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  1. P

    ZAMBIA: Takeri Safari May 2017

    Mark - had to laught at the group photo - had your PH been slightly taller the chances in the long grass could have increased???!!!
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    ZAMBIA: Takeri Safari May 2017

    hi - thanj thanks!!! been a great few years studying and gaining more experience and now have been upgraded to full license after passing the interviews with our department of National Parks and Wildlife as well as the exams set by PHAZ - so this year will be out at Royal kafue where i will be...
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    ZAMBIA: Takeri Safari May 2017

    Hi Mark - thanks for the report and it was great having you and Jackie here and looking forward to the next visit!
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    Bluey and Patsy's wedding

    hi -bruce - yip been very busy with setting up the new boat etc - not enough hours in the days! will email when I can - cheers
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    Bluey and Patsy's wedding

    hi - thanks for all the messages - had a great time and finally some photos !! Still in aus and head back to Takeri on the 5/3
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    Big Bore Addiction Group

    Mike you not such a bad mate and partner!! thanks a mill for organizing this rifle for me - can't wait to get it to zambia and can see a buff hunt on the agenda in the near future! ... you think Bluey can look after Takeri while I go hunting?? ha ha
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    Big Bore Addiction Group

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    South Luangwa Conservation Society/ Zambia

    Rachel does a fantastic job - all funds put to the right use
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    New Use For Poachers Canoe

    hi all - i raffled this off at the fishing comp and got good support - funds will go directly to protecting the river - guys are using mozzie nets for fishing these days so you can all imagine how this is effecting the river
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    Greetings from Florida

    hi - welcome and if you need any help in planing a hunt in zambia please let me or Spike know - always happy to help
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    hi are you back in zambia

    hi are you back in zambia
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    hi there - welcome to AH cheers from patsyzamba / australia

    hi there - welcome to AH cheers from patsyzamba / australia
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    Zambian Hunt Package On Takeri Private Reserve

    so who is coming hunting with me this season?
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    ] need to learn how to navigate a bit more before I can do that!! a big different from driving a cruiser or my small boat on the kafue river -
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    i must say i was relieved to discover i don't sea sick! - once you commit to going you are on the boat for 7 days and no turning back - Had such a great time and now will have to start studying for my skippers license so we can combine the sea and safaris - plan to be at Takeri from arpril -...
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    back at Takeri and off to a fishing competition this weekend -

    back at Takeri and off to a fishing competition this weekend -
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    hi all - spent two weeks out at sea with Bluey - had a great time and now back at Takeri getting ready for the season
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    evidence that we did fish ... and of course with nature showing Bluey his true place in life.... you know what I mean guys!! ha ha
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    hi - a huge thanks for all the good wishes! plan is for me to go to Australia during our rains and then to be at Takeri for the hunting season - 6 months fishing - 6 months hunting - think we will have the best of both worlds ! and ps - I was fishing - got the catch of a lifetime with landing a...
  20. P

    ZAMBIA: Zambian Adventure At Takeri Game Reserve

    oh come !!!! we are all waiting for a comment regarding a female PH???? don't let us down now!! cheers patsy
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    ZAMBIA: Zambian Adventure At Takeri Game Reserve

    thanks for taking the time to write up such a great report and I have been out and seen Jorja girls sable ..... he is still as impressive as the last time we saw him - looking forward to the next hunt together....
  22. P

    ZAMBIA: Zambian Adventure At Takeri Game Reserve

    indeed - and with lots of animals wounded - some dying days later or left in snares - sometimes the poachers wont check the snares for days so a terrible death for the animal
  23. P

    ZAMBIA: Zambian Adventure At Takeri Game Reserve

    hi all - I tell you I am now fluent is "aussie" - never had so many laughs ....spending time with Bluey is fantastic. And to answer an earlier question on the .270 round in the sable - unfortunately poaching is a reality in Zambia and we lose animals every year. A lot to snaring and then to guys...
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    ZAMBIA: Zambian Adventure At Takeri Game Reserve

    next time!!! but maybe you would have ended up in there as well!!!! I was holding on tight!!
  25. P

    ZAMBIA: Zambian Adventure At Takeri Game Reserve

    well I tell you ... it certainly helped your shooting ability - you were spot on after that!!! ha ha!! and no = that was not another slap - you learnt the first time!!!
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    ZAMBIA: Zambian Adventure At Takeri Game Reserve

    I tell I was getting worried the first day - very sporting for two warning shots but we were not after wombats.... !!
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    nothing better than a free fall at 10 000 ....
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    hi - I totally agree, hunters have to unite and be diplomatic to the general public, most people out there have no understanding of the industry and the conservation that goes hand in hand with it. Education is the key and all of us need to be more pro-active in the way we promote hunting, don't...
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    hi Hi .... bottle of jameson is more my style!!! don't really do the 1 litre kilppies, 2 liter coke and 3 l ford cortina if you know what I mean !
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    yes I do anti-poaching, patrol the river and work as part of the ZAWA team, to change a a wheel I have had to modify my wheel spanner so i have a longer rod for leverage....and as far as respect goes... this is earned not given, and in Zambia traditionally people follow the matrichal line.. we...
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    thank Thanks Dub and hope to see you for sitatunga next year!
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    when were you in GT? i grew up with McPherson in Malawi ! small world as usual!
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    ha ha!! very appropriate for current forum!! love the humour!
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    cant wait for Bluey to get here - going to be a lot of humour as well as hunting !!! will be an exciting croc hunt i am sure - most certainly one of my favorite things to go after!
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    looking forward to a good hunting season in ZAMBIA!

    looking forward to a good hunting season in ZAMBIA!
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    see seeing plenty and hoping to get a reply on quota this week!
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    hi - i like the way you think! patsy hahn - PH in Zambia
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    had a fantastic weekend fishing - landed 8 decent ones and now gearing up for the RIVER LURE - held down river from us but fishing along our banks so should be great fun!
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    Women as Professional Hunters; What's with that?

    Hi Bluey i am not one to have the time to read all the previous posts - some of us have hunting to arrange and do! but thanks for your support and i am looking forward to hunting with you later this year! I am confident that your post hunting report will clarify a few of the mentioned issues...
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    Zambian hunt package only for AH members for 2014 on Takeri Private Reserve

    ha ha ,,,, wish I was getting younger!
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    Crocodile Broadheads and Pass Throughs

    hey spike....just give me some time.... we are not all as old as you are! Ha ha ! .... come on Bluey I am sure you have something to add!
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    Crocodile Broadheads and Pass Throughs

    hi Spike on your comment on not too big.. well I think that depends on the hunter? I will show my photos if you show yours!! Ha ha! cheers
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    Zambian hunt package only for AH members for 2014 on Takeri Private Reserve

    Hi bdrake - as Mike has said I can arrange buffalo hunts as well - I am hunting on several other private properties as well and have access to concessions in the luangwa valley where I can offer a buffalo hunt for 2014 - please can you email me on if you would like further...