Blurring hunters faces on trophy photos


AH enthusiast
Feb 16, 2016
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Hi All

I would like to find out from you what your thoughts on blurring hunters faces on trophy photos.

We have decided that any new trophy photo we load going forward is not going to show the clients face. We have multiple reasons like client privacy, safe keeping identity from the anties etc.

This is more on what we post vs what a client chooses to post.

What are your views on the matter?

I think its a good idea Adriaan. Always best to err on the side of privacy. If the hunter wants to post their own photos with faces shown, that's their choice.

Also, photos that outfitters are posting should be about the trophies anyway, not about the person that hunted them.
Without the client's permission to show their face it only seems like good business. Personally I hate photos with blurred faces but I do understand the need for it. Perhaps have a sign off on your contract for those that are comfortable with their faces being shown?
Good topic Adriaan.

I personally do not like to see trophy photos with blurred faces of hunters. I understand why you would want to do that with some but only if the hunter requests it.

Search engines like google cannot read images or see what's on it, so an image is pretty anonymous or private. You can certainly find images of people doing an internet search and find what you are looking for if the images has been renamed with the person's name like joe-smith.jpg instead of the original image named 2305.jpg. Also adding a CSS or html coding to an image like title="Joe Smith" or alt="Joe Smith" or just having plain text like Joe Smith near an image will bring an image in search engines' results.

For privacy reason I would not recommend outfitters to rename their pictures with their client's name, nor include their client's last name on their marketing and promotional material. If you keep it to "Joe S., Texas, USA" I doubt that anyone could ever find out who that person is unless someone recognizes the person of course.
Last edited: great point Jerome. I've seen some outfitter websites where they renamed the photos as the client's name. Some quick detective work on that website will often allow someone to figure out where that person is from (listed under references), to go along with the name and photo.

For many, its not an issue and they are happy to act as a reference and have their name linked to hunting.

For others, it may be more problematic- especially if they work for the government, are public figures, etc.

A conversation between the outfitter and client should solve any issues.
With the ability of the anti's to go on the attack before the hunter even arrives home from his safari, I think it a good idea to have an area on the contract that is obvious and verbally explained in full by the outfitter that gives permission to the outfitter to use the person's image. Emphasis on the verbal explanation so that they've not only read it, but they've also heard it. I think I would go so far to have a check box for consenting and one for not consenting. And of course the client should receive a copy with his and the outfitter's signature.

Yes, I know that's probably over the top. But it establishes confidence in the client that the outfitter is also looking out for the best interest of the client and works as a reputation builder.
I think the easiest thing to do is simply ask the hunter if you may use his picture. Failing the hunter giving that permission .....take some pictures of the trophy without the hunter in the picture.
take some pictures of the trophy without the hunter in the picture.
Good advice and would add that trophy pictures without the hunter should always be taken no matter whether permission is granted or not, in the long run outfitters will benefit from having both sets. I also know a lot of PHs who also want pictures with their "trophies" and only them just for the memories.
After a hunt last year with my son, I blurred his face in our pictures (some of which I posted on AH as part of the hunt report), but not my own.

He is a young man just starting out, and working in a fairly "liberal" (which is to say, not pro-hunting) place (New York City). It could cause damage to his career if his face showed up on hunting pictures, so it was not worth the risk. I'm a lot older, at the tail end of my career, and I could' care less what people say about me, so I left my face alone. My wife says I did AH no favours in not blurring my face, but what does she know.

I will say this though. I have no objection to any outfitter or PH posting pictures of my trophies, and I generally ask the PH if he wants pictures with just him and the trophy. But I don't think it's right for an outfitter or PH, or anyone else who might have the pictures, to post them on the web for their own purposes without express permission. As they say, we aren't in Kansas anymore.
I understand the concern. As an outfitter if a client doesn't wish to be used on website or advertising media then I won't use them even with a blurred image. I try very hard to respect clients wishes and privacy.
As a client, I have no problem having using my image as a advertising tool. Personally I could care less if people are "offended" by a trophy picture and if they are then I can say with certainty it isn't someone I would want to associate with anyway. As far as the issue of receiving death threats is concerned because of pics I would just ignore them. In today's day of keyboard warriors it's something that does happen unfortunately but I really could care less what people say or if they threatened me. I can assure you that if they were indeed stupid enough to track me down they would bite off a whole lot more than they could chew.
It's a darn shame we even have to have this discussion but I totally understand it and can't blame anyone for doing it. It's a shame there are some rabid anti-hunting elements out there that will issue threats and seek to personally destroy hunters.
I would ask each hunter what they care to have you do. I myself like seeing my cute face so the antis get to see me. I could care less what they think or if they will come after me. The last one I had to deal with is making my next safari the best ever. I told her to keep quiet and see kept talking bs. So after that I told her I will hunt another animal in her honor for each comment and send her pic's. She stopped after 8 pr 9 I think it was.
I am going to have one hell of a hunt.
OK, this settles it. The next time that I have any photos taken with me and my trophies I am going to pull out a clown mask and put it on.

But in all seriousness I agree with most on here. If the PH or outfitter ask for the use of my photos with me in them and I say that it is OK then they got the go ahead, if not then don't use my likeness.

I think that one thing that a lot of prospective clients of outfitters like to see is the smile across someones face when they are sitting next to a fine animal
I'm a firm believer in leave it up to the client, but always side on don't show. It's unfortunate that it has come to this but the world has shifted. I no longer even keep a photo up on here. My good friend posted a hunting picture from a safari 2 years back and is still feeling backlash in his personal life as well as business.
OK, this settles it. The next time that I have any photos taken with me and my trophies I am going to pull out a clown mask and put it on.

I think that one thing that a lot of prospective clients of outfitters like to see is the smile across someones face when they are sitting next to a fine animal

I think it is a terrible idea. There is nothing shameful in hunting; I do not need my face blurred. I do think that it is common courtesy to only post the picture if given permission.

As far as keeping my identity safe from the antis, I can't think of something I care less about. I've been on the wrong end of a gun; verbal threats mean nothing to me. If someone wants to take it past that point, I am fairly confident the advantage accrues to a hunter/shooter over a person who spends his time doing macrame and protesting the local Chipotle because their carnitas can no longer be guaranteed to be antibiotic free.
It's a sad day when we cower to the anti-hunting establishment.
Do any of you guys own a business that your family depends on? Maybe some of your biggest clients are anti.... It's reduculous that the anti's have been able to put so much pressure on our life but that's the way it is. I'm sure every hunter on here would love nothing more than having some awesome pictures in public view of their recent hunt. The pride and joy it brings is fantastic to share! However some of us have faced too much backlash for it to be worth it
It's a sad day when we cower to the anti-hunting establishment.
you are exactly right. All it does is empower them and weaken us.
Do any of you guys own a business that your family depends on? Maybe some of your biggest clients are anti.... It's reduculous that the anti's have been able to put so much pressure on our life but that's the way it is. I'm sure every hunter on here would love nothing more than having some awesome pictures in public view of their recent hunt. The pride and joy it brings is fantastic to share! However some of us have faced too much backlash for it to be worth it
Actually yes I do but as an outfitter I don't depend on anti's. I completely understand your point and in no way fault you or look down on you for it. I just am the type of person that will stand on my morals and beliefs despite the consequences because I strongly believe I am in the right. It has bit me before as a result but.... Would do it again in a heart beat out of principal.
It's a complex issue and like I said I would never fault anyone or use their image without their permission because I do understand what is at stake, that is a decision for the client to make not me.

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Dave if you copy this, call me I can't find your number.

David Hodo
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