Latest Collectors Item From Zimbabwe ZiG


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Aug 5, 2010
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The new Zimbabwe Currency is promised to be "backed by Gold" and to have market valuation.

Forget the US Dollar. Are you looking for a great currency investment?! Here is your opportunity.

Make sure to turn in all your Bond notes by the deadline.

Being backed by gold does this mean Zimbabwe is devaluing USD?

How is this new Zimbabwe currency exchange affect planning future hunts in and traveling to/thru in Zimbabwe?
They are still using USD.

Just the latest....
Being backed by gold does this mean Zimbabwe is devaluing USD?

How is this new Zimbabwe currency exchange affect planning future hunts in and traveling to/thru in Zimbabwe?
Very doubtful this will change anything. Zimbabwe hasn’t had a functioning currency in over 20 years. Zimbabwe even converts private citizen’s USD account to bond notes when they decide appropriate without notice. The bond notes are supposedly backed in USD but not really. If they can create a stable currency backed in gold it would be great for Zimbabwe but I don’t have high hopes. I think the US dollar and cash will be there to stay for foreseeable future.
I know when I was in Zimbabwe USD was/is the preferred currency that people wanted paid with. I also heard stories on how the Zim government operated in their mandatory exchanging USD for Zimbabean "money" if/when USD was deposited into a bank account and left in the account for a certain period.

In my very limited understanding of the money market system and its history, in today's economic market, If or Should Zimbabwe, or any country, were to issue currency backed by a commodity rather than by faith, that country could create a, rather "messy global situation".

A country "Piggy Backing", (no pun intended), the value of their currency based on another country's currency value, could create a "messy monetary situation" within their country, should the base country's currency be devalued globally. Of course the oppose could occur where the secondary country over extends itself on debts which in turn devalues the primary country's currency in the global market.
I know when I was in Zimbabwe USD was/is the preferred currency that people wanted paid with. I also heard stories on how the Zim government operated in their mandatory exchanging USD for Zimbabean "money" if/when USD was deposited into a bank account and left in the account for a certain period.

In my very limited understanding of the money market system and its history, in today's economic market, If or Should Zimbabwe, or any country, were to issue currency backed by a commodity rather than by faith, that country could create a, rather "messy global situation".

A country "Piggy Backing", (no pun intended), the value of their currency based on another country's currency value, could create a "messy monetary situation" within their country, should the base country's currency be devalued globally. Of course the oppose could occur where the secondary country over extends itself on debts which in turn devalues the primary country's currency in the global market.
Would you take the Zimbabwe government’s word their currency has value? It needs gold or USD to have any faith. Seizing all white land and destroying their economy created the situation.
I watched the documentary about the last joke presidential election. The present regime could guarantee the ocean is water and I wouldn't believe it.
I’ll definitely be bringing some of those back in July!

I have some Costa Rica 5 Colony paper notes …. I gave them to my nephews and explained to them how they are worth less than a Penny!
Would you take the Zimbabwe government’s word their currency has value? It needs gold or USD to have any faith. Seizing all white land and destroying their economy created the situation.
To answer your question.
No, not without substantial proof.

That was the astonishing part. In 2021 it was all about their economy being based on the value of USD, yet they have/had no understanding of what things costs here in the US compared to the higher prices they were charging back then. If they haven't increased their prices today I would say prices in both countries are now about even.

There wasn't any details or more information to go by in @BRICKBURN's OP as to the sudden change for the Zimbabwean government to abandon wanting a USD standard to printing new money backed by a gold reserve.

My immediate questions are:
Where did this vast amount of gold come from?
Who is behind Zimbabwe's sudden bolster into the global money market?
Being backed by gold does this mean Zimbabwe is devaluing USD?

How is this new Zimbabwe currency exchange affect planning future hunts in and traveling to/thru in Zimbabwe?
craziest thing I have ever seen was a trillion dollar bon note of Zim currency last year when I was there. At airport now will be their 4/14-4/23
craziest thing I have ever seen was a trillion dollar bon note of Zim currency last year when I was there. At airport now will be their 4/14-4/23
:eek: A trillion dollar note.

Did you buy one?:ROFLMAO:

Did you by any chance leave the US for Africa in 2018 or 2021 as a "pulper" according to your wife, transferring thru Dulles, arriving back to the US as a billionaire?......wife making you confess you actually exchanged 25 cents USD for a billion dollars of the African country's currency.

We laughed our a$$ off because your made you confess and the way the custom agents were looking at you. IIRC you and your wife were like 4th inline and I was 5th or sixth, you were telling "your story" to the folks in front of you while we were waiting for the custom fellows to start checking and spraying our weapons and boots.

Happy Hunting.
Is the picture on these bills a tall pile of rocks?
I’ll definitely be bringing some of those back in July!

I have some Costa Rica 5 Colony paper notes …. I gave them to my nephews and explained to them how they are worth less than a Penny!
Bring home one for me!
The new Zimbabwe Currency is promised to be "backed by Gold" and to have market valuation.

Forget the US Dollar. Are you looking for a great currency investment?! Here is your opportunity.

Make sure to turn in all your Bond notes by the deadline.

View attachment 597660
Colorful, but ZAR has pretty pictures.
To answer your question.
No, not without substantial proof.

That was the astonishing part. In 2021 it was all about their economy being based on the value of USD, yet they have/had no understanding of what things costs here in the US compared to the higher prices they were charging back then. If they haven't increased their prices today I would say prices in both countries are now about even.

There wasn't any details or more information to go by in @BRICKBURN's OP as to the sudden change for the Zimbabwean government to abandon wanting a USD standard to printing new money backed by a gold reserve.

My immediate questions are:
Where did this vast amount of gold come from?
Who is behind Zimbabwe's sudden bolster into the global money market?

Cool looking at best, not worth much.
As a visitor you have nothing to be concerned about. as a Zimbabwean we are very concerned.
If they actually have the gold, the "new, new, new" money would be worth more then the paper it's printed on. But I am afraid they don't have the gold reserves necessary, even if they raided Uncle Bob's private stash.

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt