Reminder About Paying/Settling Final Bill with USD Cash in Namibia

M McDindi

AH enthusiast
Mar 27, 2020
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While discussing and finalizing plans for this years trip to Namibia, my PH friend asked me to remind everyone that IF they intend to settle out their final bill and pay staff tips in US dollars cash to be 100% certain you bring the "new" style $100.00 with the blue security stripe and not the old style. He reminded me that a couple years ago that the Namibian banks and currency exchange offices will NOT accept the old style US $100.00 any more.
That's same for here and I would have thought most countries over here....also here in zambia for usd 20 notes and lower you get a much worse exchange rate ...anywhere in region of 3 to 4 kwacha less than for $50 or $100....not sure if this is same elsewhere
The old style are still in general circulation in the US and still generally accepted in the US. Namibia actually started the new style requirement about the same time the Covid lockdowns started and this little detail may have gotten lost in the fog of it all.

My PH friend ended up with a few K of it last year and when I go over in Jun, I'll swap it out for him with the new style.

With things opening back up, it's just one of those little details to remember.
This has been the case in most (if not all) of Africa for some years now. And not only the 100 dollar notes, the older version 50, and 20 dollar notes may also be refused.
In Ethiopia the U.S. Embassy even issued an official letter to all the banks assuring them that the older version bank notes WERE valid currency, but the banks paid no mind and continued to reject them.
The same goes for Travelers Checks, most banks will reject them and most business won't even know what they are! Travelers checks have pretty much gone the way of the buggy whip, but I've come across a few travelers that had "saved them" for future travel. Moral of the story is to exchange these older version instruments for the new version cash at a bank in the U.S. For those holding the older version bank notes outside of the USA, save them for use when you or someone you know is traveling to the U.S. as they are of course valid and will be accepted in the USA. Why the rejection? Purportedly due to counterfeit versions of the older notes, and travelers checks in circulation.
Another reason I suppose is . . . many African countries have periodically issued new bank notes, and then CANCELLED the previous versions! Leaving many people (both honest and dishonest) holding worthless currency. I've lost money numerous times this way over the years, luckily never very much.
Thanks all for chiming in. Yes, this has been being implemented for several years. When in started in Namibia, the banks would accept a few of them per transaction but kind of give you the "stink eye" while doing so. The following year they wouldn't take any.

Namibia has another hurdle for the locals doing foreign currency exchange - they can't. So don't be surprised if when your PH collects you up he may ask you to exchange some foreign currency from a previous hunt(s). He's on the up and up about it all.

As far as traveler's checks, bank checks and even certified bank checks go - in Namibia they stopped accepting those maybe 10-years or so ago. Too many forgeries.

My purpose in posting this was just a gentle reminder to all the old heads and the first timers as well to help make sure their trip(s) go as smoothly as possible. I've been stranded a couple of times in foreign countries when my credit card has been locked for suspected fraud. It's not a fun feeling and a royal PIA. Not only while trying to continue traveling but, getting home and having to have a new CC issued and resetting up any automatic transactions associated with the previous card.

Getting a bit side tracked on this cash train - another reminder is to make sure you notify your CC provider you're going to be out of the US (home country) and traveling to or thru country X, Y, Z. and make sure they put in your account notes to please not turn your CC off while you're traveling.
Was informed any currency dated prior to 2013 was not accepted by banks in SA, regardless of the blue strip…SO…..check the dates on those bills prior
to leaving the US and take only those with a date of 2013 or later…..It is Africa!
While discussing and finalizing plans for this years trip to Namibia, my PH friend asked me to remind everyone that IF they intend to settle out their final bill and pay staff tips in US dollars cash to be 100% certain you bring the "new" style $100.00 with the blue security stripe and not the old style. He reminded me that a couple years ago that the Namibian banks and currency exchange offices will NOT accept the old style US $100.00 any more.
This is nothing new and is the case for many countries. Just ask your bank for all new bills.
Don’t know about Namibia, never been there… but conversely I’ve never had a US bill of any denomination of any age refused for such silly reasons in other Africa- incl. RSA, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana. Unless this is a relatively new trend over the last couple years?? Matter of fact my experience has been just the opposite where locals, especially in Zambia, actually have preferred old, soiled and darkened bills. In Zimbabwe, some of the US $2 bills are almost black from years of exposure to body oils and handling. :)

I guess if that’s the case in Namibia so be it, “while in Rome…”, but it’s a superstition that likely works to their own detriment. :)
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Philip - agreed. This is really nothing new and has been the case for several years, at least in Namibia. Namibia went this route for several reasons the major ones were: a) lots of the old style counterfeit $100.00 USD bills coming into the banks they were tracing back and attributing the influx of the Chinese "invasion". b) High amount of black market trading with the counterfeit USD. By making it illegal for Namibian citizens to exchange USD for Namibian dollars it greatly slowed down (not completely stopped) the black market trade of USD for ND.

