Some of you know my dad, although he outlived many of his hunting and fishing buddies. I haven’t been on here much lately, but am coming up for air. My dad was a true giant and honestly, trying to set aside any bias, was the greatest man I have known. A true man of integrity who lived a great life and saw the world. He played football and basketball at the University of Texas, got his books (and I believe meal plan) covered by being on the UT rodeo team in law school, and was a brilliant lawyer for over sixty years. A great outdoorsman who taught me most of everything I know about guns, hunting, fishing, trapping etc. He also taught me to be the man I strive to be. Here is to a life well lived. Love you, Pops!
Edit: Dang. You have to click on “obituary and events” to read the actual obituary if interested.
Edit: Dang. You have to click on “obituary and events” to read the actual obituary if interested.