Hallgeir Gravråk

Krieghoff Classic Double Rifle in cal 470

I also have a Krieghoff Classic in cal 470
I have done a bit of testing my ammo.
I tryed Barnes VOR-TX with 500 grs TSX, Vo 2150 fps this one spread to much (4")
My best loads are with 500 grs Woodleigh Weldcore RNSN loaded with the Vhitavuori N-150 91,5 grs this gives a Vo in my rifle 2130 and the 2 bullets from both barells are in the same hole.
This load are my first to go with on a Safari.
I`m gonna try the A-Frame bullets with 90,0 grs N-150, I'm not using any filler in my cartridges.
The N-150 are in the same burning rate as the H4350 and RL17.

I also tried 106 grs Norma MRP and this was also spreading to much, I have some more to go before I reach the max load.

Is there any of you guys that have some more input?

The burning rate are from Vhitavuori Burning rate Chart. USE WITH CAUTIONS!!
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