Daniel Defense Being Sued


AH ambassador
Jun 11, 2017
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Alexandria, VA USA
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Daniel Defense is being sued in Texas. If you were on the fence about getting one, you may want to take the leap now.
My guess is the case in TX goes nowhere...

But it will cost DD hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend against and will serve as a major distraction to its leadership team for next next 12-24 months in the process..

The CA case thats been filed against Activision is the one to be concerned with... its basically the same argument... Activision used a DD rifle in its video game, depicted it being an effective tool, etc..etc.. which drove the Uvalde shooter to select DD specifically when he decided to attack the school..

CA judges and juries are known for outrageous decisions.. many of which get overturned on appeal (the 9th Circus Court didnt get that name by accident.. its a well earned title).. but the CA case could cost Activision upward of $500K or more right off the bottom line to defend over the course of several years as it continues to get appealed, etc.. and send that company into insolvency.. even if they end up being found to be on the right side of the law..

And then between the CA decision and the CT decision against bushmaster (related to Sandy Hook) you have a very, very dangerous precedent established that will seriously impact everyone in the firearms industry.. whether you make black rifles, ammo, accessories, etc... or freaking #5 steel shot loads for duck hunting..
I see the plaintiffs are using the same POS Connecticut ambulance chasing attorney (Josh Koskoff) that led the suit against Remington/Bushmaster for the Sandy Hook parents. I don't imagine Texas judges are too keen on out of state ambulance chasers in their courts.
What a bunch of horse dung. Our Agency utilizes DD for all of our Patrol Rifles, SWAT entry rifles and sniper rifles (300 plus) and I have 6 personal DD rifles. I’ll call my distributor in the morning and order another 50 or so as Agency spares just to support Marty and his team. Libtards
Pardon my ignorance, but could you guys give me more details or background to the case?
Pardon my ignorance, but could you guys give me more details or background to the case?
Cliff Notes version…DD rifle used in mass shooting so sue DD because they marketed their rifles in a certain way.
My guess is the case in TX goes nowhere...

But it will cost DD hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend against and will serve as a major distraction to its leadership team for next next 12-24 months in the process..

The CA case thats been filed against Activision is the one to be concerned with... its basically the same argument... Activision used a DD rifle in its video game, depicted it being an effective tool, etc..etc.. which drove the Uvalde shooter to select DD specifically when he decided to attack the school..

CA judges and juries are known for outrageous decisions.. many of which get overturned on appeal (the 9th Circus Court didnt get that name by accident.. its a well earned title).. but the CA case could cost Activision upward of $500K or more right off the bottom line to defend over the course of several years as it continues to get appealed, etc.. and send that company into insolvency..
Exactly. The plaintiffs, and those funding them, don't care about the verdict. The process is the punishment.
Not much common sense anymore! Faulty logic to blame someone and get a cash reward. What's my country coming to?
Ugh, I detest ambulance chasers. Something needs to be done, this is getting out of control. :E Red Hot::E Red Hot:

I also read that Mexico is considering suing some gun manufacturers due to their guns being used by the Cartels. I'd say, we should sue Mexico for all the Fentanyl that is coming from there, and all the deaths that it's causing. Not to mention the illegal traffic.
Blaming a gun company because some sick kid used one of their products to blow away little children, is literally the same as blaming Mc Donald’s for every single person that dies of heart problems. Or Ben & Jerry’s for every person that contracts diabetes.

They should be looking into doing something about America’s broken mental heath sector. That’s where the real problem lies. The US has been very good to my family & I, but (being completely blunt) their mental health sector could be greatly improved upon. I have two children & five grandchildren who have been around firearms ever since they were in diapers. They’ve had their shares of ups & downs in life (like we all have/do). But they never (even for a second) think about taking one of the guns at home and punching holes through a bunch of school kids to take their anger out of the world. I mean, what the hell is this ? How can this even be a normal thing in a civilized country ?

Schools and services that deal with children/teenagers/young adults should implement better screening processes in order to weed out potential miscreants. The Uvalde mass shooter displayed plenty of red flags before he finally chose to act.

But of course… let’s just sue the gun company, right ?

And on the subject of violent video games… I‘m 72 years old so obviously I never was a gamer. But I have casually played a few Shooter ‘Em Up video games with my children & grandchildren over the years (esp. when the family goes out to arcades and such). I fail to see how a normal person can shoot someone in a video game and think “Hey, this is so cool. Let’s see how this goes in real life”.

