
Another of these fascinating short clips from the war. In this case we are looking from a UA recon drone at a Russian S400 air defense missile battery. The attacking weapons are US Army ATAACMS missiles fired from a HIMARS launcher. Judging by the submunition bursts, this is the extended range version carrying 300 M74 bomblets. Because we have voluntarily decided to no longer use cluster munitions, we have a lot of inventory that will have to be demilled. Letting Ukraine do it by taking out Russia's most advanced (and expensive) air defense weapon is even better.

Notice the air defense battery is firing prior to destruction. The target was almost certainly the inbound ATAACMS missiles. I think we can safely conclude that the S400's ability to intercept ballistic missiles was perhaps overstated, and that the GPS jamming capability the Russians were touting a few months ago may not be quite as effective as the Russians claimed (imagine that).

So your saying that American munitions manufactured 30 years ago just took out Russia's latest and greatest?.... my favorite part though was the comments about Turkey passing up the F-35 so they could buy the S400 system, now that's funny!
So your saying that American munitions manufactured 30 years ago just took out Russia's latest and greatest?.... my favorite part though was the comments about Turkey passing up the F-35 so they could buy the S400 system, now that's funny!
thats precisely correct...

all of the UA ATAACMS that we have sent over so far have been bloc 1 M39's.. which were made between 1991-1996... My guess is the new shipment thats supposed to be headed over are more of the same..
Do you know whether the vehicles that we seen leaving are other components of the system? Or some other troop transport?

Quite a firework display!
The basic battery (the russians use the term "Battalion") is three or four launchers, command and control vehicle, and at least two phased array search and targeting radars for low and high altitude targets. The video looks like four launchers surrounding the command and control vehicle. They were all destroyed. The radars are typically displaced, and I suspect those are the two vehicles we see quickly heading away at the end.

S-400 Launcher in happier times.
@WAB, @VertigoBE, @Red Leg,

First, I never said shareholders should not have a say in the company they own part of, quite the opposite if you go back to my post you see that. In my opinion however shareholders do not run a company, a CEO does and so does his executive team. When the CEO and his team are however so motivated by short term stock price, so they will manage.

Now perhaps I've spoken little too broadly. I can speak most intelligently to my own direct experience. And this is what I've observed where I'm employed. I'm not inclined to reveal much about that as I still need a job for a bit.

One of the reactionary triggers CEOs so often like to pull when their so well laid out plans is failing to live up to its promises is to cut costs of course. Cutting costs in and of itself is not a bad thing. One should always be monitoring costs in a business. in my world the success of my company however is predicated on a product pipeline and a steady cadence of introducing new and better products into the market. And it takes time (years) in order for that to happen.

When you start cutting costs, i.e. taking away funding from R&D you are mortgaging your future for the hear and now. You may justify it for any reason you wish, however in the end you never cost cut your way to prosperity. You may cost cut your way to improve profits, but alone you never improve sales that way.

We can go back and forth on this, but I've lived this at my current company, including under the current leadership. Our CEO has been in place for quite awhile now. So if the thing is that the bottom line is the bottom line, all I can say is our stock price is a fraction of what it was at the start of this regime. And this is at a time with the market sitting at or near all time highs. Could be for any number reasons other than what I'm saying. But it seems I'm not the only one with such observations.

Ask the folks over at Boeing. They may never recover. If they do, it'll take years. And just how did they get to this point?

The basic battery (the russians use the term "Battalion") is three or four launchers, command and control vehicle, and at least two phased array search and targeting radars for low and high altitude targets. The video looks like four launchers surrounding the command and control vehicle. They were all destroyed. The radars are typically displaced, and I suspect those are the two vehicles we see quickly heading away at the end.

