Tanner Lee

Country of residence
United States of America
State/Province of residence
How did you find AfricaHunting.com?
I am a
  1. Hunter
  2. Fisherman
  3. Other
Member of
Safari Club International
Have you hunted in Africa?
Number of times I have hunted in Africa
My favorite African country
Republic of South Africa
South Africa (North West, Orange Free State, Northern Cape), USA (Utah, Wyoming), Canada (Saskatchewan)
Species I have hunted in Africa
Impala, Blesbok, White Blesbok, Blue Wildebeest, Black Wildebeest, Common Springbok, Gemsbok, Cape Buffalo, Sable, Burchell's Zebra, Cape Eland
White Rhino, Roan, Crocodile, Kudu, Waterbuck, Bushbuck, Lechwe, Nyala, Steenbuck, Warthog, Giraffe, Grey Duiker
My best African Trophy
Cape Buffalo 45" Wide 17" Bosses, Northwest SA
My favorite African trophies
Blue Wildebeest, Sable, Cape Buffalo
My preferred weapon(s)
CZ 550 Safari Classics 375. H&H
What weapon(s) do you hunt with?
  1. Rifle
  2. Bow
  3. Shotgun
  4. Muzzleloader
My best hunting tip
Do not make a trophy sized animal your aim rather hunt for the memories and friends.
My other interests
wildlife photography