Quo Vadis


AH fanatic
Dec 18, 2015
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Home is the sailor, home from the sea. And home, safely, are our delegates from CoP 19 at Panama. We welcome them back with open arms and extend our congratulations to them all for trying so hard to do what is right.

I have attended three such conventions. I stood back from this year’s adventure, however, with all the best intentions in the world – but, largely, to allow our team to experience the journey without preconceptions. Now our people are back and they will be able to judge for themselves just what they actually achieved; and what they had hoped to achieve but did not.

They had Eugene and Helene Lapointe to guide them, however, so they have been in the very best of hands. Eugene is a past Secretary General of the convention. In the end, however, each one of our people will generate his or her own personal thoughts about their trip and how they believe they can and should travel along the road ahead.

In writing this report, it is not my intention to pour cold water on my colleagues’ excitement about having just participated in such an auspicious event. Will they be excited about that participation?

Of course they will! I know I was – every time! Now, however, they have the experience of one convention under their belts and that gives them a perspective about CITES that they never had before. Now they will know better what can be achieved and what cannot be achieved when attending what I consider to be this very sad and iniquitous event.

Next time, they will know better what to expect. And those expectations are what will colour their attitude towards the convention-as-a-whole in the years ahead.

Lots of info I wasn’t aware of. Thanks for sharing. My general presumption with international hunting and other activities of the “old world”, is that they have passed their prime and will only be pushed towards extinction. I suspect the speed at which it happens will only be decided by the size of the fight put up by reasonable and active organizations.
Reading this article makes my heart so heavy. The hunting world is combatting such evil and greed...as the anti-hunting organizations continue to spew their information and make tons of money from doing so. While I am no expert and don't feel I have the right to comment on whether CITES should be eliminated entirely...or if it has a chance at redemption.... I respect Ron Thomson and others who are qualified to make such decisions.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service works closely with CITES. Some say too closely. You can see this by visiting their website. But the USFWS leadership tag-team of Martha and Wendi, among others, have proposed an amendment to rule 4(d) of the ESA. Under the guise of helping to protect the elephant. It will, in fact, impact legitimate hunting disproportionately, and therefore have a negative impact on the elephant's long term survival. We have until Jan 17th of this year to voice public opinion on this change. (Although this has never made a damn bit of difference in the past). JMO. You can voice YOUR opinion by going to the USFWS website and looking at the page on CITES.........thanks to OP for posting. FWB

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt