
Desantis was my first choice but he was out by the time we could vote. Haley isn’t a democrat and she didn’t win because of Trump supporters who are being shortsighted. It’s a loss of four years to vote for him but here we are!
I’m not sure they’ll be another election with more than one party on the ballot, much like “Vote for the Vlad Putin you want but you must vote for Vlad”…….. if they gain control of all three branches and force a change to negate the USSC “for the good of the party”, all bets are off. Think it’s not happening? Take a really good look around.
Damn......that sounds just like the AH political forum, where anyone with a dissenting opinion gets Monkey piled by the anti Trump brigade.
Actually, some of us thinking people would just like to actually debate issues respectfully and also have a functioning government without blindly following personalities off a cliff. I wouldn’t follow Desantis or Haley off a cliff. Unfortunately, some Trump supporters seem incapable of debating much and defend Trump even when the facts and evidence are in plain sight. Can you admit that Trump has made some serious errors?

Then we people who don’t support Trump as much as other republicans are called libtards for supporting Desantis or Haley in the primary. Quit name calling and making outlandish statements like, “Haley supporters are RHINOS” or “Haley is a RHINO because she accepted campaign contributions from democrats.” I’ve got news for you, politicians don’t refuse money from anyone.
Please let me know when I'm supposed to be scared will you?
You’re correct. No reason to be scared. I would defend your 1st Amendment right to your opinions to the end. Everyone has a right to their opinion but it would be nice to be able to debate without reading your grandiose statements about libtards and RHINOS, as if it were that simple.
It’s happening here also. That ball is gaining speed quickly

What used to take 20 years to change drastically now happens in five

think of the things that are happening now we would’ve thought were conspiracy and crazy talk 10 years ago.

men showering with girls in sports locker rooms,

a father being arrested for protesting a school covering up the rape of his daughter in a bathroom

10 years from now what we think is crazy talk. will be law
Yes. All this nonsense we've seen recently has seemed to have occurred since the Covid pandemic started in early 2020 and has accelerated under Brandon's policies favoring the extreme radical left ideology and their agenda.
Actually, some of us thinking people would just like to actually debate issues respectfully and also have a functioning government without blindly following personalities off a cliff. I wouldn’t follow Desantis or Haley off a cliff. Unfortunately, some Trump supporters seem incapable of debating much and defend Trump even when the facts and evidence are in plain sight. Can you admit that Trump has made some serious errors?

Then we people who don’t support Trump as much as other republicans are called libtards for supporting Desantis or Haley in the primary. Quit name calling and making outlandish statements like, “Haley supporters are RHINOS” or “Haley is a RHINO because she accepted campaign contributions from democrats.” I’ve got news for you, politicians don’t refuse money from anyone.

Right.....because only the sanctimonious anti- Trumpers have the capacity for critical thinking.

How's the view from atop that soap box by the way?
Right.....because only the sanctimonious anti- Trumpers have the capacity for critical thinking.

How's the view from atop that soap box by the way?
If you would show me your critical thinking, I would love to see it and debate you. I tire of the generalizations about libtards and RHINOS.
Know it all's don't benefit from anything, or anyone. Waste of time.

I am not sure what it is about many on the farther right - and I hasten to say not all. But offer up reasoned discussion, supported by facts and rather than debate the issue, the immediate reaction for too many is some form of name calling or dismissal. I'll happily debate my understanding of and credentials as a conservative with anyone. I'll also happily offer an informed opinion on most national and international policy issues surfaced in this thread. I am far from a know it all (that sounds so sixth grade doesn't it?), but I do know a lot, and much of that supported by experience.

We are fortunate here. I genuinely respect @ActionBob 's take on almost any domestic economic issue. It is something he lives daily and with which he has vast experience. @WAB and @mdwest have or do run significant business enterprises with international footprints and offer perspectives that are hard to find among a typical group of hunting buddies. @Scott CWO has taken a small business and turned it into one of the more successful such models in the hemisphere. I also appreciate @Saul because he represents the thinking part of the democrat party - a group to which too many in this country seemingly are no longer exposed, or as demonstrated here, refused even acknowledgement by the farther right. There are a number of other terrific people here, many of whom will eventually vote for Trump, who offer extremely valuable dialogue in this discussion.

So, unlike sitting at the bar with buddies, this audience is bit more diverse. Say something outlandish and someone will not merely call you on it, they will explain why and offer supporting evidence. Most people capable of that sort of discussion don't have a lot of patience with sophomoric one liners.
She needed another 15 minutes of fame.
Desantis was my first choice but he was out by the time we could vote. Haley isn’t a democrat and she didn’t win because of Trump supporters who are being shortsighted. It’s a loss of four years to vote for him but here we are!
I wouldn't count DeSantis out just yet. A lot can happen between now and November.
She needed another 15 minutes of fame.
View attachment 597724
I guess she's headed to the airport for a flight to Kabul to discuss climate change with the Taliban? Maybe she's crying because they wouldn't let her take her Happy Vegan Meal on the flight?
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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards