
But, you said

So why do I need to ask?
I'm not sure where you are going with this, but in today's political landscape, any leftist entity that donates to a republican candidate is doing so for nefarious reasons.
MEANING, that they are trying to prop that candidate up, over DJT, because that candidate is more in line with with the swamp culture.
Are any of the leftists donating to Trump? Of course not.
If you don't understand that, then I have no words to explain it to you.
Nikki Haley would be a much better stooge for the establishment, and that's why she gets the leftist support that she does.
I'm not sure where you are going with this, but in today's political landscape, any leftist entity that donates to a republican candidate is doing so for nefarious reasons.
MEANING, that they are trying to prop that candidate up, over DJT, because that candidate is more in line with with the swamp culture.
Are any of the leftists donating to Trump? Of course not.
If you don't understand that, then I have no words to explain it to you.
Nikki Haley would be a much better stooge for the establishment, and that's why she gets the leftist support that she does.
I think what the dems were doing to prop up Haley was similar to what Rush Limbaugh did years ago to keep the Hildabeests campaign going so the dems would have a blood letting fighting amongst themselves. Operation Chaos in reverse.
I'm not sure where you are going with this, but in today's political landscape, any leftist entity that donates to a republican candidate is doing so for nefarious reasons.
MEANING, that they are trying to prop that candidate up, over DJT, because that candidate is more in line with with the swamp culture.
Are any of the leftists donating to Trump? Of course not.
If you don't understand that, then I have no words to explain it to you.
Nikki Haley would be a much better stooge for the establishment, and that's why she gets the leftist support that she does.
I think what the dems were doing to prop up Haley was similar to what Rush Limbaugh did years ago to keep the Hildabeests campaign going so the dems would have a blood letting fighting amongst themselves. Operation Chaos in reverse.
I know this "reasoning" fits your confirmation bias, and in some instances, I am sure some of that occurred. What is also true, is that a meaningful number of moderate urban democrats and Trump skeptical republicans supported her rather than the woke chaos emerging from the current administration.

Until she was forced to drop out, Haley was polling anywhere from 10-17 points ahead of Joe Biden. In the same polls, Trump was running anywhere from 2 pts behind to 4 ahead. Most informed political analysts believe she could, even would, have won by a landslide in November. These would not have been RINO politicians supporting her, but instead, a ground swell of the electorate who could not bear the thought of four more years of the current administration. Regrettably, that option is off the table. Not one of those moderate democrats will vote for Trump. Quite a few non-MAGA republicans have no more patience with the administrative chaos he creates or ignorant foreign policy objectives he supports either.

The current Real Clear polling average between the two candidates is Trump 46.9 and Biden 45.8. Even with a 56 - 41% disapproval rating for Biden and 64% of the population believing the country is on the wrong track, the best Trump can manage is a razor thin lead. My party almost could not find a weaker candidate than this octogenarian narcissist.

My real fear is the down ballot effect of republican lack of enthusiasm for Trump. Current polling suggests it is average for both parties at the current time. (To remind, in '22 Republican enthusiasm polled a 10-15 point advantage and our red wave still amounted to just a ripple). So, make no mistake this time. Actual enthusiasm for Trump is pretty well restricted to his loyal 33.33% cadre of uncritical supporters who seem happy to high-five each other without even considering the rest of the electorate even within their own party. Unless something dramatic changes, that is a strategy for defeat in November. Worse, it is a strategy for loss of the senate in a year when it should be an easy flip for the republican party.
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Keep thinking this cannot happen in your state. Who would have thought that one day Colorado would be infested with bleeding Liberals. Here we are. Texas you could be next.

Oh it’s happening in Texas faster than you’d think. Austin is the rainbow and unicorn dust capital of the middle USA….. and theyer moving in as fast as they can. We get the privilege on April 8th of hosting every crazy ass’d Wookie in the world because of the eclipse. Don’t mind them coming to look around but the problem is, they stay…….
Oh it’s happening in Texas faster than you’d think. Austin is the rainbow and unicorn dust of the middle USA….. and theyer moving in as fast as they can. We get the privilege on April 8th of hosting every crazy ass’d Wookie in the world because of the eclipse. Don’t mind them coming to look around but the problem is, they stay…….
Worse, California economic refugees are coming here in droves for jobs and an affordable cost of living. Each and everyone of them brings the politics that drove them out of their state with them.
Oh it’s happening in Texas faster than you’d think. Austin is the rainbow and unicorn dust of the middle USA….. and theyer moving in as fast as they can. We get the privilege on April 8th of hosting every crazy ass’d Wookie in the world because of the eclipse. Don’t mind them coming to look around but the problem is, they stay…….

