
Other Countries have nukes and are not permanent members. At best Russia should have been admitted on a similar member status as a country like India.

This is exactly how I picture many DC politicians when the Biden crime family got busted with their hands in the till. And then pointed a bright spotlight at what we all know is going on. Both parties for decades have been fleecing businesses.

The Clinton Foundation had to fold after she could no longer provide access or legislation for laundered money.

A dozen Bidens getting paid through dozens of shell companies for not providing any demonstrable services.

So a lot of shady politicians most likely looked like that meme. Thanking Biden for the unwanted attention.
At this point, the only things that make me reticent about withdrawing from the UN entirely are the power that we still wield as a permanent member of the security council and the value that are enemies perceive in increasing their influence within the UN. With that said, slowly starving it to death is also appealing.
Interesting take from Zeihan on the bridge collapse and the Jones Act, as well as some of the comments in rebuttal:

I'm not enough of an expert to render an opinion either way.
This is not good for Colorado. I hope it doesn't pass.

What are they thinking?

"Boston City Councilor Julia Mejia told NBC10 Boston that residents should consider housing migrants in their private homes to battle the crisis. 'Dedham, Wellesley, Brookline — cities and towns that have so much more resources than the city of Boston. People who actually have more financial support, we need to do everything in our power to make sure that we are setting them up for success or whatever success looks like,' Mejia said."
Every o
What are they thinking?

"Boston City Councilor Julia Mejia told NBC10 Boston that residents should consider housing migrants in their private homes to battle the crisis. 'Dedham, Wellesley, Brookline — cities and towns that have so much more resources than the city of Boston. People who actually have more financial support, we need to do everything in our power to make sure that we are setting them up for success or whatever success looks like,' Mejia said."
Every one of those council members should house two families in their own places of abroad.

Now I am not normally a conspiracy theorist.

However I am ever more convinced that this whole thing is a very organized Coup to permanently take over the US Government by the Leftist Liberals. They are already started on their way to getting illegal immigrants to vote. And in fact they do not even need that. They are doing what Obama started by placing large groups of Somalis in strategic locations to take House seats. The laws already exist to have everyone counted in the Census. They are solidifying their strongholds to take seats in the House away from Conservatives. It is just math, no changes in law nor even policy is needed. The writing is allready on the wall for that.

But they are going to steadily change voters rights and do what they can to loosen the rules around voting. I'm actually concerned about Texas going Blue. The voting rules seem pretty strong here, but the Liberals are persistent.

From my observations, immigrants who used to cross the border were doing it for two major reasons. Of course there was drug smuggling and probably some other nefarious reasons. But the major reason was to work and improve their lot. Many of those, dare I say most, are Conservative by nature. They are God fearing, hard working, conservative with their money, family oriented people. I cannot understand why Republicans didn't welcome them to the Party.

What is happening now has thrown out all of that. This is what Obama meant when he told the truth in his campaigns that he intended to fundamentally change America. There has to be an organization that is promising these people free everything if they come here and vote Democrat.

No the evidence is right in front of us. This is an organized attempt to take over America and throw out the Constitution as it is.
The bloom does seem to have come off this offering.

As I mentioned earlier, great stock to short. Eventually, I expect it to move to penny stocks.

Further digging:


Amazing accounting where one can have a NET profit of $50.5 million on a revenue of $1.47 million. Boggles the mind.

Oh yeah, then they admit to irregularities in financial reporting and that it will continue to be so.

Greatest "snake oil salesman" of all time. As they say "There's a sucker born every minute".
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This is not good for Colorado. I hope it doesn't pass.

Yes it’s crazy. Our state has fallen under the control of Boulder and CA influence. Our Governor, Speaker of the House and President of the Senate are all from Boulder!

For the time being, the semi-auto ban has stalled and taken off the schedule. The Governor has said he is against the 11% tax so I think it has stalled out as well.
Yes it’s crazy. Our state has fallen under the control of Boulder and CA influence. Our Governor, Speaker of the House and President of the Senate are all from Boulder!

For the time being, the semi-auto ban has stalled and taken off the schedule. The Governor has said he is against the 11% tax so I think it has stalled out as well.

I guess those are good news for now. The left is going to take us down one state at a time.
Every o

Every one of those council members should house two families in their own places of abroad.

Now I am not normally a conspiracy theorist.

However I am ever more convinced that this whole thing is a very organized Coup to permanently take over the US Government by the Leftist Liberals. They are already started on their way to getting illegal immigrants to vote. And in fact they do not even need that. They are doing what Obama started by placing large groups of Somalis in strategic locations to take House seats. The laws already exist to have everyone counted in the Census. They are solidifying their strongholds to take seats in the House away from Conservatives. It is just math, no changes in law nor even policy is needed. The writing is allready on the wall for that.

But they are going to steadily change voters rights and do what they can to loosen the rules around voting. I'm actually concerned about Texas going Blue. The voting rules seem pretty strong here, but the Liberals are persistent.

From my observations, immigrants who used to cross the border were doing it for two major reasons. Of course there was drug smuggling and probably some other nefarious reasons. But the major reason was to work and improve their lot. Many of those, dare I say most, are Conservative by nature. They are God fearing, hard working, conservative with their money, family oriented people. I cannot understand why Republicans didn't welcome them to the Party.

What is happening now has thrown out all of that. This is what Obama meant when he told the truth in his campaigns that he intended to fundamentally change America. There has to be an organization that is promising these people free everything if they come here and vote Democrat.

No the evidence is right in front of us. This is an organized attempt to take over America and throw out the Constitution as it is.
While I do not discount this theory, I have a slightly less conspiratorial take.

It was not too long ago that democrats from Bill Clinton to Barack Obama to even Bernie Sanders were talking about stronger border enforcement and curbing illegal immigration. This was at the same time that the right-leaning libertarians were talking open borders as a way to keep down costs.

So why the sudden change in policy? I think that has been driven almost entirely by activists. If you look at polls, the number of young Americans who support much weaker immigration laws is staggering. And unfortunately after Clinton’s loss in 2016, the Democratic Party has decided that the key to election victory is to target these youth “voters.” Couple that with a desire to draw sharp contrast with Republicans on an important issue, and you get a the sudden lurch left in policy.

With the Biden admin in particular, I think that their 2024 strategy is to give the progressive base what they want and then win over the more moderate Democrats and independents with the strong economy and simply not being Trump. The fact that this strategy does not seem to be working also explains Biden’s recent attempt to shift the immigration policy back to the right.
Haven’t posted on this thread in a while, so I need to recap a couple points.

1. Nikki Haley was delusional and absolutely was in the pocket of her donors (including the Chinese in SC).
2. Yes, the IL assault weapons and magazine ban did happen. It wasn’t a ploy to sell guns. Some tard on here claimed that he was some sort of expert and a firearms dealer. That one irritated me at the time.

Anyway, it’s an election year. Everyone pour your beverage of choice, sit back, and enjoy the chaos. I will try to find a good meme or 2 to share in the future.

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Bill J H wrote on gearguywb's profile.
Do you still have this rifle? I'm in the KC area on business and I'm very interested.