AH elite
Mid September opening day of Saskatchewan Canada regular elk season was very good for our group. We took 4 elk for 5 hunters, a very productive day. Saskatchewan elk don't get much media exposure in the USA or overseas, I suppose mainly because we aren't allowed to share, the hunt is for residents only. So I thought you might enjoy seeing how we did.
The hunt was a walk of 2 km in the dark from our bush camp, locating the bulls by their call, and then waiting on trails or intercepting them and calling them as they move into the heavy cover at first light. We had at least 4 bulls bugling before dawn, and two groups of wolves howling and hunting them and their cows as well. This was all within a 2 km area. It was a short but exciting hunt. We can hunt either sex with over-the-counter tags, unlike most of the other elk ranges that I have read about. I passed up a cow in the morning and took an orphan calf in the evening by waiting at a feeding meadow. Not as much meat as those bulls, but delicious and I don't need any more bone on my walls. My old Brno 22f 7x57 is still doing its job well at 67 years of age.
The hunt was a walk of 2 km in the dark from our bush camp, locating the bulls by their call, and then waiting on trails or intercepting them and calling them as they move into the heavy cover at first light. We had at least 4 bulls bugling before dawn, and two groups of wolves howling and hunting them and their cows as well. This was all within a 2 km area. It was a short but exciting hunt. We can hunt either sex with over-the-counter tags, unlike most of the other elk ranges that I have read about. I passed up a cow in the morning and took an orphan calf in the evening by waiting at a feeding meadow. Not as much meat as those bulls, but delicious and I don't need any more bone on my walls. My old Brno 22f 7x57 is still doing its job well at 67 years of age.