
You are correct, it never failed to amaze me how people could be so frustrated with their home state and move halfway across the country with the mind set of....

"Look at this place with lower taxes, cheaper housing(compared to California), high standard of living and now all we need to do is use our politics to make it more like the disaster we escaped from!"

This is further exacerbated by the Austin "Texas Progressive" - These people are often Texas born and migrated to Austin to escape their parents that often financially support their adult children well into their 30's, 40's and beyond.

Having lived in Austin for 10 years I found it mind boggling the number of people I knew well into adulthood who were only able to reside in Austin because their parents either paid their rent or owned the house they lived in..... These are largely your service industry/perpetual students who work just hard enough to cover their bar tabs and substance use; and the parents providing long term financial outpatient care for their adult children are willing to pay in order to keep their adult children from moving back home and out of sight.

I am not worried about those. It’s been that way for at least the 1970’s if not before. They generally don’t vote. The ones that that worry me are the state workers that only vote D, the California folks who have driven up Travis county real estate beyond what the Dellionaires did and they vote leftest D. I looked at Lakeway property 35 years ago, did not buy because it required an aerobic septic. Now everywhere does. I kick myself every time I drive by. But had I purchased that property I could not get elected dog catcher in Travis County.
So is he a brain dead imbecile or a wannabe marxist dictator?

It is easy to view those with whom you disagree strongly as the enemy, but I firmly believe that the vast majority of people on both sides of the aisle are good upstanding Americans who want what is best for the country. They just disagree on how to achieve it.
You're living in an idealistic dream world.
Nikki "Swamp rat" Haley, was supported by Democrat donors. Tells you all you need to know.
Establishment business as usual. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
If some democrats are dumb enough to support a republican that would clean Biden’s clock, who the heck cares? Why are you so hung up on this? If they were donating to your boy Trump would you feel the same? Some democrats and lots of republicans don’t want four years of Trump chaos. I would definitely have rather had eight years of Desantis or Haley and if some democrats that hate Trump helped, that’s a good thing actually. Your vote for Trump in the primary was a net loss of four years. Wake up.
I'm not sure where you are going with this, but in today's political landscape, any leftist entity that donates to a republican candidate is doing so for nefarious reasons.
MEANING, that they are trying to prop that candidate up, over DJT, because that candidate is more in line with with the swamp culture.
Are any of the leftists donating to Trump? Of course not.
If you don't understand that, then I have no words to explain it to you.
Nikki Haley would be a much better stooge for the establishment, and that's why she gets the leftist support that she does.
Actually, people just don’t like Trump and that’s on him. Like the policies but hate his outbursts and alienation of even many far right republicans, like me. I would challenge you to state a policy that you are farther to the right on than me.
7 states. No limits. It’s not really a shock which ones have zero limits

And which have reasonable limits.

View attachment 597528

That can’t be… abortion until 6months? Or even after?
Is this meant only for medical reasons? Or for whatever reason?
If the latter, that is barbaric…
That can’t be… abortion until 6months? Or even after?
Is this meant only for medical reasons? Or for whatever reason?
If the latter, that is barbaric…
Colorado's POS in charge, sitting in the Guv'nor's seat, announced that CO is an abortion sanctuary after R v W was overturned. He is actually paying travel expenses for people to come here for the procedure. I think our legislature then opened up the timeframe so it can be done right up to delivery, IIRC. This state is turning a very dark shade of blue. :mad:
That can’t be… abortion until 6months? Or even after?
Is this meant only for medical reasons? Or for whatever reason?
If the latter, that is barbaric…
There was legislation being pushed in Virginia at one time under governor Northam that would've allowed abortion up to the day before birth, for any reason. The abortion industry in the United States is beyond barbaric.
So is he a brain dead imbecile or a wannabe marxist dictator?

It is easy to view those with whom you disagree strongly as the enemy, but I firmly believe that the vast majority of people on both sides of the aisle are good upstanding Americans who want what is best for the country. They just disagree on how to achieve it.
To answer your first question, yes he is a brain dead imbecile who can barely complete a sentence without a teleprompter. He also must be pumped full of amphetamines to complete a speech without one. IMO, I think he is an aspiring Marxist dictator who would love nothing more to pack the Supreme Court to further his ambitions. He’s already weaponized the DOJ and threatened Social Media companies to block “disinformation” and “fake news” with anything that doesn’t fit into or agree with his regime’s views. Kind of sounds like the Venezuelan dictator Maduro? I truly believe there were TWO “upstanding “ Democrats in Manchin and Synema that actually stood up to Biden when he was trying to pass another TRILLION dollar spending bill. Where were all the rest? They were in locked step with Brandon and Schumer like good little comrades. Here in Colorado, the upstanding Democrats are a couple of votes away and then pending our Democratic Governor’s signature, from passing a SLEW of anti gun bills including banning “assault weapons “ and ANYTHING else (pistols) with a detachable magazine, requiring liability insurance for gun owners, a 11 percent “excise tax” on firearms and ammo sales, restricting “sensitive” places for CCW permits and several more. So, I view the Marxist Democrats as an enemy of the 2nd Amendment here and in Congress and will NEVER vote for one again. You guys in other states think you’re safe from this tyranny, think again. I thought I was too when I escaped Californicate some 34 years ago.
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That can’t be… abortion until 6months? Or even after?
Is this meant only for medical reasons? Or for whatever reason?
If the latter, that is barbaric…

Europeans are taken aback by this infrequently discussed fact.

