
Do you have facts to back this up? Fox does a pretty terrible job of covering Ukrain and I cannot seem to be able to leave CNN on very long before my wife is asking what is wrong... and both of us getting sick... The rest are worse.. So honestly I get most of my Ukraine info here... But try to sort out who seems to have facts and logic.

Agreed! There has to be a notorious secret plan being carried out... well maybe not so secret.
But a point of clarity, the only way to increase electoral votes is to add states or ammendmend the Constitution. And I believe that adding a State would only add two electoral votes as the House is set at the current max. (States get one electoral vote per each Senate and House seat
I believe Washington DC gets 3. And the Territories get some???

The problem you are worried about is more migrants eventually becoming Democrat voters than Republican. And what you are more immediately concerned about is that the census counts all people, legal or not, citizens or not. Then those results re-allocate the Representatives of the House. That will not increase electors but could well re-allocate those Representatives to Liberal Districts. Obama did both of the above in Minnesota and I'm not positive but I think Michigan. (Someone correct me?) Brent when you bitch about this stuff, try to get your facts straight and it will be a lot easier to agree with you;)

Again do you have facts? What do you base these comments on

Do you have facts to back this up? Fox does a pretty terrible job of covering Ukrain and I cannot seem to be able to leave CNN on very long before my wife is asking what is wrong... and both of us getting sick... The rest are worse.. So honestly I get most of my Ukraine info here... But try to sort out who seems to have facts and logic.

Agreed! There has to be a notorious secret plan being carried out... well maybe not so secret.
But a point of clarity, the only way to increase electoral votes is to add states or ammendmend the Constitution. And I believe that adding a State would only add two electoral votes as the House is set at the current max. (States get one electoral vote per each Senate and House seat
I believe Washington DC gets 3. And the Territories get some???

The problem you are worried about is more migrants eventually becoming Democrat voters than Republican. And what you are more immediately concerned about is that the census counts all people, legal or not, citizens or not. Then those results re-allocate the Representatives of the House. That will not increase electors but could well re-allocate those Representatives to Liberal Districts. Obama did both of the above in Minnesota and I'm not positive but I think Michigan. (Someone correct me?) Brent when you bitch about this stuff, try to get your facts straight and it will be a lot easier to agree with you;)

Again do you have facts? What do you base these comments on?
Quit whining Bob, I know how the system works.
Populations grow, districts expand, new districts added, re- districting for more electoral votes.
Why do you think the Dems always try to re- district in their favor?
Why do you think democrats want to add Puerto Rico as a state?

As far as proof on Ukraine corruption, I suggest you do some research. The stink is out there

Not everything is so cut and dry BOB. Some is just OPINION, which in the U S.A, I'm allowed to have. For now, anyway.
At least two people on here with DIRECT experience have repeatedly said, the vast, vast majority of the military aid is not in a form that can be diverted into cash. But I guess you continue to believe otherwise.

I’ve got news for you, ALL countries are corrupt to some degree. I seriously doubt Ukraine is as corrupt now as before the war. Nonetheless, we still have common goals that should outweigh past corruption. Can you not understand?

I do agree with you that we should only be giving military aid. If the European countries want to give humanitarian aid, that’s on them to do. We shouldn’t.
You were saying.......?
You were saying.......?
Yep, beware of those, including some on this forum, who have perfected the art of gaslighting. Some of those talents having been acquired through previous employment. The classic charlatan, Brandon Crapsinpants, is a transparent piker compared to some- especially when he tells false war stories including those about relatives. Those are almost automatically lies and easy to spot. Concurrently, to some, ridding the world of Trump justifies any means, thus forming the ultimate rationalization. The master gaslighters have just begun to meld their talents with AI… so BOLO ;)
Liberal arts covers the humanities and fine arts, which is what most people associate with "liberal arts", but it also includes social sciences, natural sciences (biology, earth science, et al), and the formal sciences (mathematics). Even the softer edges of "liberal arts" like the humanities and social sciences (where most business students take their electives to not compromise their GPA) are a broader pool of disciplines than business. There's just so much more to choose from.

To be fair, most business courses (apart from the more quantitative portions of finance that involve linear algebra and stochastic calculus) are not more rigorous or challenging than most pure liberal arts courses. They just teach applied skills to a more specific set of jobs (which is important).
I could care less about what is considered more rigorous. You are kidding yourself if you think most LA courses are harder than advanced business courses.

You ignore my point about who is more well-rounded. All LA students should take some business courses, just as business students take LA.

Learning accounting, budgeting and finance has real current world applications that all need but many never study. Every college graduate should know the basics of operating a business, management, accounting and budgeting. Our government would be in much better condition
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Yep, beware of those, including some on this forum, who have perfected the art of gaslighting. Some of those talents having been acquired through previous employment. The classic charlatan, Brandon Crapsinpants, is a transparent piker compared to some- especially when he tells false war stories including those about relatives. Those are almost automatically lies and easy to spot. Concurrently, to some, ridding the world of Trump justifies any means, thus forming the ultimate rationalization. The master gaslighters have just begun to meld their talents with AI… so BOLO ;)
The truth is what a handful of members say it is. The rest of us are just full of shit.

Google Fires 28 Workers Protesting $1.2 Billion Israeli Contract​


Google Fires 28 Workers Protesting $1.2 Billion Israeli Contract​

I doubt any of these yahoos will be missed and will be replaced with equal idiots.
CIA and Guatemala Assassination Proposals 1952-1954, CIA History Staff Analysis
"On June 27, 1954, democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz was deposed in a CIA sponsored coup to protect the profits of the United Fruit Company. Arbenz was replaced by decades of brutal US backed regimes who committed widespread torture and genocide" (HISTROY)

Who are we? Don't put anything past the CIA. Their role in starting wars is well established. ....FWB
I am waiting to see how Biden handles future developments with Israel (and hopefully the border) before I decide whether to vote for him. Regardless, I will not vote for Trump.
I think it’s pretty clear Biden is not going to do anything about the border. The people in the west wing are obviously open border whackos that want the USA to devolve to more resemble a third world country. Level the playing field, so to speak. It’s just not fair, in their view, that we have been a largely prosperous country with wealth and, until recently, a decent record of implementing the rule of law. It all about a misguided view of “equity.”
I think it’s pretty clear Biden is not going to do anything about the border. The people in the west wing are obviously open border whackos that want the USA to devolve to more resemble a third world country. Level the playing field, so to speak. It’s just not fair, in their view, that we have been a largely prosperous country with wealth and, until recently, a decent record of implementing the rule of law. It all about a misguided view of “equity.”
What we know from the poles so far is that moderate Democrats are unhappy about the open border too. My theory is that Biden and the West Winger woke crowd are into it equally, and they don't see that it is their Achilles heel. Either that, or they know it will lose the election but they are pumping them in full speed in the meantime.
Interesting and typically hawkish comments from John Bolton.

Also typical of Bolton... he tells us what Israel should do... but offers no solution as to how it actually gets done..

Sure.. destroy Irans nuclear capability...

Exactly HOW should the Israelis do that John Bolton?

We dont need specifics... but... what weapon system or unit do you think Israel has that can do that?

I mean there are actually only a very small set of options the US could execute to get this done.. and we have a significantly larger military capacity, wider array of weapons systems, and much better equipped (and larger) SOF units..
mdwest, Israel has people deeply imbedded and will only expose their capability when they are in a all or nothing scenario.

I think this may be that time. I’m only guessing. But I would be surprised if they don’t “break the glass” and use that tightly concealed, in country asset now.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards