358 Norma

Nice hearing from you Bob. Don’t think I’ve bantered with you since you said “a 243 wasn’t up to hunting rats” or something similar. lol!! Hope things are well with you.

I am in the process of building a Whelen. But thought the Norma with a 280gr. Swift would make a backup to a big gun that would be out of commission. I know not ideal and not legal but when it hits the fan you could hunt and feel very up to the task. I thought about a 9.3x64 but even harder to get ammo for here and can’t get the real light bullets for hunting deer in the States.
@Jamie D Van Roekel
Can't complain about your logic. The 358 Norma is a fine cartridge. Where it comes into its own over the Whelen is with bullets 275-310 grains.
The big Sweede should be able to get the big 310s up over 2,500 fps for some real stomping power.
The 358 Norma is an amazing cartridge. Used it for moose and black bear, no tracking required! With 250gr Oryx bullets, it’s the only cartridge that I have seen the blood spray on the exit wound through the scope. I use its baby brother the 308 Norma for deer.
I love the cartridge but it’s got a lot of recoil. I have a nice custom rifle built in 358 that’s been sitting in my safe for years, Unfired. One of these days I need to dig it out and either put a scope on it or sell it.
Buckle up buttercup. I have yet to find any 358 cartridge to be onerous. The Norma can be sporty off a bench but quite manageable off sticks.
Mine is on a post-64 Model 70 with a 24" barrel with 12" twist.
.338 Win Mag brass works fine - just size load and shoot. Cases will turn out a little short.
.300 Win Mag brass also works but will need trimming.
Follow the ancient advice and reduce the following powder charges by 5% to start and do not exceed.
200 TTSX - 74 gn Varget - 3160 fps
225 Nosler Ballistic Tip - 67 gn Big Game - 2670 fps
or 68 gn Varget - 2920 fps
225 TSX - 71 Varget or Reloder 15- 2940 fps
250 Nosler Partition - 73 gn Big Game - 2840 fps
or 77 gn IMR4451 - 2810 fps
or 78 gn H4350 - 2850 fps
250 Speer - 72 gn Reloder 16 - 2760 fps
280 Swift - 65 Reloder 15 - 2590 fps
or 72.5 H4350 - 2680 fps


Can you just run 300WM brass in a 358 Norma die then trim? Or do you have to neck up to 338 first?
I have not found it necessary to to neck .300 Win Mag up to .338 first. Just use new or freshly annealed cases and lube the inside of the necks. I use a tapered expander and have had no problem necking .280 Rem cases up to .358 in one pass.

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