Aaron N
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- Canada, South Africa
Look after yourself first, and you’ll be in Africa feeling better than ever
The Red Rush 360 Pro is a super high quality, affordable unit for red light therapy. Totally concur with above post.Also look into red light therapy. Dermatologists have been using it for years.
@CZDiesel I am sorry to hear about your situation.Well guys it seems as the Curse of Africa is strong when it comes to me! So you see I was booked, payed and ready to go to South Africa in 99 and I blew out my back out at work and had to have surgery so I gave away my hunt to a friend. In 02 I was booked and payed for Tanzania and several weeks before departure I was shot five times and ended up in the hospital for the next eight months and had to give that hunt away too…
Now fast forward to 24 I have a hunt booked and fully paid for in the Save Valley Conservancy this coming July and it’s happening again!!! I banged my ankle a year or so back and it was nothing more than a scuff but because of the gun shot wounds I have poor circulation in the leg and that scuff lingered…
Months later after traveling to Dallas for the DSC convention that scuff opened up to a small hole the size of an eraser head but still was not wanting to heal and then this summer happened, and there was no way I could foresee it, and the wound contracted MRSA and before we knew it the wound was the size of a tennis ball and growing! MRSA IS NO JOKE!
Almost $400,000 later and seeing wound specialist three times a week for the last five months ,who used Stem Cell Grafts and every thing else on it, it’s still open!
It’s much, much better and the infection is out but still open sadly…
I have for over 25 years dreamed and paid for Safari and it seem like I will be denied again! I have talked to the PH and he was really cool about it and said let’s just wait a bit before making a decision but it seem as the wound will not heal in time and I’ll have to postpone at the minimum.
I have pics of the wound but didn’t post as they are a little graphic and I did want to upset anyone but can if the site is ok?
I cannot believe this is happening once again! I cannot tell you the level of frustration!
My friends all say it’s the Curse of Africa and I should abandon the idea of going but I just dont think I can do that…
I’m sorry you’re going through this. My father had a similar issue with a wound that would not close. He was eventually able to get it sorted by going regularly to a hyperbaric chamber, which diffused oxygen into his feet and promoted the healing he needed. Just wanted to pass that along because I believe there are ways to either get that covered or pay for it directly. All the best!Well guys it seems as the Curse of Africa is strong when it comes to me! So you see I was booked, payed and ready to go to South Africa in 99 and I blew out my back out at work and had to have surgery so I gave away my hunt to a friend. In 02 I was booked and payed for Tanzania and several weeks before departure I was shot five times and ended up in the hospital for the next eight months and had to give that hunt away too…
Now fast forward to 24 I have a hunt booked and fully paid for in the Save Valley Conservancy this coming July and it’s happening again!!! I banged my ankle a year or so back and it was nothing more than a scuff but because of the gun shot wounds I have poor circulation in the leg and that scuff lingered…
Months later after traveling to Dallas for the DSC convention that scuff opened up to a small hole the size of an eraser head but still was not wanting to heal and then this summer happened, and there was no way I could foresee it, and the wound contracted MRSA and before we knew it the wound was the size of a tennis ball and growing! MRSA IS NO JOKE!
Almost $400,000 later and seeing wound specialist three times a week for the last five months ,who used Stem Cell Grafts and every thing else on it, it’s still open!
It’s much, much better and the infection is out but still open sadly…
I have for over 25 years dreamed and paid for Safari and it seem like I will be denied again! I have talked to the PH and he was really cool about it and said let’s just wait a bit before making a decision but it seem as the wound will not heal in time and I’ll have to postpone at the minimum.
I have pics of the wound but didn’t post as they are a little graphic and I did want to upset anyone but can if the site is ok?
I cannot believe this is happening once again! I cannot tell you the level of frustration!
My friends all say it’s the Curse of Africa and I should abandon the idea of going but I just dont think I can do that…
Agree but after 18 mo I would assume all of those things have been done but may need to be repeated! A second opinion is likely in order in a major center! Good luck we will keep you in our thoughts.@CZDiesel I am sorry to hear about your situation.
Without knowing more details of your medical situation I could respectfully offer the following if this has not already been done:
Non-healing wounds at the ankle are actually a fairly common location, and this may or may not necessarily be related to the gunshot injury. Failure to heal a wound is almost always related at a root level to a circulatory issue. In people with diabetes, it can be poor circulation at the micro (capillary) level (almost impossible to treat). In some people, poor arterial blood supply can be the issue (common also in diabetics, but also seen in smokers and people with various arterial issues (can be treated but very difficult and complex). These people often have leg pain with walking that goes away with rest (claudication). This could have resulted from an arterial injury with the gun shot wound.
