Art Lambart II

Learning the Basics from Opa

My son started shooting the BB gun in this photo when he was 5, he turned 8 this year and we decided it was time get off the bench and start using shooting sticks. He's still a little small for that BB gun so his form isn't perfect, hopefully in a year or so he'll graduate to the custom Mauser his Opa had made for him.
Awesome, Daisy Powerline. My 8 and 10 year olds just had ours out yesterday shooting turtles in our pond. Great fun.
The following day my grandson did himself proud at the local range while shooting a well worn Winchester model 1906 at a shoot & see target at 25 yards. He also fired one shot from a Ruger 44 Mag carbine. His windage was perfect, virtually one half of the bullet on either side of the vertical line. His elevation unfortunately left a little to be desired. Nevertheless Opa was quite proud of his latest pupil's prowess with a firearm. Depending on his progress a Hog hunt in Texas is being considered.
introducing kids to the sport. Awesome!!!

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Nature & Wildlife Worldwide
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Art Lambart II
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