There are places in America where you can have an abortion at 9 months, full term, for any reason of your choosing. In Illinois, there were children full-term that were delivered alive via saline abortion being thrown in trash cans until a law was passed that requires them to be provided comfort while dying.

The American left is quite savage and we’ve always had the most liberal abortion laws on the planet.
The real President making all the strategic decisions. Barrack Hussain Obama. Said we need to FUNDAMENTALLY change America.

He didn’t mean tweak it around the edges. He didn’t say improve certain deficiencies. He said fundamentally change.
And that is what he is doing in his 3rd term.

Notice how careful Obama is to not appear to be too close too, or helping the campaign. Just casual fund raising as past presidents do.

He can’t be seen as dictating policy or giving Biden direction.

Biden‘s team is taking policy direction from Obama‘s team. Biden‘s team is Obama‘s team.

Explaining why they pushed 2 useful idiots as president and vice president
Yep, the Democrats’ goal is to change the political map in their favor after the 2030 Census since everyone is counted, illegal or not. Giving them US citizenship will come after that.

I actually think it’s all a psyop. The Gov’t and elites know that people of all stripes behave differently when stressed. Apply stress and the citizens fight each other and ignore glaring issues that would not be tolerated if 330 million people were in a healthy mental state.

The more bad news I read, the more aloof I feel vis a vis ”the dude” from the Big Lebowski. The advantages of living in a high trust community that has everything I need. Life’s good.
The real President making all the strategic decisions. Barrack Hussain Obama. Said we need to FUNDAMENTALLY change America.

He didn’t mean tweak it around the edges. He didn’t say improve certain deficiencies. He said fundamentally change.
And that is what he is doing in his 3rd term.

Notice how careful Obama is to not appear to be too close too, or helping the campaign. Just casual fund raising as past presidents do.

He can’t be seen as dictating policy or giving Biden direction.

Biden‘s team is taking policy direction from Obama‘s team. Biden‘s team is Obama‘s team.

Explaining why they pushed 2 useful idiots as president and vice president
I agree. It’s so glaring obvious that Brandon isn’t in charge. I’m sure they do let him choose his ice cream flavor at Baskin Robbin’s though. LOL
So is he a brain dead imbecile or a wannabe marxist dictator?

It is easy to view those with whom you disagree strongly as the enemy, but I firmly believe that the vast majority of people on both sides of the aisle are good upstanding Americans who want what is best for the country. They just disagree on how to achieve it.
This whole thread is a splendid example of how nuts things have become in this country. Travel over and review some of the political blogging on Reddit and you will find equally illogical theory being espoused largely by millennials concerning the right. And God forbid anyone should offer a dissenting opinion. There one is immediately attacked by the leftist collective and called a fascist - here it is the right and one is a communist, Marxist, or merely naïve.

I grew up in a southern Blue Dog democrat family and it was an easy transition to Reagan conservatism. My brother is an attorney and my brother-in-law was in Wall Street banking and is now with the Fed. In short, I know a lot of "normal" democrats. Many view Trump as a genuine threat to the country - a country they absolutely love. They saw January 6 not as an insurrection per se, but as an attempt to subvert the peaceful transfer of power following an election. It is not a difficult argument to make. They view it exactly as most here would if a similar set of circumstances led Joe Biden to call for demonstrations next January. All of them would find this Marxist conspiracy theory silliness not merely surprising, but confirmation that the farther right has lost its collective mind as badly as the woke far left.

And yes, only in this world could Biden be both an incompetent senile old fool and simultaneously leader of a Marxist coup.
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CPR in short order. Your post will be “Hate Speech” with up to a 1 year prison sentence

They are successfully separating the 1st amendment from what the State defines as “Hate Speech”
Check out the new hate laws in Scotland already there.
It’s happening here also. That ball is gaining speed quickly

What used to take 20 years to change drastically now happens in five

think of the things that are happening now we would’ve thought were conspiracy and crazy talk 10 years ago.

men showering with girls in sports locker rooms,

a father being arrested for protesting a school covering up the rape of his daughter in a bathroom

10 years from now what we think is crazy talk. will be law

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Bill J H wrote on gearguywb's profile.
Do you still have this rifle? I'm in the KC area on business and I'm very interested.