards the eastern border or even in west Kansas. Bonus is that will put me closer to my son and his family who already call western KS home.
Hard to beat the access to hunting here, and the view of Pikes Peak with a fresh skiff of snow on her. That view never got old driving to work in the morning. 300+ days of sunshine coupled with typically mild weather (short episodes of extreme cold in the winter, short sessions of extreme heat). Usually we have all 4 seasons; sometimes in the same day! lol