Thank you and they certainly are.These look like truly fine dogs!
I love my spaniels.
Thank you and they certainly are.These look like truly fine dogs!
Thanks, I am hoping. Both the sire and dam were past winners of field trials in Scotland and England. It will be fun to train him.Gorgeous dogs and you should get a great dog from that breeding.
I apologize for a rabbit hole in your thread-have you ever read the story “Robin” by Jim Corbett about his beloved “spaniel
Get a Lab. No knowledge needed. They come ready to go out of the chute. Not to "disparage" Springers. It's a close run thing with those two breeds.Having a dog to hunt with is one of those unfulfilled dreams I have. I am jealous of those of you who have such fine companions, and the knowledge to keep them happy. Well done.
Perfect Grouse dog for your Moose swamp.Having a dog to hunt with is one of those unfulfilled dreams I have. I am jealous of those of you who have such fine companions, and the knowledge to keep them happy. Well done.
Guys who love their Spaniels do love them.Good looking dogs and pups @BRICKBURN
My springer is 3yo and we have two other dogs or I’d be sending you a message.
Picture of my dog training a few nights ago. Hard to beat a springer!
We hunted over Springers on our last pheasant hunt and they performed fantastic.
We have Goldens here in Tennessee. Our female is in heat right now to the point she is trying to teach our younger male (not related) the technique lol