Recent content by eriknyman

  1. eriknyman

    Guessing age of Forest Elephant as you hunt it

    Jorge Garcia-Segovia, In my humble opinion, estimating more or less any animals age or size in the thick rainforests can be a huge challenge even for the trained eye. If you take a look at some of the elephant trophy photos from Cameroon, you will see that they do shoot some quite young...
  2. eriknyman

    Trophies from CAR

    Thank you everyone for your feedback! More pictures and other interesting things about hunting and life out in the fantastic bush of the CAR will come soon. Take care, /Erik
  3. eriknyman

    Trophies from CAR

    Hi Mike, As always with these sorts of matters in Africa, everything is going ridiculously slow. At this present point in time, Erik and David are still held in custody and are understandably quite fed up with the situation but however... It seems like we're actually starting to see the light...
  4. Central African Savannah Buffalo

    Central African Savannah Buffalo

    Just another beautiful Central African Savannah Buffalo. I know that it has been said many times before, but the fact that the buffaloes may differ so much from one to the other in this fantastic part of Africa, is just so fascinating and amazing! When taking a buffalo track in the morning, you...
  5. Grandpa' Lord Derby's Eland

    Grandpa' Lord Derby's Eland

    Check out this incredibly beautiful Lord Derby's Eland! It is probably the oldest eland that I have ever seen. Just look at that amazingly thick neck and super-sized dewlap! The horns were extremely worn down and measured only 39" on both sides. He was taken with bow and arrow in the Ngoy...
  6. eriknyman

    Trophies from CAR

    Hello everyone, My name is Erik Nyman and I am new here on AH. I work as a professional hunter in the Central African Republic with Central African Wildlife Adventures (CAWA). I wanted to share some of my favorite trophies that me and my clients managed to take during the season 2012...