Schools need proper armed security, just like politician’s homes have. Are you telling me that Americans are willing to set up armed guards to protect sleazy suited politicians but not their children ? There are thousands of unemployed war veterans in the US, who could also doubly benefit from getting paid to protect schools.

And mental health must be treated as importantly as a heart surgery. Psychological illness is a cancer for the soul. A virus which can lead to many getting harmed, simply because one person isn’t wired right in the head.

Parenting in the modern day US also leaves much to be desired. Parents are not teaching their children to cope with rejection/failure. They normalize a culture where the child has to get everything their way these days. This ends up being quite counterproductive when the child grows up and steps into real life (where he/she starts to see that they do not always get their way in the real world).

The attorneys & law makers seeking to sue Daniel Defense and Activision are just a bunch of sleazy weasels. What will they do next ? Sue the film makers of the John Wick series simply because the films feature many violent shootings/killings ?

My two cents…
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Blaming a gun company because some sick kid used one of their products to blow away little children, is literally the same as blaming Mc Donald’s for every single person that dies of heart problems. Or Ben & Jerry’s for every person that contracts diabetes.

They should be looking into doing something about America’s broken mental heath sector. That’s where the real problem lies. The US has been very good to my family & I, but (being completely blunt) their mental health sector could be greatly improved upon. I have two children & five grandchildren who have been around firearms ever since they were in diapers. They’ve had their shares of ups & downs in life (like we all have/do). But they never (even for a second) think about taking one of the guns at home and punching holes through a bunch of school kids to take their anger out of the world. I mean, what the hell is this ? How can this even be a normal thing in a civilized country ?

Schools and services that deal with children/teenagers/young adults should implement better screening processes in order to weed out potential miscreants. The Uvalde mass shooter displayed plenty of red flags before he finally chose to act.

But of course… let’s just sue the gun company, right ?

And on the subject of violent video games… I‘m 72 years old so obviously I never was a gamer. But I have casually played a few Shooter ‘Em Up video games with my children & grandchildren over the years (esp. when the family goes out to arcades and such). I fail to see how a normal person can shoot someone in a video game and think “Hey, this is so cool. Let’s see how this goes in real life”.

Schools need proper armed security, just like politician’s homes have. Are you telling me that Americans are willing to set up armed guards to protect sleazy suited politicians but not their children ? There are thousands of unemployed war veterans in the US, who could also doubly benefit from getting paid to protect schools.

And mental health must be treated as importantly as a heart surgery. Psychological illness is a cancer for the soul. A virus which can lead to many getting harmed, simply because one person isn’t wired right in the head.

Parenting in the modern day US also leaves much to be desired. Parents are not teaching their children to cope with rejection/failure. They normalize a culture where the child has to get everything their way these days. This ends up being quite counterproductive when the child grows up and steps into real life (where he/she starts to see that they do not always get their way in the real world).

The attorneys & law makers seeking to sue Daniel Defense and Activision are just a bunch of sleazy weasels. What will they do next ? Sue the film makers of the John Wick series simply because the films feature many violent shootings/killings ?

My two cents…

Well said sir. (y)
Its like suing a car manufacturing company because the user some stupid.
This horrible pattern will continue until we examine WHY our kids think it is ok to kill other kids.

Laws cannot replace decayed moral values. Our country is very ill now.
No one in their right mind thinks it is ok to kill other kids. But that is the problem, these killers are NOT in their right mind. They are profoundly unwell, and yet nothing was done until it was too late. I wish I knew why no one was able to see that another kid was headed down this predictable path and intervene in time, but that needs to be our priority.
And that’s why many game companies alters the name and slightly look of the guns used in games . As Ferguson curator of Royal Armouries speak about when he is on a gaming channel on YT from time to time . Yes he grew up to be the ultimate game nerd , when a weapon shows up he most likely have it in storage somewhere

But he don’t have a Sniperwolf in there

Or a Revolver Ocelot

Or Arthur Morgan
I believe that this downward trend started when we asked God to leave our government, then our schools, then our places of business and now, even some of our churches. And God, being the perfect gentleman, obliged. This was accelerated with the introduction of the I Phone, which should have been named the ME PHONE. Since then, everything is about ME and we have virtually no relationships with others therefore others have become unimportant and therefore, without value. Overly simplistic I know but still a lot of truth here.

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt