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    New to Forum… went on my 1st safari a few weeks ago and can’t stop thinking about how to make it back!!

    Ain’t nothin’ “hillbilly” about that rifle or those trophies!

    New to Forum… went on my 1st safari a few weeks ago and can’t stop thinking about how to make it back!!

    Welcome to AH, and those are some great pics and great trophies! Congrats! Where did you hunt, with whom, what rifle / caliber / ammo… etc? Do tell. I‘m new to AH as well, and I leave on my first safari in a few weeks, so I’m learning as much as I can!

    Greetings and glad to be here

    Greetings from Texas, and welcome! We already have three things in common - we’re both new around here, generally avoid social media, and are fans of the Mark V. Also, congrats on the new career! Its easy to let things like that get in the way of things like a Safari in Mozambique, so I hope...