Shooting from the truck or over water is generally "not sporting", but, we are in Africa, and well, there are some exceptions.
I was hunting a very large property in RSA, and told the PH I was interested in warthogs, so, no problem, TIA, part of the property is for photo safaris, but there is a place... phone call and we meet the guides on the photo part of the property, we reached a large field of tall grass, where we could just see movement of the grass, and now and then a warthog would show up its head.
I had to shoot from the bakkie to get a vantage point, otherwise I could not see them. I had a silenced .223, shot two very nice pigs, but then quit, as it was just too easy. Still a satisfaction to hunt in a photo safari area.
Another safari, we vere driving a straight path, when a huge female decide to get in front of us and run straight away, my PH slammed on the barke and said take her, she´s huge, Texas heart shot, and I did. Guilty.
On this property, the Oufitter was raising boer sheep, and had problems with a hyena, trying to steal them. One evening after we had finished hunting, we went by the sheep enclosure, and there was our hyaena, strutting along the fence, he slammed the bakes and told me shoot, shoot, and so I did. A nice brown !
And then come helicopter hunting... not for trophies, but to get rid of nuisances such as jackals and baboons, you use a shotgun with AAA loads, and with a good pilot as I had, it can be a great experience.