.500 Sharps 2.8" Project


AH enthusiast
Mar 19, 2023
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Florida and Minnesota
Hunting reports
For the past several months I’ve been investigating rechambering my Ruger No 1, 50-90 Sharps to increase the chamber length by a bit. As far as I know the 50-90 was the largest cartridge that the Sharps Rifle Company ever commercially produced; the 50-140 Sharps was actually created by Winchester right when Sharps closed its doors.

As some AH members are aware I developed some smokeless loads for the 50-90, called it a 500 Sharps 2.5”, and took it to Tanzania in 2022 where they took two Dagga Boys. These pushed conventionally constructed premium 570gr bullets at 500 NE velocities generating 2 ½ tons of muzzle energy.

I am planning a return and for that have decided on something a little different; I would like to uses monolith bullets; however, that desire has caused an issue with case capacity. Since copper and brass are lighter than lead bullets of equal weight they are necessarily longer, plus the throat of my No 1 limits seating bullets out further. Combined, those two things and the case capacity becomes limited to the extent of affecting the components that I can use and therefore the performance that I would like to achieve.

Of course, I could use a lighter and therefore shorter bullet, in fact I have ordered some 555gr Peregrine Bushmasters to try but that only gets me so far. I really need more capacity to gain the flexibility that I desire. I also could have a throating reamer made but if I was going to do that I might as well have the chamber reamer made.

I thought this exercise may be interesting and maybe helpful to some so I’m starting this thread. In terms of goal there are few:
  • Gain enough case capacity to push heavy monoliths at least to 2150fps.
  • Allow for a wider range of propellants to be used while keeping chamber pressures moderate.
  • Allow for the continued use of the 50-90 (2.5”) cartridge.
In order to fulfill the 3rd goal I chose to follow the example of the 458 Lott and use a 2.8” case length. This seemed obvious since there’s a lot of information about shooting a 458 WM from a 458 Lott. What I read is a bit mixed but mostly the comments suggest no problem.

Two AH members have already contributed much to the effort via PM, I very much appreciate their help.

As always I invite any and all comments.
This is the current version of the chamber diagram. I think it's pretty close. I measured the critical dimensions from a dummy 2.5" cartridge that I had. The throat has gone through several iterations before coming to what you see here; it may still change (shrug).
.500 Sharps 2_8 NE.png
Maybe reach out to @michael458 and see what his thoughts would be on using a CEB Raptor. You may get away with a lighter bullet.
Maybe reach out to @michael458 and see what his thoughts would be on using a CEB Raptor. You may get away with a lighter bullet.
Actually he and I have had some very good PM conversations on and around this subject. It turned out that he has played around with the 50-90 but has not focused on it, perhaps that will change. He always has a lot of irons in the fire.

The thing is, and this is a guess, even if I were to go to Raptors i may end up being worse off because of the throat, they may need to be seated too deeply. I suppose with maybe a 500gr Raptor maybe I'd get enough capacity, I just don't know.
I have a Ruger No.1 chambered in 50-110.
It has been rebarreled with quite a heavy and long barrel - nice to shoot though.
Maybe the 110 is an option for you although not a Sharps cartridge.
I’d like to see your No.1.
I have a Ruger No.1 chambered in 50-110.
It has been rebarreled with quite a heavy and long barrel - nice to shoot though.
Maybe the 110 is an option for you although not a Sharps cartridge.
I’d like to see your No.1.
I'm afraid that wouldn't help. The 50-110 is actually a bit smaller in dimensions and of course capacity. I have measured the volume of the 50-90 Sharps carefully, several times, and with Starline brass it is 116gr H2O. That is more than what I've seen published. Although I've never measured the volume of a 50-110 the published volume is somewhat less than the published volume of the Sharp.

Best guess of volume for a Sharps 2.8" is 133gr H2O.

This is "The Beast" as one of the gunsmiths called it.

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Maybe reach out to @michael458 and see what his thoughts would be on using a CEB Raptor. You may get away with a lighter bullet.
@Rafiki is on a mission, and thus far, I have not been able to persuade him otherwise, I think a bit of a hard head...... LOL...... said with jest and good will of course......... Yes, we have been around the block on this one.

Last August a good friend of mine had a Ruger #1 for sale, 50/90......... Also 140 pieces of new Starline brass to go with it, and some other odds and ends...... I could not refuse, especially with the fact that I had a few .510 caliber bullets on hand as well......... In .510 caliber I have a big 510 Wells, and a couple of 510 Alaskans, lever and another #1 with a 20 inch barrel. The bulk of my 500 caliber, the B&Ms, are true .500 caliber. I figured it can't hurt to have another .510 laying around........ I love .500s and .510s...........

