Sunday is election in Germany


AH legend
Jul 31, 2012
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This Sunday is the election of the Bundestag in Germany and the migration question is our biggest problem.
Angela Merkel will be chancellor again, no matter what one chooses the polls are so.
And after that, another wave of refugees will swash into Germany.
I am most afraid of Angela Merkel receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, because then the wave of refugees will multiply.
No one of our political and journalistic elite is upset about this and wants to acknowledge the problems.
There are so many people from Africa and the Middle East that one could well believe that one wants to change Germany.
10 million people have a migration background (12%) but for children under the age of six they are already 48%. The generation of our kids wake up in a foreign country.
You only have to go for a walk in the suburbs once in the evening to see how little Central European faces you see there (white you can't write anymore nowadays).
Politicians appease and the press keep quiet. No one is upset that at Munich Airport, for example, the Christmas market (so called Christkindlmarkt is called here) must now be called Winter Market because of fear of Muslim pressure, because they could see themselves hurt in their religious feelings.
This happens in countless cities in Germany.
Two million Muslims have come since 2015.
No one dares to ask them political security questions.
For example, Israel's right to exist.
You can easily imagine what they think of it.
In the next 10 years, they'll probably have the right to vote.
If I discuss that in my country, I'm a racist and / or a Nazi.Be sure, I'm guaranteed neither one nor the other.

There are a lot of people coming (literally because controls often don't work) , to whom our culture is as foreign as a vegan from New York City hunting in Zimbabwe.
Our welfare state is being plundered.
Our Finance Minister gives € 20 Billions this year for our refugees here and the communities have to bring billions also, because they are responsible for the accomodation of them.
Crime is on the rise, especially sexual violence against women.
Refugees' offences, apart from serious crimes, are often not prosecuted at all, but woe I have one accidentally a cartridge in the car and I am not on the direct way to hunting! Im loosing my gun holder concession.
400,000 Syrian refugees now have the right to bring their families to Germany at our expense.
Officials seriously claim that the average number of Syrian people moving in is only 1.8 persons.
In Canada, the average Syrian refugee family has 7-8 people.
No one comments on this nonsense in the "serious" press. No one, I can understand Trump's rage at the Fake News.
Information embezzled is also fake.
These men reject and refuse to accept female doctors and persons, not even to shake hands.
Women are unclean to them.
Everyone can see that our pensioners are increasingly having to collect deposit bottles and run the paper to make ends meet, while putting money and benefits in the backside of others.
The election on Sunday will unfortunately not change anything.
And so we still have 10 good years, then resources and patience are exhausted.
Carpe diem and so next week I'm going to the Carpathian Mountains/Romania for the red deer rutting season.
Who knows how much longer I can afford it.
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@Foxi don't believe the polls, Hillary was going to easily win and we were all wasting our votes. You just never know.

On another note I studied in Germany 15 years ago and have gone back 6 or 7 times. I haven't been in 7 years now so I am not sure I would even recognize it from what my friends say.
This Sunday is the election of the Bundestag in Germany and the migration question is our biggest problem.
Angela Merkel will be chancellor again, no matter what one chooses the polls are so.
And after that, another wave of refugees will swash into Germany.
I am most afraid of Angela Merkel receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, because then the wave of refugees will multiply.
No one of our political and journalistic elite is upset about this and wants to acknowledge the problems.
There are so many people from Africa and the Middle East that one could well believe that one wants to change Germany.
10 million people have a migration background (12%) but for children under the age of six they are already 48%. The generation of our kids wake up in a foreign country.
You only have to go for a walk in the suburbs once in the evening to see how little Central European faces you see there (white you can't write anymore nowadays).
Politicians appease and the press keep quiet. No one is upset that at Munich Airport, for example, the Christmas market (so called Christkindlmarkt is called here) must now be called Winter Market because of fear of Muslim pressure, because they could see themselves hurt in their religious feelings.
This happens in countless cities in Germany.
Two million Muslims have come since 2015.
No one dares to ask them political security questions.
For example, Israel's right to exist.
You can easily imagine what they think of it.
In the next 10 years, they'll probably have the right to vote.
If I discuss that in my country, I'm a racist and / or a Nazi.Be sure, I'm guaranteed neither one nor the other.

There are a lot of people coming (literally because controls often don't work) , to whom our culture is as foreign as a vegan from New York City hunting in Zimbabwe.
Our welfare state is being plundered.
Our Finance Minister gives € 20 Billions this year for our refugees here and the communities have to bring billions also, because they are responsible for the accomodation of them.
Crime is on the rise, especially sexual violence against women.
Refugees' offences, apart from serious crimes, are often not prosecuted at all, but woe I have one accidentally a cartridge in the car and I am not on the direct way to hunting! Im loosing my gun holder concession.
400,000 Syrian refugees now have the right to bring their families to Germany at our expense.
Officials seriously claim that the average number of Syrian people moving in is only 1.8 persons.
In Canada, the average Syrian refugee family has 7-8 people.
No one comments on this nonsense in the "serious" press. No one, I can understand Trump's rage at the Fake News.
Information embezzled is also fake.
These men reject and refuse to accept female doctors and persons, not even to shake hands.
Women are unclean to them.
Everyone can see that our pensioners are increasingly having to collect deposit bottles and run the paper to make ends meet, while putting money and benefits in the backside of others.
The election on Sunday will unfortunately not change anything.
And so we still have 10 good years, then resources and patience are exhausted.
Carpe diem and so next week I'm going to the Carpathian Mountains/Romania for the red deer rutting season.
Who knows how much longer I can afford it.

The western world has changed more this millennium than can be imagined. Up is now down and light is now dark. A reasonable person stating the obvious truth is mocked and ridiculed.

Germany feels guilt for Hitler. Europe feels guilt for it's colonies. America feels guilt for doing a poor job as the world's policeman. The west feels guilt for it's affluence.

Identity politics has made normal salt of the earth people that are fair and good to everyone into, racists, misogynists, homophobes, Islamophobes, deplorable, sexist, denier, intolerant, xenophobe, etc., etc. The mainstream media that sides with political correctness tells us so.

The majority of westerners have had their head in the sand and have woken up to a world that they don't comprehend or understand. Me included.

Yes, Merkel will win this time. Just as Macron and Rutte won. But, people are waking up. Perhaps slower than most of us would like, but they are waking up. Brexit and Trump are responses to a pendulum that has swung far from center. They may not be the best responses, but at least they are a response.

Here is praying for a better future for both of our countries Foxi.

Wheels you have it right. The world will wake up and I hope it will not Ben too late when it does.
Merkel, and others, will be the death of Europe. They are part of the globalist goon squad. Obama wanted to take us down that path, along with the rest of the Libocrats.

If Merkel returns, blame the people stupid enough to vote for her.

The refugee horde will destroy your country, and culture.
Germany's political situation is a it bizarre. I'm as shocked as the others here that Germany has let in more than a million, mostly unvetted refugees into its country over the course of a year or two and wants to let in just as many through the family sponsorship programs etc... Its insanity. But what also surprises me about the German political spectrum is that it has fairly large far left and far right parties- and both of these are concentrated in the former East Germany. I mean the NPD (which is kind of a neo Nazi party) has won over 5% of the popular vote in the state of Saxony in some elections, for comparison I could not imagine the KKK winning 5% of the popular vote in South Carolina for instance. While the Left party (which is kinda marxist/communist) has won 20% of the popular vote in the same state.
As Wheels stated, guilt, white liberal guilt! Complete BS and manifested from the liberal media and the pot head socialist/communist activists of the 60's, taught and forced down the throats of their children, in turn their children are teaching our children. History is what it is, like it or not it is history. Without the events that have taken place throughout history where would we be right now? Who knows? I have never owned a slave, wore a white hood or burned a cross. I bear no guilt for what has happened in the years previous to my existence but I do have the sense to learn from it. I watch the demise of all our once great nations due to "political correctness" and hang my head. This must stop or we will go the way of the dinosaur.
I can only agree with what you say.
The shift to the right in Europe and in my country is mainly caused by Angelas Merkel's refugee policy.
In 2015/2016, it would have required social and political pressure from a few people,outside of Germany.
But what did a here celebrated George Clooney (Movie-Festival in Berlin Feb. 16) and a here celebrated Barack Obama (protestant church congress Berlin, last year) ?
They praised her enthusiastically for her pluralism and humanity.
Makes a good press.
But the burden of social change is borne by the people, who knows for how long.
I bear no guilt for what has happened in the years previous to my existence......


Most of us have done enough things in our life to feel guilty of, without shouldering the extra burden of our ancestors sins back to Cain.

Makes you wonder the mental health situation of those that eagerly shoulder the burden of guilt of all mankind back through history.
I can only agree with what you say.
The shift to the right in Europe and in my country is mainly caused by Angelas Merkel's refugee policy.
In 2015/2016, it would have required social and political pressure from a few people,outside of Germany.
But what did a here celebrated George Clooney (Movie-Festival in Berlin Feb. 16) and a here celebrated Barack Obama (protestant church congress Berlin, last year) ?
They praised her enthusiastically for her pluralism and humanity.
Makes a good press.
But the burden of social change is borne by the people, who knows for how long.

It is unfortunate that many people are so weak minded that they allow themselves to be influenced by celebrities. Especially celebrities from foreign countries. It happens here too.
I thought Merkel would have been gone last time, but the loon is still there. Well past time for her to get the boot! Wake up over there!!
@Wheels hit the nail on the head.