S-400 Launcher in happier times.
View attachment 608113
I genuinely find your posts to be educational and I really appreciate them. Thanks again
@WAB, @VertigoBE, @Red Leg,

First, I never said shareholders should not have a say in the company they own part of, quite the opposite if you go back to my post you see that. In my opinion however shareholders do not run a company, a CEO does and so does his executive team. When the CEO and his team are however so motivated by short term stock price, so they will manage.

Now perhaps I've spoken little too broadly. I can speak most intelligently to my own direct experience. And this is what I've observed where I'm employed. I'm not inclined to reveal much about that as I still need a job for a bit.

One of the reactionary triggers CEOs so often like to pull when their so well laid out plans is failing to live up to its promises is to cut costs of course. Cutting costs in and of itself is not a bad thing. One should always be monitoring costs in a business. in my world the success of my company however is predicated on a product pipeline and a steady cadence of introducing new and better products into the market. And it takes time (years) in order for that to happen.

When you start cutting costs, i.e. taking away funding from R&D you are mortgaging your future for the hear and now. You may justify it for any reason you wish, however in the end you never cost cut your way to prosperity. You may cost cut your way to improve profits, but alone you never improve sales that way.

We can go back and forth on this, but I've lived this at my current company, including under the current leadership. Our CEO has been in place for quite awhile now. So if the thing is that the bottom line is the bottom line, all I can say is our stock price is a fraction of what it was at the start of this regime. And this is at a time with the market sitting at or near all time highs. Could be for any number reasons other than what I'm saying. But it seems I'm not the only one with such observations.

Ask the folks over at Boeing. They may never recover. If they do, it'll take years. And just how did they get to this point?

Sorry to hear that you’re in a tough spot. My point was that typical executive compensation packages are more heavily weighted toward long term value creation as opposed to short term cash generation. Again, it’s a balance, and one it sounds like your CEO is failing at.
This morning the Russian Air Force used glide bombs (which are gps guided) to take out a mall in Kharkiv. Apparently it was packed with shoppers at the time. Further evidence that the Russian government and its military behave just like any other in the developed world and are simply misunderstood by the West. :unsure:

We also bear some responsibility. It has been six-months since we replenished Ukraine's air defense missile stocks. I assume the members of the Freedom for Me but not for Thee caucus are proud of both themselves and their defacto strategic ally.

Saul i appreciate most of your comments. I will however have to say if you see Biden as a better concensus builder than a leader.... that is saying a lot as to just how bad he is! I would have fully agreed with your final comment a couple months ago, however Trump seems to really be well ahead and on his game right now.

Back to a comment I made some time back that you questioned me on.... That Biden and these Democrats/Liberals in charge right now, are evil...

I was traveling but caught parts of how this Administration apparently told the FBI to use "deadly force" during the raid on Mar-a-Lago! And instructed Agents to NOT wear identification jackets or vests. But rather go in wearing polo shirts.

To raid the home of a former president with guards and Secret Service Agents present under those orders could only be to attempt to create a shooting situation in the hopes people and even the former president might be killed!

If that is not rooted in a deep evil, I don't know how else you could explain it.
Consensus builder may not have been the best choice of words. While Biden did have rather impressive bipartisan credentials as a senator relative to today. What I meant though is that Biden is more comfortable having various advisors sort things out and then goes with their consensus rather than setting the policy himself and telling his advisors to work out the details.

As to your second point, if I had seen that news when you did, I would feel the same as you! Luckily, more information has come out since then.
Strieff's latest update on the war from RedState. The comments at the end by both bots and the singularly ignorant are depressing, but fortunately, the latter remain a minority.

