Outfitter: Huntershill Safaris, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Booking Agent: John Martins
Date: May 30 2021; 9 nights, 8 full hunting days
PH: Jason Olivier, Huntershill’s Head PH; also Riley Naude for last 3 days
Trackers: Jeffi and Civit
Rifle: Camp Rile, Howa 1500 (Made in Japan) in .30-06...
So I posted an earlier thread stating that I found out after I booked my airfare that I cannot take broadheads through Amsterdam (apparently they are far more lethal than the guns they allow to be transported through). Thanks to generosity of a fellow AHer (TXHunter65), my BHs will be getting...
So the flights we booked go through Amsterdam and I recently found out that I can't take broadheads through that airport. I am planning on shipping my broadheads but I certainly trust other hunters to get them there over the SA postal service. I wanted to check here to see if any US hunters are...
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