
Imma be real, I don't have any love for either political party anymore. I know I'm not old enough to be saying "back in the day" but whatever. Back when I was a youngin, I used to be really into the Democrats when Obama was active as I saw them as the calm, progressive types whereas I saw Republicans as savage rednecks. Then, as I grew older into college, I saw the desperate scramble for woke points the Dems were going for and how insane the left had become through my time on tumblr became much more conservative, especially because my friends were starting a Republican club and I wanted to help. However, I feel that nowadays, allying myself with any one of the 2 parties is not worth my time because they've both proven to me that they're morons. I'm especially sick of the flinging that's happened with the whole culture of triggering the libs and pissing on the MAGA's. I find it easier to have no love for both. Not the danger hair broad/nu-male who thinks anime tiddies on a billboard is systemic oppression or the /pol/ dweller who proudly screams things Jerome would crucify me for. Both sides are reactionary as all hell, both are full of themselves, both are gossipy as heck, and both are two sides of the same coin. Sorry if this came out sanctimonious, just wanted to let it out.

Or I need to get more irl friends once this all blows over.
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Imma be real, I don't have any love for either political party anymore. I know I'm not old enough to be saying "back in the day" but whatever. Back when I was a youngin, I used to be really into the Democrats when Obama was active as I saw them as the calm, progressive types whereas I saw Republicans as savage rednecks. Then, as I grew older into college, I saw the desperate scramble for woke points the Dems were going for and how insane the left had become through my time on tumblr became much more conservative, especially because my friends were starting a Republican club and I wanted to help. However, I feel that nowadays, allying myself with any one of the 2 parties is not worth my time because they've both proven to me that they're morons. I'm especially sick of the flinging that's happened with the whole culture of triggering the libs and pissing on the MAGA's. I find it easier to have no love for both. Not the danger hair broad/nu-male who thinks anime tiddies on a billboard is systemic oppression or the /pol/ dweller who proudly screams things Jerome would crucify me for. Both sides are reactionary as all hell, both are full of themselves, both are gossipy as heck, and both are two sides of the same coin. Sorry if this came out sanctimonious, just wanted to let it out.

Or I need to get more irl friends once this all blows over.

Don’t know if it makes you guys feel any better, but in other countries we are dealing with the exact same shit. Two (or more) sides of the same corrupt coin.
Imma be real, I don't have any love for either political party anymore. I know I'm not old enough to be saying "back in the day" but whatever. Back when I was a youngin, I used to be really into the Democrats when Obama was active as I saw them as the calm, progressive types whereas I saw Republicans as savage rednecks. Then, as I grew older into college, I saw the desperate scramble for woke points the Dems were going for and how insane the left had become through my time on tumblr became much more conservative, especially because my friends were starting a Republican club and I wanted to help. However, I feel that nowadays, allying myself with any one of the 2 parties is not worth my time because they've both proven to me that they're morons. I'm especially sick of the flinging that's happened with the whole culture of triggering the libs and pissing on the MAGA's. I find it easier to have no love for both. Not the danger hair broad/nu-male who thinks anime tiddies on a billboard is systemic oppression or the /pol/ dweller who proudly screams things Jerome would crucify me for. Both sides are reactionary as all hell, both are full of themselves, both are gossipy as heck, and both are two sides of the same coin. Sorry if this came out sanctimonious, just wanted to let it out.

Or I need to get more girl friends once this all blows over.

Hey, rants can be good! Don't know but your last sentence may be the problem. :p Back in my committeeman days, after one of my constituents offered a good rant upon me and questioned my heritage, if they were male, I would calmly respond with "Ain't gettin' any either, huh"? They would laugh and usually answer "Yeah". Young man, this too will pass and you will look back on it, laugh and will have learned another life lesson. Cheers! :)
Looks like Republicans flipped a California House Seat for the first time in 22 years. Vote also takes place on the day Los Angeles County says shutdown will continue for three months.

Wonder if people like their freedom.:whistle:

I hope this is a hint as to the November congressional elections. The Dems have more or less given up on Biden winning but instead are plowing millions in to the Senate elections. Methinks they're pissing in the wind and will lose the House, resulting in more sniveling, crying, and gnashing of teeth.
I hope this is a hint as to the November congressional elections. The Dems have more or less given up on Biden winning but instead are plowing millions in to the Senate elections. Methinks they're pissing in the wind and will lose the House, resulting in more sniveling, crying, and gnashing of teeth.

As more revelations of the corruption in the Obama administration, Clinton Foundation and kickbacks to politicians through USAID, CIA and DOD are revealed, November may be a landslide even with the virus and economic devastation we are wading through.
A big win California, and another in Wisconsin. I seriously hope the Republicans can take back the house. If they do, they need to blitzkrieg the Dem's with endless investigations, and call for Adam Schiffs expulsion from Congress. Send Pelosi back under the rock she crawled out from.
House Democrats just drafted an 1800 page, $3 trillion dollar, stimulus package. Full of Democrat pork wish list, that has nothing to do with current affairs.

What a surprise, eh!


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House Democrats just drafted an 1800 page, $3 trillion dollar, stimulus package. Full of Democrat pork wish list, that has nothing to do with current affairs.

What a surprise, eh!

And Pelosi will say we have to pass it to find out what's in it. History trying to repeat itself.
The spineless GOP, are not going to question Obama.

Everything he did will be exposed to the light.

His legacy will be up there will Sese Seko, Marcos, Mugabe, Milosevic, Duvalier, Lazarenko, Suharto.............
The lights have been dimmed, the previews are rolling, the smell of popcorn fills the air and people are taking their seats...
But what movie is about to roll on the Big Screen? And will it be worth the price of admission?
I'd like to see the Republicans have the majority in the House, if only that it prevents the DemonRats from running roughshod over everything, however I fear that such a majority will again be a disappointment. When the Republicans had the majority first it was Boehner then Ryan; they had their chance and blew it with intra-party squabbling. Maybe the second time around they will have learned- at least we can hope.


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