Obama SCOTUS pick


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GOA Encourages Senators to Tell Obama: 'Your Supreme Court Pick is D.O.A.'


Today, President Obama took the most significant step in his sordid trail toward transforming our nation.

Obama nominated a virulent anti-gunner to fill the seat of Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

Let’s be clear: the U.S. Senate should bury this nomination and write “Dead On Arrival” as its epitaph.

Despite promises to nominate a consensus candidate, Obama has chosen a radical leftist in Judge Merrick Garland:

1) He supported the DC gun ban in 2007, voting to reconsider the Heller case after a three judge panel had ruled against the ban.

Hence, we don’t have to speculate as to how Garland would vote on Heller if confirmed to the Supreme Court -- he’s already voted against Heller once before, thereby showing he’d effectively rip the Second Amendment from the Constitution!

2) In a 2000 case, Garland voted to maintain the registration of gun owners, supporting efforts by the Clinton administration to use the instant check to illegally retain gun owners’ names for six months.

This shows that Judge Garland not only hates the Second Amendment, he supports the ability of a President to illegally use executive power to advance liberal causes.

Go here to help GOA reach millions of gun owners to rally opposition against Obama’s plan to eviscerate gun rights by stacking the Supreme Court.

There is no freedom more fundamental than the right to defend one’s life and family. The Heller andMcDonald decisions are hanging by a thread, as both were decided by 5-4 majorities.

If Garland were confirmed, we can expect to see him vote to effectively rescind the Second Amendment. That means we’ll see more gun registration, more gun bans, and more restrictions on carrying firearms -- all of it approved by the Supreme Court.

As a practical matter, good people will go to prison for exercising their constitutionally-protected rights.

We know that Obama and the Court can’t abrogate the 2nd Amendment -- not legally. The Constitution supersedes any unlawful action to the contrary.

But a change in the Court -- with the anti-gun decisions that follow -- will give the “green light” for all kinds of gun registration and gun bans.

Go here to help GOA reach millions of gun owners to rally opposition against Obama’s plan to eviscerate gun rights by stacking the Supreme Court.

In their oaths of office, Senators did not swear to rubberstamp any and all judicial nominees put forward by the President. No, they swore to “support and defend” the Constitution.

Pushing through a nominee who is committed to eviscerating the Second Amendment would violate their oaths.

However, they would uphold their oaths of office by throwing this nomination into the garbage can of history.

Urge your Senators to stand for the Constitution ... to stand for the Second Amendment ... and to oppose ANY movement on this Supreme Court nomination.

Tell them to uphold their Oath of Office by opposing ANY Justice that would trample upon the Second Amendment.

In liberty,

Erich Pratt
Executive Director
Gun Owners of America

P.S I tried to delete the hot links in the post but was unable to, sorry.


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Probably about as good as you would get from a Dem President in spite of his 2d Amendment issues. I think we are fortunate it is now and not 6 mos ago. With the election pending, with so much division in the party, and most importantly, with this being Scalia's seat, I am hopeful it won't be taken up.
Thanks for the warning!
Yes, this guy is pretty much as liberal as they get when it comes to the second amendment. But what else would we expect from O. The Senate just needs to enforce the Joe Biden rule and not have any hearings during an election year.
Thank you for clearing this up for All of us. John
If Hillary or Bernie win the general election, there may be a decent chance that the Senate will confirm Garland before the swearing in of the new president. Other than the 2nd Amendment, Garland is probably a more moderate nominee than we could expect from the new democratic president. Not that it will help our gun rights any.
In an article in the Wall Street Journal it was noted that in decisions concerning business owners vs the National Labor Relations Board he sided with the NLRB 16-0. Not what I would call a moderate.
This is why I only collect "hunting" rifles and shotguns. The liberals want to take every handgun and so called "assault rifles". Heck even then I'm not safe, I can see attacks on hunting shotguns and rifles. Many people I poll are not gun friendly. If Bernie or Hillary get in we are screwed.
As noted above, this fellow is perceived to be a moderate. And I suppose he is compared to Ginsberg. But if he had voted on any major issue (such as Heller vs DC) over the last ten years, you can be assured it would have been with the liberal wing. He would represent a crushing replacement for Scalia.
Now if the Senate will just do what they said they would do and not cave in and give this a clown a vote. Don't do it!
From an article I read about the Black Congressional Caucasus, he is not nearly liberal enough, although their term was "not progressive enough" so they are against him too. I cannot imagine Obama appointing someone that would be approved of by gun owners and hunters. Although time will tell.
He wont do it, ever. If he could EO guns out of existence he would do that. He cares nothing for peoples rights, except for him, Congress and the courts to say that nobody else has any. Watching him sit up there and whine the other day about how the Repubs wont go along with him, made me want to puke. The Senate is NOT obliged to do anything when the President nominates someone to the court. He tries to make it sound as though they are not fulfilling their Constitutional duty when in fact that is exactly what they are doing!
When demtards block votes its called democracy in action. When republicans block votes its called obstructionism! How loud can you say DOUBLE STANDARD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
When demtards block votes its called democracy in action. When republicans block votes its called obstructionism! How loud can you say DOUBLE STANDARD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Man so true. Welcome to the new America. Sucks don't it? Thanks O asshole for attempting to destroy what our founding fathers created. If we get that lying piece of dirt Hillary the decline will continue. God help us all.
never trust a poisonous snake like Obama. He will slither this guy in as a recess appointment when the senate takes a break as he has no respect for democracy. He would remain in place until the end of the Senate calendar and do a great deal of damage in the process. If the nightmare scenario of a Clinton presidency happens better start burying your guns
The GOP has become spineless. John Kasich and 1 other Republican Senator have called for a vote on Garland. Others will cave in soon. They are afraid of losing Senate seats in the mid-terms. Yellow bellied establishment.

They should put as much effort into stopping Obama, as they do Trump!
Slippery slope here.... I personally don't mind going head first. However, it usually offends someone...... First of all, BHO is a complete & utter dumbass failure in every & all fronts.... Obamacare.... Nightmare...disaster!!!! Can we count on next decision to be good????

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Dave if you copy this, call me I can't find your number.

David Hodo
We fitted a new backup generator for the Wildgoose lodge!
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