
It happened to Oregon & Washington state. Now Colorado, and I'm sure Florida is very close with everyone from NY & NJ moving in.

Looking at some recent elections, I think NY and NJ is closer to flipping red than Florida flipping blue.

It won't be this year, at least not with Trump, but I could see a candidate in the next couple of elections making it happen.
The only votes Haley ever gets are from the libtard democrats who vote in Republican primaries.
Wrong again! Ever bothered to READ her voting record and platform? I voted for her.

If the megalomaniac Trump had been respectful before she dropped out and embraced her as his VP, they would be unstoppable. Much like how Reagan and Bush repaired their relationship, which led to 12 years of Republicans in the White House. This should have been 16 years if not for Ross Perot. Perot brought us Clinton and therefore, eventually, Obama. Guess who your biatch Trump is about to bring us?? NEWSOME! I hope you’re proud of your megalomaniac creating chaos and bringing us more Democrats and their policies.
^^^^ Scott, add in the fact that the left has tipped their hand on their November strategy. They are running strictly on abortion again.

And unfortunately, there are enough single issue voters out there that abortion is enough.

Michigan currently has more draconian abortion laws than China. And apparently that’s not enough, because they’re running that Republicans want to take women’s reproductive rights.
Michigan currently has more draconian abortion laws than China. And apparently that’s not enough, because they’re running that Republicans want to take women’s reproductive rights.
The country that mandated abortions under the one child policy is probably not the best benchmark of “draconian” abortion laws.
During the period when China mandated forced abortions under the one child rule,

there was a huge international uproar when China mandated a woman get a abortion at seven months instead of having a second child.

In Michigan you are perfectly welcome to have an abortion at one day short of seven months.
Or all the way up to viability. Typically 24 weeks.
During the period when China mandated forced abortions under the one child rule,

there was a huge international uproar when China mandated a woman get a abortion at seven months instead of having a second child.

In Michigan you are perfectly welcome to have an abortion at one day short of seven months.
Or all the way up to viability. Typically 24 weeks.

I think there are a few states that allow up until birth. There is great audio of Fmr Virginia Gov Northam talking about it.
7 states. No limits. It’s not really a shock which ones have zero limits

And which have reasonable limits.

Rather startling Rasmussen update from today. Stepping back from the overall conclusions, I hope he is correct about the Latino swing. Many of us here have noted that most hardworking Hispanics in this country should find themselves more ideologically aligned with republicans rather than democrats. Were this shift to continue through a couple of cycles, I can't imagine anything that would change democrat border theory more completely.

The other thing that stood out to me was the "save the country vote." I do not understand how that wouldn't tie back to voter enthusiasm. Should that republican democrat delta hold for half a year, it could be meaningful with respect to turnout.

Rather startling Rasmussen update from today. Stepping back from the overall conclusions, I hope he is correct about the Latino swing. Many of us here have noted that most hardworking Hispanics in this country should find themselves more ideologically aligned with republicans rather than democrats. Were this shift to continue through a couple of cycles, I can't imagine anything that would change democrat border theory more completely.

The other thing that stood out to me was the "save the country vote." I do not understand how that wouldn't tie back to voter enthusiasm. Should that republican democrat delta hold for half a year, it could be meaningful with respect to turnout.

Well at least along part of the Texas border will be R this fall. Val Verde, Maverick and Zapata counties for sure and maybe also Webb along with a lot of South Texas. They are beyond pissed about the border. However, in Bexar not so much.
It just strikes me that you, and Trump, seem to completely miss the point that these other voters are completely fed up with Biden. They are votes to be had for a candidate that doesn't tell them, "I don't want your vote". Without those votes, Trump won't be reelected. I am not "anti" Trump, but he needs to pull his head out of his ass and quit driving voters away. That includes members of his own party he keeps bashing.
When those who are fully in Trump's camp follow his lead and bash those of us who aren't, it further divides the party. If you, and he, actually looked at the numbers, it's pretty obvious we need close to 100% of our own party to cast a ballot for him. Plus, we need the bigger half of the independent/non-affiliated voters as well. Without those votes, Trump doesn't see the inside of the WH again. And as others have spoken to well, the down ballot candidates with an R after their name also suffer.
I am one who will vote for whomever has the R after their name on the general ballot in November. Primaries are when you get to vote for who you like; the general election is when you must vote for the party that closest represents your own politics. We are a 2 party country, like it or not. The election is a nose count at the end of it. The party with the most noses in each house, controls all of the committees. It doesn't matter if I like a candidate personally in November; that option ends with the convention.
If it actually matters to you that we do not suffer another 4 years of Biden, especially with a D majority in both houses, then you need to pull your head out and recognize what it takes to get elected in this country. Trump needs to reign in his BS. His followers need to do the same. Both need to start cultivating the common ground and focus on not just voter retention, but new voter acquisition. That means we need those disgruntled Ds, as well as those Rs that seem to irritate you, and Trump. Wake up to political reality.

Very well said!
Many of those ”new” jobs are jobs that came back after Covid and brand new Government jobs.
Yes. Some 52+% of the "new" jobs are Government (taxpayer) funded through Brandon's reckless spending bills. Only adding to our $34 TRILLION and counting budget deficit. It's not sustainable.

Victor Davis Hanson
Yep, it's the blueprint of the Marxist agenda. First, they had to neutralize law enforcement through taking away their qualified immunity. Many states have already done this so LE has become reactionary instead of proactive. Next, they release violent criminals from prison early and have "no bond" requirements for even the repeat and/or violent criminals going forward all in the name of "social justice and criminal justice reform". Included with that is allowing illegal and unvetted aliens including drug cartel and terrorist members infiltrating our southern and northern unrestricted borders. Then everything else follows with Brandon and his Marxist puppet masters have done or are proposing continue towards a quasi dictator style of government where the citizens are at the Federal Government's mercy and have very little freedom to conduct their lives as they wish. Look no further than to the north and south of us to see what they have planned for us. The only difference is that we have a Bill of Rights included in our Constitution and thankfully we have an independent Judicial system which counters the wannabee Dictator(s) to a certain extent. But look at the damage Brandon and his unelected bureaucrats through various agencies have/are doing currently to every aspect of our lives. He doesn't need Congress much except to approve his reckless spending. Again, vote your conscience, but if you choose Brandon again over ANYBODY you own ALL the consequences that WILL come with it. IMO, we won't survive four more years of this brain dead imbecile and his Marxist allies. Rant over cause I have to go to work. I'll be back though. LOL
So is he a brain dead imbecile or a wannabe marxist dictator?

It is easy to view those with whom you disagree strongly as the enemy, but I firmly believe that the vast majority of people on both sides of the aisle are good upstanding Americans who want what is best for the country. They just disagree on how to achieve it.

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