AH enthusiast
Perhaps, a good way to answer the question is to ask what the alternatives are and whether they do what you want done?
What metric are you going with for value? What is the performance criteria?
Personally...I am torn. I would say no, off the cuff, as I can't justify the cost vs what it mechanically is. However, I am a rifle aficionado and Rigby rifles are the kind of thing that I would get a lot of joy from owning.
I also have to balance cost vs experiences. I could fund a lot of hunting for the cost of that rifle.
If I had the money to burn...yes, I would buy it today. If it was either buy that rifle or go to Africa on a hunt...I would go to Africa.
It is a really nice rifle.
What metric are you going with for value? What is the performance criteria?
Personally...I am torn. I would say no, off the cuff, as I can't justify the cost vs what it mechanically is. However, I am a rifle aficionado and Rigby rifles are the kind of thing that I would get a lot of joy from owning.
I also have to balance cost vs experiences. I could fund a lot of hunting for the cost of that rifle.
If I had the money to burn...yes, I would buy it today. If it was either buy that rifle or go to Africa on a hunt...I would go to Africa.
It is a really nice rifle.