AH enthusiast
My friends did a do it yourself combination drop in caribou hunt then inflatable raft another 8-9 miles for moose in remote Alaska. They had a very exciting, tough hunt not without some drama when negotiating some rapids on their raft en route to the moose hunting area, a caribou antler impaled one of the hunters through his cheek! I guess that’s what duct tape is for.I also think it helps protect no -residents from themselves. Hunting the wilderness of Alaska is in a different league than hunting wilderness areas in the lower 48. A hunt can turn into a life and death situation in a heartbeat.

These were very experienced outdoorsman quite capable of doing a do it yourself grizzly hunt if legal. But yes, not everyone is equal in ability and skillset.
Rather funny, a non resident Alaskan guide can guide a hunter to a brown bear/grizzly but can’t legally kill one themselves unless with a guide.