An interesting tidbit that is reported elsewhere is that the Russian television networks have started to air Tucker Carlson reruns. To quote Strieff,

The Russians have launched a Tucker Carlson television show. Carlson's staff insists that Carlson has nothing to do with the show; it is just his old episodes with Russian subtitles.........All that may be true, but when the Russian Foreign Ministry uses your program to underscore the Kremlin's talking points, it should be a matter of concern.
I would say that Putin and company are nothing but terrorists and should be dealt with as being so, however in this day and age President Crapshispants and his cabinet would be having parades in their honor. FVP….
This morning the Russian Air Force used glide bombs (which are gps guided) to take out a mall in Kharkiv. Apparently it was packed with shoppers at the time. Further evidence that the Russian government and its military behave just like any other in the developed world and are simply misunderstood by the West. :unsure:

We also bear some responsibility. It has been six-months since we replenished Ukraine's air defense missile stocks. I assume the members of the Freedom for Me but not for Thee caucus are proud of both themselves and their defacto strategic ally.

Bastards. The sooner we provide the support needed to end this fools reign the better.
Bastards. The sooner we provide the support needed to end this fools reign the better.

And for Isreal as well.
I would say that Putin and company are nothing but terrorists and should be dealt with as being so, however in this day and age President Crapshispants and his cabinet would be having parades in their honor. FVP….
I find it VERY ironic that the ICC is going after Israel and Netanyahu for "war crimes' and yet Putin and his thugs have intentionally targeted and killed Ukranian civilians THOUSANDS of times and so far he's only been charged with the war crime of kidnapping Ukranian children and taking them into Russia? WTF! Am I missing something here? Another reason for the US to stop funding the UN because it seems to be gravitating towards the brutal dictatorships of the world.
I find it VERY ironic that the ICC is going after Israel and Netanyahu for "war crimes' and yet Putin and his thugs have intentionally targeted and killed Ukranian civilians THOUSANDS of times and so far he's only been charged with the war crime of kidnapping Ukranian children and taking them into Russia? WTF! Am I missing something here? Another reason for the US to stop funding the UN because it seems to be gravitating towards the brutal dictatorships of the world.
Completely agree. We are funding our own demise.
Because a Prius can't do shit when it comes to hauling stuff;)
View attachment 606189View attachment 606190View attachment 606191View attachment 606192

Sometimes you need your truck to haul your truck.

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Or your house.

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Or haul shit with your house.... or manure pumps anyway;)

View attachment 606195
Or just take your house and go to the tractor show:)

View attachment 606196
Exactly! Americans own stuff! We don’t live in tiny houses on streets I could jump across!
Consensus builder may not have been the best choice of words. While Biden did have rather impressive bipartisan credentials as a senator relative to today. What I meant though is that Biden is more comfortable having various advisors sort things out and then goes with their consensus rather than setting the policy himself and telling his advisors to work out the details.

As to your second point, if I had seen that news when you did, I would feel the same as you! Luckily, more information has come out since then.
"While Biden did have rather impressive bipartisan credentials as senator...."

I could not disagree more! He has always been an extremely partisan hack, known for divisive, low brow, crude rhetoric and showing zero bipartisan function as a senator, VP or as the current puppet for BHO. He built that reputation amongst his peers at all levels of government. It is one of his trademarks. Kookaid is one powerful elixir!
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"While Biden did have rather impressive bipartisan credentials as senator...."

I could not disagree more! He has always been an extremely partisan hack, known for divisive, low brow, crude rhetoric and showing zero bipartisan function as a senator, VP or as the current puppet for BHO. He built that reputation amongst his peers at all levels of government. It is one of his trademarks. Kookaid is one powerful elixir!
I’m not buying. Richard Lugar was a washed out senator that after retirement formed a deep state gig think tank called the Lugar Center in an attempt to remain relevant. I read Lugar’s thoughts on the Trump admin during his admin. Absolute victim of TDS. One lie after another about the reality. Exactly what Lugar was criticizing Trump for would today fit perfectly today for Brandon. So keep drinking the koolaid, believe what you want from a deep state, has been anti-Trump RINO outfit created by Lugar.

For the life of me, why adults in these debates always rely on someone else’s published opinions, I’ll never figure out. Almost seems like some are afraid to have their own opinion on record and afraid to use their own brain. Sadly, seems most common here.

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