And yes, while this has been the case for several years, there are still a significant number of US clients who don't know any different and still pitch up with mixed old an new style to settle their bill at the end. That is why my friend ended up with several thousands of dollars worth of the old style. He accepted it to settle the account with the hope a repeat client (such as myself) would bring the proper bills and swap them out for him. In the meantime, he's stuck with a lot of money that he can't use to pay his bills with.

Fourfiveight - if you read Spike.T's post above this has also been the case in Zambia for a few years. I also know from first hand being in Botswana several times a year for the past several years, it is the same there too.

Again, my original intent on posting was to pass along some info that a first timer or someone who may not have been in a few years, keep from getting jammed up at the end and not be able to settle his account or exchange all the currency he may have been stashing away under the bed for a few years for his once in life time trip.
Don’t know about Namibia, never been there… but conversely I’ve never had a US bill of any denomination of any age refused for such silly reasons in other Africa- incl. RSA, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana. Unless this is a relatively new trend over the last couple years?? Matter of fact my experience has been just the opposite where locals, especially in Zambia, actually have preferred old, soiled and darkened bills. In Zimbabwe, some of the US $2 bills are almost black from years of exposure to body oils and handling. :)

I guess if that’s the case in Namibia so be it, “while in Rome…”, but it’s a superstition that likely works to their own detriment. :)

No bank or change place here would take notes in the conditions you describe...even if small tear...any mark...etc the bank won't accept it...and the older usd notes haven't been accepted here for a while....and as I said you get a much lower rate for usd 20 notes and below......
No bank or change place here would take notes in the conditions you describe...even if small tear...any mark...etc the bank won't accept it...and the older usd notes haven't been accepted here for a while....and as I said you get a much lower rate for usd 20 notes and below......
I had less than perfect smaller bills refused in Harare in October.
First I have heard of it. Now its been since 2017 since I was last there, Namibia in fact. Covid messed up my more recent 2020 plan for RSA.
The old style are still in general circulation in the US and still generally accepted in the US. Namibia actually started the new style requirement about the same time the Covid lockdowns started and this little detail may have gotten lost in the fog of it all.

My PH friend ended up with a few K of it last year and when I go over in Jun, I'll swap it out for him with the new style.

With things opening back up, it's just one of those little details to remember.
Old bills are totally accepted in the US still, there is no generally about it. Oddly though in the push to go to a cashless society, more and more places actually dont want real money, preferring CC or electronic payment.
Technically thats illegal but no one is going to win that fight without spending their life savings fighting Uncle Sam.
Our money says right on it, for payment of "all debts public and private". It cannot be refused but often is.
Zzzzzzzzzz. What happens if you have a pile of the "old school" bills on-hand? Will they not accept them? LOL Your PH has cash and wi-fi. Just settle up electronically. End of story. Also remember table manners...Now, research currency trading in this vein and give us an update on that!!! FJB
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Don't forget to bring a iron so that you can crisp up those bills.
Don't forget to bring a iron so that you can crisp up those bills.
those tried-and-true fire coal-powered ones work wonderfully in-Country (you even paid for laundering!)
Will PHs accept coinage? What if they don't fancy the president featured on 'em? or the year?? Oh my. Being that my long history of schooling doesn't feature minting, I find it surfically odd that the USA has perhaps the most boringly appearing currency of all nations on Earth! I guess we care about money, neither quality nor aesthetics (Walmart; black, way too mass-produced plastic guns peddled on tv for $299). That said, I LOVE African currency. Some of the BEST! :) That and 10:1 minimum works for me. The African mullet is the bills: Politician on the Front; Game animal on the back! ;) Drunken, spoiled american kids in fraternities have printed off lots of american dollars on modern printers. You could NOT pull that off with foreign currency. The reason 20% of tax refunds go to Russia (including the Ukraine for those who read the silly MSM and believe it at face value.)
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Zzzzzzzzzz. What happens if you have a pile of the "old school" bills on-hand? Will they not accept them? LOL Your PH has cash and wi-fi. Just settle up electronically. End of story. Also remember table manners...Now, research currency trading in this vein and give us an update on that!!! FJB
It’s very easy to go to bank in USA and exchange old bills for new ones. I think it’s a bit disrespectful on our side to knowingly go there with bills they may have issues with that were very easy to exchange in USA before trip. I’ve always settled my final bill with an electronic payment, but I’d prefer my PH doesn’t have to claim and pay taxes on tip money so I’ll only wire that if asked to.
It’s very easy to go to bank in USA and exchange old bills for new ones. I think it’s a bit disrespectful on our side to knowingly go there with bills they may have issues with that were very easy to exchange in USA before trip. I’ve always settled my final bill with an electronic payment, but I’d prefer my PH doesn’t have to claim and pay taxes on tip money so I’ll only wire that if asked to.
precisely my point. zzzzz. lol i've never settled-up in counterfeit nor coinage. and, careful w/ that or you can easily become extinct! ;) e-transfer works for me now. I've never seen counterfeit electronic funds...but plenty of Ukranians and Nigerians have! :p

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