Major Khan
AH legend
Dear Forum Members ,
While replenishing our stock of 12 Bore AAA shot gun cartridges yesterday ( we actually use this shot size , quite a lot ) at our local fire arms store .... Fellow forum member @Kawshik Rahman and I came across 2 boxes of 7x57 mm Mauser cartridges manufactured by the brand , Winchester . They are traditional 175 grain cup & core soft point cartridges .
Since Kawshik owns a beautiful BRNO ZKK 600 bolt rifle chambered in 7x57 mm Mauser calibre ... we immediately purchased both of the boxes .
2 months back , I had come across another box of Winchester Super X 7×57 mm Mauser 175 grain soft point cartridges just like these ... which I got for old Kawshik . They certainly work well . Kawshik successfully took a cheetal deer with a single heart shot by using 1 of these cartridges in February.
However , upon chronographing 5 of these cartridges ... we both noticed that the velocity is significantly lower than the old RWS brand German 7×57 mm Mauser 175 grain soft point cartridges which many of my former continental clients used to bring to India for shikar during the 1960s .
I would greatly appreciate if any of you gentle men could tell me what the vintage of these cartridges may be , so that we may be able to guess when these cartridges were brought in to Bangladesh. I am speculating that the ammunition is at least around 30 years old , because Winchester currently only lists a 145 grain power point cartridge for their 7 × 57 mm Mauser calibre offerings .
The cartridges were certainly not manufactured during the 1960s ... otherwise , I am quite certain that at least some of my clients would have brought them to India and I would have seen them.
I am aware of the fact that American companies ( since the early 1980s) tend to reduce the powder charge of their factory loaded 7x57 mm Mauser cartridges , compared to European companies ( such as Norma ) as an added precaution against damaging any of the countless vintage 7x57 mm Mauser calibre rifles still being used by their passionate owners across the world ...many of which still use relatively weak(er) actions than their modern counter parts.
Once again , this is nothing serious . So please do not go out of the way to bother with this ... if it may cause any of you , gentle men any inconvenience.
Yours sincerely,
Major Poton Khan ( Retired )
While replenishing our stock of 12 Bore AAA shot gun cartridges yesterday ( we actually use this shot size , quite a lot ) at our local fire arms store .... Fellow forum member @Kawshik Rahman and I came across 2 boxes of 7x57 mm Mauser cartridges manufactured by the brand , Winchester . They are traditional 175 grain cup & core soft point cartridges .
Since Kawshik owns a beautiful BRNO ZKK 600 bolt rifle chambered in 7x57 mm Mauser calibre ... we immediately purchased both of the boxes .
2 months back , I had come across another box of Winchester Super X 7×57 mm Mauser 175 grain soft point cartridges just like these ... which I got for old Kawshik . They certainly work well . Kawshik successfully took a cheetal deer with a single heart shot by using 1 of these cartridges in February.
However , upon chronographing 5 of these cartridges ... we both noticed that the velocity is significantly lower than the old RWS brand German 7×57 mm Mauser 175 grain soft point cartridges which many of my former continental clients used to bring to India for shikar during the 1960s .
I would greatly appreciate if any of you gentle men could tell me what the vintage of these cartridges may be , so that we may be able to guess when these cartridges were brought in to Bangladesh. I am speculating that the ammunition is at least around 30 years old , because Winchester currently only lists a 145 grain power point cartridge for their 7 × 57 mm Mauser calibre offerings .
The cartridges were certainly not manufactured during the 1960s ... otherwise , I am quite certain that at least some of my clients would have brought them to India and I would have seen them.
I am aware of the fact that American companies ( since the early 1980s) tend to reduce the powder charge of their factory loaded 7x57 mm Mauser cartridges , compared to European companies ( such as Norma ) as an added precaution against damaging any of the countless vintage 7x57 mm Mauser calibre rifles still being used by their passionate owners across the world ...many of which still use relatively weak(er) actions than their modern counter parts.
Once again , this is nothing serious . So please do not go out of the way to bother with this ... if it may cause any of you , gentle men any inconvenience.
Yours sincerely,
Major Poton Khan ( Retired )
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