In my experience - yes!
Do some meaningful training with box or two of 22lr, then when you are warmed up, switch to whatever more powerful rifle you have, 5 to ten shots is sufficient. and then finish the training session.
It is better to make for example, 10 sessions using 1o high power cartridges each time, (plus 22lr warming up) then to spend 100 high power cartrdiges at once, in one session.
Whatever skill you improve, it will evaporate with time.
So, keep training sesions on some regular basis throguh the year (once to 4 times per month) , and then before you go hunting, increase the frequency. Every day training, is suficent for one week, just before main event. (hunting, or match competition)
It works for me, including occasional competitons.
Additional note:
Write down the score in each session. Keep records. Calculate average score for each session.
Shooting results with regular and constant training are indeed sinusoidal, with ups and downs, but generally the average results with continuos regular training will increase, untill you reach your maximum.
Then on "such advanced level", with regular training frequnce, try to be around the average best score. Maintain that!
Getting tired during training has opposite and adverse effect.
If you shoot too much, and get tired, stop. Keep modest or moderate number of shots per each session. Dont "overshoot" yourself. In that case its waste of ammo.
Then, you will be ready for hunt in Africa!!!!