Austin has always prided itself on being "weird".. I used to enjoy going there... good food, nice public spaces... people watching was always a hoot....

I despise even driving through town now on my way to San Antonio... Its no longer "weird".. Austin just sucks..

Theres some great areas left just outside of town.. absolutely beautiful locations... but they are rapidly being taken over as well..
@Red Leg , I was mostly referring to I think it was Hillary- Obama race I think it was but it was years ago. I don’t think I’ve ever said I support Trump, I did in ‘16 but don’t now. As I’ve said before I didn’t vote for him in the primary but will reluctantly vote for him in November and then be sick for a few days. My statement was just an observation.
Worse, California economic refugees are coming here in droves for jobs and an affordable cost of living. Each and everyone of them brings the politics that drove them out of their state with them.
And that sir is the biggest problem, they keep that mentality when they get here and then start running for office……. Then they spread out buying up everything property wise they can and they vote, always voting leftist. It’s like watching “Salems Lot”….. they spread like wildfire.
And that sir is the biggest problem, they keep that mentality when they get here and then start running for office……. Then they spread out buying up everything property wise they can and they vote, always voting leftist. It’s like watching “Salems Lot”….. they spread like wildfire.

I do not get that mentality. They just left a shithole state, full with outrageous taxes, overpriced homes, weird laws, etc, etc. So, let me vote with the same mentality as before, and turn this wonderful place into the same shithole I just left. They are like locust, destroying everything in their path, one state at a time.
We are so screwed.
I do not get that mentality. They just left a shithole state, full with outrageous taxes, overpriced homes, weird laws, etc, etc. So, let me vote with the same mentality as before, and turn this wonderful place into the same shithole I just left. They are like locust, destroying everything in their path, one state at a time.
We are so screwed.
Your not the only one that doesn’t understand their mentality, it’s one of life’s great mysteries.
I do not get that mentality. They just left a shithole state, full with outrageous taxes, overpriced homes, weird laws, etc, etc. So, let me vote with the same mentality as before, and turn this wonderful place into the same shithole I just left. They are like locust, destroying everything in their path, one state at a time.
We are so screwed.
They just want to live in a place where they get a free ride! When they have to start paying for things themselves, it’s time to move on to greener pastures. It’s happening everywhere, “what can you do for me, give it to me free”!
It seems like a good work ethic is to much work, these days.
It seems that they’ve taxed themselves out of a place to live, sell the cracker box palaces for an insane amount of money, then bring their money and their ideals here…… and then start demanding we change here, to there….
It happened to Oregon & Washington state. Now Colorado, and I'm sure Florida is very close with everyone from NY & NJ moving in.
Worse, California economic refugees are coming here in droves for jobs and an affordable cost of living. Each and everyone of them brings the politics that drove them out of their state with them.
You are correct, it never failed to amaze me how people could be so frustrated with their home state and move halfway across the country with the mind set of....

"Look at this place with lower taxes, cheaper housing(compared to California), high standard of living and now all we need to do is use our politics to make it more like the disaster we escaped from!"

This is further exacerbated by the Austin "Texas Progressive" - These people are often Texas born and migrated to Austin to escape their parents that often financially support their adult children well into their 30's, 40's and beyond.

Having lived in Austin for 10 years I found it mind boggling the number of people I knew well into adulthood who were only able to reside in Austin because their parents either paid their rent or owned the house they lived in..... These are largely your service industry/perpetual students who work just hard enough to cover their bar tabs and substance use; and the parents providing long term financial outpatient care for their adult children are willing to pay in order to keep their adult children from moving back home and out of sight.
Regarding polling which is always suspect at best regardless the pollsters, its always better to be ahead than behind and Trump is ahead if only by a small amount today in RCP poll, but he is leading by a fair amount in battleground, must win states.