There is another potential cause that is unfortunately not well understood by many doctors.... non-healing wounds that occur right over the ball joint of the ankle can be associated with something called "superficial venous insufficiency" or sometimes called "chronic lower extremity venous hypertension."
Essentially this is the opposite of the arterial problem. In cases of poor arterial supply, there is not enough blood flowing to the wound area. But in cases of venous insufficiency, there is poor drainage of blood AWAY from the wound. This leads to increased local pressure, which causes the tissues to become swollen and can lead to poor wound healing in severe cases. Sometimes the wound healing center can spend months and months trying various lotions and potions and strategies, to no avail; and then the underlying venous issue is identified and corrected and the wound heals in a week or two.
This condition can be treated, but it must be accurately diagnosed first. You need to ask for a "Venous doppler to evaluate for venous insufficiency and reflux" which is NOT the same exam as the much more common venous doppler to rule out DVT. You will need to find a doctor who understands this and has a Sonographer who knows how to do the test. Try someone who has a good reputation in your area for treating varicose veins, which are associated with this condition.
Sorry for the long post but this is a complex subject and I'm hoping to be of some help and get you hunting in Africa!
Manuka honey is also known to promote healing when all else fails. You just apply under light sterile bandage. Good luck.Thank you everyone! Thank you so much for both your support and your knowledge! I can’t believe how good of a community we have here!
I will use this thread for a reference and I see my Doctor tomorrow and will ask about multiple things brought up here!
So a couple of things… First the infect is gone and the wound has had progress as I stated in my first post but the recovery has been so slow, frustrating, and very painful!
The reason for the poor blood flow in the leg is because of “major vascular abnormalities due to multiple GSWs” as stated in my medical charts. These abnormalities have caused over a dozen DVTs in leg that have collapsed the valves in several of the main veins. I’ve had a ton of Arterial Flow tests done and they come out perfect. No problem with flow down just an issue getting it back up.
I was wearing compression socks until the wound opened and then even after for a while but the socks were tearing the wound opened so I had to discontinue. I do still use a short compression sock for the foot and they double wrap the calf above the wound for compression but the wound area itself won’t tolerate compression at this point. The new growth there is, is too fragile for it…
I have been seen by four doctors that include two vascular surgeons. I’ve been to two wound clinics. And now I have specialized wound doctors that I see three times a week. They are the ones that put on the Embryonic Stem Cell Skin Grafts which are horribly expensive! As in more expensive than a lot of people’s homes sadly!
They were very positive that the grafts would have it closed up within 10 weeks which is as many as they can apply but sadly two months now after the last graft the wound is still open. They are using silver for it now and it has responded positively to the silver but it’s still open! Both frustrating and maddening!!!
I know they will get it healed but not in time to recover for the Safari…
I will absolutely look into the Doppler test as I’ve never had one, only ultrasounds.
I will also look into and ask about the supplements!
I have looked into the Hyperbaric therapy and sadly it’s not an option for me…
Thank you again everyone for your kind words and support! I’m sorry I even posted the thread but I was so frustrated and angry at the situation last night I really needed to vent! Thank you for all the advice, I will follow up on it…
It funny you say that because when the wound was just a scuff I was using just that! And during that time it never really opened up but when I traveled to Dallas the compression sock tore the wound and it got out of controlManuka honey is also known to promote healing when all else fails. You just apply under light sterile bandage. Good luck.
Thank you! I try to stay positive and I am on most days but as hard as I try some days I just get frustrated and angry over it sadly.Man, prayers sent. What a frustrating and discouraging journey. I llook for guidance from the classics like Josey Wales “endeavor to persevere.” Seriously, incredibly frustrating and I know that you’ve had numerous setbacks. Times like this really put into perspective what is important in life. Celebrate what you can and don’t focus on what you cannot control. Hope you note improvement every day/week and make the trip. I have a friend who destroyed both of his feet due to his parachute fouling and he had all kinds of issues, including poor vascular repair from surgery in theater. He finally got squared away and is doing great now. Capillary refill is incredibly slow still, but man, he hasn’t had any significant problems in the last couple years. He swears he turned the corner when he completely changed his diet and cut out all processed food/crap/alcohol. May not be a correlation at all, but if your doctors haven’t recommended that, it certainly could not hurt.
Take care yourself and thinking about your journey. Best wishes for getting healed up and making the trip.
I’ve never in my life even thought of something like this but now that I’m one inflicted it’s life changing!One of my warehouse mgrs got into a similar situation after a basic Ortho knee surgery.
Now she's on deck for plugging a hole in her leg and the infection got into the bone and requires an orthopedic and plastic surgeon to steal part of her calf muscle to plug it. Crazy stuff.
Hang in there! We're all rooting for you! Make it happen even if you have to drag yourself over the line. Hold onto that vision.