i have a question as I've not previously hunted hippo but will be doing so this summer.
It seems there is a large faction that says "in the water, shoot them with the most accurate small bore rifle you own". In my circle of friends I know two that killed them this way. .270s and 30-06 bullets to the brain.
But here comes the rub: A.) It isn't legal. B.) There is a government game scout present.
Is a small bore to the brain the most proven, ethical approach to hunting these animals in the water or is better to sling lead with a .375 or 500NE? (my other two options) I'll be bringing three guns with the 7x57 being the super accurate scoped single shot and the other two being DG rifles that are minute of pie plate accurate at best.
I generally am a law and order, follow the rules type of fellow but I'm now curious as it seems a great many generally good citizens are finding cause to shoot hippos with little guns. If its the best ethical kill setup for the hunt I could be persuaded to do it that way. Still wrestling with this conflict.
It seems there is a large faction that says "in the water, shoot them with the most accurate small bore rifle you own". In my circle of friends I know two that killed them this way. .270s and 30-06 bullets to the brain.
But here comes the rub: A.) It isn't legal. B.) There is a government game scout present.
Is a small bore to the brain the most proven, ethical approach to hunting these animals in the water or is better to sling lead with a .375 or 500NE? (my other two options) I'll be bringing three guns with the 7x57 being the super accurate scoped single shot and the other two being DG rifles that are minute of pie plate accurate at best.
I generally am a law and order, follow the rules type of fellow but I'm now curious as it seems a great many generally good citizens are finding cause to shoot hippos with little guns. If its the best ethical kill setup for the hunt I could be persuaded to do it that way. Still wrestling with this conflict.
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