Corey0372's latest activity

  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to chonk34's post in the thread RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear with Like Like.
    My dad and I have discussed the closing of parts of the world over the last few years. There are a lot of places we've visited in the...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to chonk34's post in the thread RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear with Like Like.
    That sounds pretty scary, a lot scarier than my experience. You have to be careful on foreign hunts. It's a whole other world out there...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to chonk34's post in the thread RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear with Like Like.
    I would probably do it again. An Alaskan bear hunt is unattainable for me unless I hit the lottery. I felt like this was my one...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to chonk34's post in the thread RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear with Like Like.
    The rifle was a .30-06, which we were nervous about as we'd have liked to be shooting a .338 or .375 at such big bears. It put them down...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to chonk34's post in the thread RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear with Like Like.
    The police didn't seem to have much interest in the fate of our trophies, so as long as Alexander has that paperwork in order we should...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to chonk34's post in the thread RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear with Like Like.
    Yuri has some additional legal issues he will have to clear up, but he was released from jail with us and allowed to escort us to Moscow.
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to chonk34's post in the thread RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear with Like Like.
    When we landed in Yelizovo, the police and an interpreter were there to meet us. They asked to interview us again, and took us into the...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to mdwest's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    I hear what youre saying.. and I am extremely scrutinizing of any non profit that I consider giving money to.. I not only want to know...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to flying sailor's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    A different scenario, but lots of the Wehrmacht had bicycles. My friend was in the Swiss Army and they employed lots of bikes also. I...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to chonk34's post in the thread RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear with Like Like.
    The hunting part of the trip was pretty straightforward. Bears don’t wake up early, so we also didn’t have to wake up early. That’s the...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to chonk34's post in the thread RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear with Like Like.
    While my dad and I were getting the taxidermy done from our 2019 South Africa trip, we noticed that that Yuri, the taxidermist, had a...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 replied to the thread Politics.
    Haha, yea we had 2 on the camp but we never used them on missions. Our ANA SF guys would use them to run to the bazaar sometimes or to...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to mdwest's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    lol.. one of the first things I did when I arrived in Kabul in 2007 was to buy a 250cc Helmand Davidson… I think it cost me $500.. I...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 reacted to Red Leg's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    Assaulting into automatic weapons fire or being chased by a drone can't be real good for morale. Also, I am not sure the Russian bikers...
  • Corey0372
    Corey0372 replied to the thread Politics.
    Junger might disagree, however I would not, haha. The videos of guys getting killed on the bikes is obviously part of the battle...