Recent content by Conservation Force

  1. Conservation Force

    Africa - The Unheard Voice

    Please see mini-documentary from Dallas Safari Club Foundation: Africa - The Unheard Voice "As the debate continues between the anti-hunting community and those who believe in the "Conservation Through Hunting" model, the unheard voice is the rural African who must live among the wild animals...
  2. Conservation Force

    Community Benefits From Tourist Safari Hunting

    Community Benefits from Tourist Safari Hunting (August 22, 2018) Hunters have a relationship with rural communities as well as wildlife, and they highly value both. The habitat and wildlife are a common bond that benefits the hunter, and the rural people that need each other. Regulated...
  3. Conservation Force

    Benefits To Elephant Conservation From Safari Hunting

    The primary threats to the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) are habitat loss and fragmentation, commercial ivory poaching, and retaliatory killing.1 Safari hunting2 has been generating benefits and revenues that are especially effective and unique in reducing those threats and conserving...
  4. Conservation Force

    Benefits To Elephant From Regulated Hunting

    The African elephant is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. It is split-listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species(CITES). The populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe were downlisted to CITES Appendix II with annotations...
  5. Conservation Force

    The Surprizing Benefits Of Lion Safari Hunting (Rev. March 1, 2018)

    See the attached pdf files
  6. Conservation Force

    Benefits Of Regulated Hunting For Leopard (Panthera Pardus)

    Legal, regulated tourist hunting of African leopard (Panthera pardus) benefits the species through mitigation of the primary threats: habitat loss and fragmentation; increased human populations leading to higher incidence of human-wildlife conflict; poaching and illegal wildlife trade; and prey...
  7. Conservation Force

    Short Fact Sheet - Zimbabwe Elephant Management

    Zimbabwe’s elephant population has grown from under 5,000 in 1900 to over 83,000 today. Zimbabwe’s elephant population, alone, is larger than the estimated populations of West and Central Africa combined (without including guesses), and is almost the same size as the estimated population of all...
  8. Conservation Force

    Withdrawal of ESA listed Species

    Conservation Force Bulletin: New Motions in Suits Challenging the Positive 2017 Elephant and Lion Enhancement Findings More animal extremists have joined the suits to set aside the Zimbabwe lion and elephant enhancement findings, and all have filed motions for summary judgments citing the...
  9. Conservation Force

    Conservation Force End Of The Year Report 2017

    Dear Supporter, Our twentieth anniversary year has been one of the most successful in our history. We have been rewarded with many hard-earned victories. But as this is being written the media and anti- hunters have bombarded the President with “false facts” that threaten some of our...
  10. Conservation Force

    The Importance Of Lion Hunting In Zimbabwe

    by John Jackson III (Conservation Force) Media outlets are reporting that “Xanda,” a six-year-old African lion and the alleged “son” of “Cecil,” was recently killed in a lawful tourist hunt in northwestern Zimbabwe. The reports are inconsistent and biased. Most of all, they ignore the critical...
  11. Conservation Force

    Banning Trophy Hunting Will Exacerbate Biodiversity Loss

    Helpful article to support sustainable use. See attached DiMinin.pdf article: Banning Trophy Hunting Will Exacerbate Biodiversity Loss
  12. Conservation Force

    The Customer Isn't Always Right Conservation & Animal Welfare Implications

    Helpful article to support sustainable use. See attached Moorhouse.pdf article: The Customer Isn't Always Right - Conservation and Animal Welfare Implications of the Increasing Demand for Wildlife Tourism
  13. Conservation Force

    The Role Of Hunters In Conservation & Restoration & Management of North American Wild Sheep

    Helpful article to support sustainable use. See attached Hurley.pdf article: The role of hunters in conservation, restoration, and management of North American wild sheep