@Foxi With all the immigration issues in your country, feel free to immigrate yourself to ours (USA). Not that we don't have our own issues, but you would be welcome here.
Thank you for this great offer.
But Im an Bavarian oak,you cant transplant that .
See you each other in one week,Im starting to the deer rut via Rumania now.
Happy week for you and a good result for the election today .
Wishing good luck to the German people today!
This Sunday is the election of the Bundestag in Germany and the migration question is our biggest problem.
Angela Merkel will be chancellor again, no matter what one chooses the polls are so.
And after that, another wave of refugees will swash into Germany.
I am most afraid of Angela Merkel receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, because then the wave of refugees will multiply.
No one of our political and journalistic elite is upset about this and wants to acknowledge the problems.
There are so many people from Africa and the Middle East that one could well believe that one wants to change Germany.
10 million people have a migration background (12%) but for children under the age of six they are already 48%. The generation of our kids wake up in a foreign country.
You only have to go for a walk in the suburbs once in the evening to see how little Central European faces you see there (white you can't write anymore nowadays).
Politicians appease and the press keep quiet. No one is upset that at Munich Airport, for example, the Christmas market (so called Christkindlmarkt is called here) must now be called Winter Market because of fear of Muslim pressure, because they could see themselves hurt in their religious feelings.
This happens in countless cities in Germany.
Two million Muslims have come since 2015.
No one dares to ask them political security questions.
For example, Israel's right to exist.
You can easily imagine what they think of it.
In the next 10 years, they'll probably have the right to vote.
If I discuss that in my country, I'm a racist and / or a Nazi.Be sure, I'm guaranteed neither one nor the other.

There are a lot of people coming (literally because controls often don't work) , to whom our culture is as foreign as a vegan from New York City hunting in Zimbabwe.
Our welfare state is being plundered.
Our Finance Minister gives € 20 Billions this year for our refugees here and the communities have to bring billions also, because they are responsible for the accomodation of them.
Crime is on the rise, especially sexual violence against women.
Refugees' offences, apart from serious crimes, are often not prosecuted at all, but woe I have one accidentally a cartridge in the car and I am not on the direct way to hunting! Im loosing my gun holder concession.
400,000 Syrian refugees now have the right to bring their families to Germany at our expense.
Officials seriously claim that the average number of Syrian people moving in is only 1.8 persons.
In Canada, the average Syrian refugee family has 7-8 people.
No one comments on this nonsense in the "serious" press. No one, I can understand Trump's rage at the Fake News.
Information embezzled is also fake.
These men reject and refuse to accept female doctors and persons, not even to shake hands.
Women are unclean to them.
Everyone can see that our pensioners are increasingly having to collect deposit bottles and run the paper to make ends meet, while putting money and benefits in the backside of others.
The election on Sunday will unfortunately not change anything.
And so we still have 10 good years, then resources and patience are exhausted.
Carpe diem and so next week I'm going to the Carpathian Mountains/Romania for the red deer rutting season.
Who knows how much longer I can afford it.

With the election over, how long do you think it will take to form a government?

Do you think Merkel will open up immigration again, considering the strong showing by AfD?
The worst thing about Liberal politicians, is that they have a very bad habit of "doubling down" on bad policies.
With the election over, how long do you think it will take to form a government?

Do you think Merkel will open up immigration again, considering the strong showing by AfD?

Wheels, sorry for the late response.
there is not a classical time limit to build up a new government and Merkel can't do that what she did in 2015 (we all hope so).
The Afd are idiots,who tear themselfes apart at the moment.

Nuclear deal with Iran stands in the balance
Nuclear aggression in North Corea.
Catalonia will split off Spain.(But they want to come in the EU).
No state can tolerate a splitting .Imagine California would split off the USA (@ Velod Dog,should you read that ,I know what you are thinking about ;))
Poland started a new demand over € 870.- billions reparation for the WW II.(Putin got no bill ,why ?)
The guilt money print machine musn't stand still.Never.
Im courious to see,when Mexico gives you the bill,including the reclaim of its old territories.
Erdogan ,the Turkish president says,that the the German state is protecting terrorists (no idea, what he smokes the whole day),because lot of Turkish army members are searching for asylum in my country. Since his self inscribed amateur putsch experiment ,he jailed hundredthousand people round and dispossessed them without a court decesion.All shall be Gülen (he lives in the US) supporters.
And now you have also trouble with him,but Trump is no diplomat (and no bootlicker) ,other than Merkel and so no US citizen is actually allowed to travel to Turkey.Because he jailed an American priest and offers him against Gülen (!!)
Also Putin has no joy with Erdogan,be sure,he has lot of problems with his muslims in Russia and he knows what kind for a cherry on the cake Erdogan is.
Have a nice day.

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We live in interesting times. At least we don't get bored ;)

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sgtsabai wrote on Sika98k's profile.
I'm unfortunately on a diet. Presently in VA hospital as Agent Orange finally caught up with me. Cancer and I no longer can speak. If all goes well I'll be out of here and back home in Thailand by end of July. Tough road but I'm a tough old guy. I'll make it that hunt.
sgtsabai wrote on Wyfox's profile.
Nice one there. I guided for mulies and elk for about 10 or so years in northern New Mexico.
sgtsabai wrote on Tanks's profile.
Business is the only way to fly. I'm headed to SA August 25. I'm hoping that business isn't an arm and a leg. If you don't mind, what airline and the cost for your trip. Mine will be convoluted. I'll be flying into the states to pick up my 416 Rigby as Thailand doesn't allow firearms (pay no attention to the daily shootings and killings) so I'll have 2 very long trips.