As far as Haley goes, I would gladly have voted for her over Biden, would stand on my head to do so, but she didnt get the votes to carry on, she got wiped out not just by a little bit, it wasnt even close, so it will come down most likely to Trump or Biden, unless one or the other is unable to continue, always a possibility considering Bidens myriad health problems and Trumps myriad legal problems.
But Haley is out of the picture, she is now irrelevant and not worth wasting any more time trying to relive the just past campaign, its over.

If there is one thing I wish we could all remember about this election it is this. Its NOT the economy stupid! Its many other things that another 4 years of Biden and his ilk that will make this country one many of us wont recognize.

His abdication of his sworn oath of office to protect and defend this country is a huge problem for all of us, and his continued assaults on all of our personal freedoms, from gun control, to his insane green agenda, higher taxes, feckless leadership in all ways, not to mention his obvious corruption. Its very damaging to this country, and we are a laughing stock on the world stage.

Some of you werent around when Jimmy Carter was president, it was bad in many ways, but compared to the current moron in chief I would take Jimmy back in a heartbeat, at least he is a decent human being, not a freaking child sniffing, shower taker with his teen daughter, lying sack of rotting mush brain retard, that cant find his way off a stage without a road map or DOKTOR Jill coming up to rescue him and tell us how with it Joe is!! "oh he is fine!"
She is nothing but an enabler who sees 4 more years of First Lady bliss ahead of her!

Some of our members seem to be comfortable with this jerkoff as long as the economy is doing OK and that all its doing, OK.

Please dont cite the phony job numbers, most of the jobs created since Joe took office are for immigrants, and almost every month since Biden began bragging, read lying about how great his accomplishments are, the jobs reports have been downgraded a month later.
Trump aint no angel to be sure, loudmouth, braggadocios, combative, bull in the China shop, over the top, and many other similar words, but I will take him over the scum sucking slimeball in the WH any day of the week!
Disagree? Have at it, its still a free country for now, but another 4 years of Biden will only make it worse as he will feel unleashed to really drive it home and it wont be pleasant for most of us.
I'm not sure where you are going with this, but in today's political landscape, any leftist entity that donates to a republican candidate is doing so for nefarious reasons.
MEANING, that they are trying to prop that candidate up, over DJT, because that candidate is more in line with with the swamp culture.
Are any of the leftists donating to Trump? Of course not.
If you don't understand that, then I have no words to explain it to you.
Nikki Haley would be a much better stooge for the establishment, and that's why she gets the leftist support that she does.
It just strikes me that you, and Trump, seem to completely miss the point that these other voters are completely fed up with Biden. They are votes to be had for a candidate that doesn't tell them, "I don't want your vote". Without those votes, Trump won't be reelected. I am not "anti" Trump, but he needs to pull his head out of his ass and quit driving voters away. That includes members of his own party he keeps bashing.
When those who are fully in Trump's camp follow his lead and bash those of us who aren't, it further divides the party. If you, and he, actually looked at the numbers, it's pretty obvious we need close to 100% of our own party to cast a ballot for him. Plus, we need the bigger half of the independent/non-affiliated voters as well. Without those votes, Trump doesn't see the inside of the WH again. And as others have spoken to well, the down ballot candidates with an R after their name also suffer.
I am one who will vote for whomever has the R after their name on the general ballot in November. Primaries are when you get to vote for who you like; the general election is when you must vote for the party that closest represents your own politics. We are a 2 party country, like it or not. The election is a nose count at the end of it. The party with the most noses in each house, controls all of the committees. It doesn't matter if I like a candidate personally in November; that option ends with the convention.
If it actually matters to you that we do not suffer another 4 years of Biden, especially with a D majority in both houses, then you need to pull your head out and recognize what it takes to get elected in this country. Trump needs to reign in his BS. His followers need to do the same. Both need to start cultivating the common ground and focus on not just voter retention, but new voter acquisition. That means we need those disgruntled Ds, as well as those Rs that seem to irritate you, and Trump. Wake up to political reality.

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Do you still have this rifle? I'm in the KC area on business and I'm very interested.