ZIMBABWE: Leopard, Buffalo Hunt With MJK Safaris


AH enthusiast
Dec 21, 2020
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Hunting reports

Will Primos used to open each of his Truth series videos with a quote about it not being Hollywood – about it being the truth. That’s what this hunt report is going to be. If you want a report of everything coming easy – of 4 animals being shot from the cruiser while drinking beer on the first morning, then you might want to hit your browser’s back button. However, if you want a report of scarce animals, of struggles, of mistakes, of despair and triumph, then you might want to buckle up because I’m about to take you on the curvy ride to the Harare airport – an hour late – on the wrong side of the road – at 120 kilometers per hour.

Sounds like a great story to be had. Looking forward to it.
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“You can never be too prepared” – Alabama High School Athletic Association Hall of Fame Football Coach Nolan Atkins​

Sixty-seven days out I’m weighing 209.6 pounds. Ideally, I’d like to be 199 at takeoff. “A pound a week,” I tell myself. I transition from 2-3 mile jogs to 5 mile hikes. I go 6 times a week in full safari gear. I get a few strange looks but it’s mostly jokes. I can’t tell you how many times I’m referred to as the UPS man. Nevertheless, it seems to be working. On day 17 I hit target and by day 52, I’m a full 5 pounds underbudget.

My rifles are also coming together nicely. I’ve worked through most of the kinks of my .375 and my .416 is a well-oiled machine. Just a few more last-minute items to order and I’m ready to fly.

“The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley” – Robert Burns​

A week and a half before wheels-up, I head to the clinic for my Malarone script. That afternoon, I notice a soreness in my throat. I self test for Covid the next morning before work and it’s negative so I head to the office. At work I’m feeling awful, so I head home at noon to get in the bed. That night while my family is at dinner, my headache is so bad I contemplate calling an ambulance but refrain. The next morning I’m back at work until an appointment opens where I ultimately test positive.

I’m less than nine days out at this point and explain to the nurse practitioner how she must get me on the plane. She prescribes a regimen of 11 ½ pills a day and orders the first retesting in six days - three days before I’m scheduled to leave.

“Oh, how long ‘til the morning wakes;
Oh, how long ‘till the medicine takes” – John F. Bell​

I text my Judicial Assistant from the doctor’s office. We move tomorrow’s court but leave Tuesday’s non-jury trial docket as is. Fortuitously, Monday is Labor Day. We formulate a plan in the event I am still positive on Tuesday. The District Attorney, all defendants and defense attorneys will show and attempt to settle. I’ll enter the pleas remotely and continue all remaining trials until later. I am still holding out hope that I’ll test negative, however.

I fill my prescriptions, head home and get in the bed. Surprisingly, I am already feeling better. The weekend is pretty much a blur save for taking my meds as prescribed. At some point my wife tests positive but is either not as sick as I or tougher.

On Tuesday I wake up, put on my suit and head to my 8:00 a.m. testing. Thankfully, I am negative so I drive to work and climb on the bench. Luckily, it’s a light docket and things go smoothly except for a case of Covid brain or the effects of the medicine or both. Wednesday’s and Thursday’s dockets are unremarkable. My wife has since returned to work and Friday morning my parents drive me to Jackson, Mississippi, and drop me off at the airport.

Takes a team to get the job done apparently.
I enjoy the pre trip and travel build up to a hunt recap. It ads to the overall story.
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Keep it up and love the quotes to start each update.
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Sounds like the typical pre-hunt whirlwind that always seems to come before any of my trips (kidding). Can’t wait for the rest of it!

Like the sit down and hold on , this is going to be bumpy kinda start. Look forward to the rest of the story.
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Please continue Yo Honor :ROFLMAO:
“Baby, it won't be long
'Fore I be tyin' on
My flyin' shoes
Flyin' shoes
Till I be tyin' on
My flyin' shoes” – Townes Van Zandt​

You’re not here to read about the flights so I’ll spare you the particulars. After a lengthy mechanical delay, the flight from Jackson leaves. In Atlanta, I meet up with my hunting companion. There are, coincidentally, two lawyers from my circuit on the Atlanta to J’burg flight. They are hunting in South Africa with Ken Moody Safaris.

The flight to Johannesburg is long and my time at the airport is a repeat of a past trip – a meal and a bed at City Lodge. The next morning we leave via Airlink to Harare where we are met by our chauffeur, Mike. Mike does a great job of driving us the five hours to Makuti where I meet my PH, Tinie, for the first time.

As far as the hunt goes, nearly everything is on the menu except lion. Lion was an option until July when fellow Alabamian R.M. connected with a beautiful specimen and punched the only tag available to the concession.

My wants for this trip are leopard, buffalo, eland, sable, and waterbuck; however, being a realist, I understand the improbability of getting an opportunity at the majority of this list. I would also shoot a zebra if one was needed for bait.

My booking agent for the trip was Bob Kern of The Hunting Consortium. A typical Makuti leopard hunt is 15 days; however, due to family and work obligations, I couldn’t commit to this length of time. It was agreed upon that I could book a ten-day hunt but the leopard fee would be highly inflated. I figured this was a win-win as if I didn’t connect then I wouldn’t have to pay. The only gamble would be wounding a cat and being unable to find and this would be catastrophic – no pun intended as, like General Zaroff, I never joke when it comes to hunting, particularly when this much money is on the line.

Dinner is roasted chicken and potatoes. It is good as is the conversation among PH’s, clients and cameraman. A quick satellite call home confirms all is well. I am the first to retire although not much sleep due to the excitement of being in Africa and the possibility of a sable, buffalo, etc. tomorrow.


Excited for your report-where luck and preparation collide!
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Excellent Joe @JHT! I’ve been waiting since you sent me the teaser pics!
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Enjoying this.
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JHT. Excited for more. I hunted Makuti in 2018 when Mabalabala took over the concession. Awesome area. That drive from Harare to Makuti is no joke. More scared on that drive than I am following up a wounded buffalo.
“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference” – Robert Frost​

Morning one brings the first instant coffee I’ve had since my last trip. I used to merely tolerate it but have grown to like. It tastes of Africa. To the rifle range where the .416 hits as expected. First shot with the .375 is three inches high but I was quick on the trigger. A subsequent shot proves it was operator error. I am embarrassed that my PH and videographer witnessed the mishap but can’t take it back.

We head to Tower to hang a leopard bait where I have a freak-out moment. It never fails that this happens when I’m hunting dangerous game. Most of the time it’s the feeling of, “wow, this is really dangerous;” however, this is different. The angle of the branch in relation to where the blind will be is odd and this is more of a, “wow, this shot is no gimme.”

From Tower we head to check a second bait that was hung prior to my arrival. Before we make it to the bait tree; however, the trackers see the tracks of a big tom. We are hoping the bait has been hit but it has not.

We leave the unmolested bait for lunch back at camp and from there to nearby Sable Springs where we climb a mountain and glass for game below. I am still clearly suffering from either the effects of the virus or the medication which now includes Malarone. Whereas I had been in good shape before, I have lost my conditioning. My feet feel like concrete blocks and I can tell Tinie is annoyed. To make matters worse, I have brought an untested rifle sling that is doing me no favors.

We spot an elephant bull in the valley below a thousand or so yards away and a female warthog nearly runs over us. The sun will be setting soon. We descend the mountain where I get the feeling that something is about to happen but it doesn’t.

Tinie calls for the cruiser and we are met. We move a nearby bait to a dry riverbed and the red ball in the sky dips below the treetops and puts an end to 1/10 of my hunt.

Back at camp, more conversation with the PH’s. Tinie has brought Brian Van Blerk on board to help with baits. Brian has checked the other three baits but all are untouched. This comes as no surprise to the PH’s who explain it will take several more days.

Once again, I retire early and from my tent I am able to get Wifi. I Facetime my wife and message my kids. I am sleepy but I take advantage of the signal to check Ken Moody’s Instagram where I see one of my friends has crossed four of the animals off his list on his first hunting day. I shake my head and smile and fall asleep.

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James Friedrichs wrote on Dangerous Dave's profile.
can you send some pics of the 2.5-10 zeiss. I can't click on the pics to see the details. You noted some scratches. thx.
This is the African safari deal you’ve been waiting for!

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Remember I will be in the USA for the next 16 days , will post my USA phone number when I can get one in Atlanta this afternoon!
I am on my way to the USA! will be in Atlanta tonight! loving the Wifi On the Delta flights!
Get it right the 1st time - choose the Leopard specialists!