Its a plain jane 24 inch gun, SSK did the work on it, the bluing is great and put together great as well.....


I had a good many 475 Raptors and the matching Solids 510s...... I have some pals with 500 NE that I help out with loads, and have been loading these for several years now for buffalo, elephant and whatever else they decide to take........ Sam designed these for 500 NE back in 2012, we took them for a workout with Aussie Buff that year to test. After 20 or so buffalo that was literally slammed to the dirt, we decided this was THE .510 Caliber Combo that enhanced the 500 NE further than it has ever been. Lots of other folks have used these as well all with success that I have heard of....... I can't imagine why I would want anything but the 475 Raptors and the 510 Solids for any mission that I would ever embark upon in any .510 caliber rifle, and they should be spiffiy in 50/90.........

Rafiki is correct, I have not spent a lot of time trying to develop loads with the 50/90. Right now I see only two range sessions, 9/8/23 and 9/9/23.......I only played with three powders, IMR 8208, WW 748, and H-322. Starting with IMR 8208 and the 510 Solids, I was not happy with the loads, 2129 fps with 84 gr, and the block drop was a little sticky, so that ended IMR 8208, not where I wanted to be.

WW 748 was just not going to get me there either, 85/WW 748 1918 fps with the 510 Solid.....

H-322 at 83 gr gave me 2190 fps with the 510, brass looked great, easy drop and extract, lets try the 475 Raptor, 84/H-322 gave me 2267 fps with the 475 Raptor, and that is where I am today. Being a Ruger #1, I added a Talon Tip to the Raptor as well..... Looks like a Ballistic Missle.....



Proven, beyond doubt on all the Heavies of Africa, what more could one want? I am quite sure that a bit of powder exploration these numbers could be increased as well, I just have not been able to get back to it, and honestly I am rather satisfied with what I have......

Now, I am very intrigued with another set of bullets, that is the 350 Lever Raptor and 400 Lever Solid in .510 caliber, both designed for the 51 Alaskan. I would like to see how the 350 Raptor does in 50/90, I am betting on 2500 fps ++......... This I will look at next in this cartridge, sometime in the near future............

Personally I am stopping at 50/90, it does as much as I would need, and the likely hood of me taking it to the field is at zero, since I am retired from field work. But I await the Zambie Apocalypse with a few of the 475 Raptors on hand, can you imagine? Yes, I am having visions.... HEH HEH..........

Rafiki has my full support on his project if I can be of service.........
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Are planning on trimming down 50/140 brass?
@Rafiki Looks like an awesome project. The best reason to do this is simply because you want to. And having taken a No. 1 to Africa several times (I currently keep one there) this is very interesting to me. I could never find a rifle chambered in the 50-140-700 and wondered if it was simply an advertising gimmick or if Win did produce, maybe the Hi-wall in this caliber. The 50-90 was the big buffalo gun, and with a 600 grainer and compressed 110 of 2F I always wanted more capacity. Will you get a little more vel than the straight 500NE? @michael458 your testing says it all.....if it'll drop buff in Oz, it'll drop 'em in Africa. Thanks for posting guys.............FWB
Are planning on trimming down 50/140 brass?
Yeah, that's my only real option. Darn stuff is really expensive but as someone pointed out I don't need all that many to last a long time.

I have to get a hold of some and find the dimensions to compare with the 50-90. They should be the same since the are supposed to use the same base and rim. If that works out then I'll cut one down and make a dummy to send to the tool maker.

This brings up another issue; I'll have to get a set of dies made. As far as the dummy round is concerned I should be able to use my 50-90 die set but going forward I'll need a proper set of dies.
Interesting project, I have thought of doing something like this also, what is the twist of your barrel?
The best reason to do this is simply because you want to.
Well there is that; mostly that.

I could never find a rifle chambered in the 50-140-700 and wondered if it was simply an advertising gimmick or if Win did produce, maybe the Hi-wall in this caliber.
As I understand the history, the 50-140 Sharps was a bit of an advertising gimmic as you say. Even though Sharps Rifle Company had just gone out of business, or on the cusp of doing so, Winchester recognized that the Sharps name carried the credentials. The buffalo were gone and people were getting into long range competitions. As I read somewhere the 50-140 was created for the Hi-Wall for these competitions. It was never in the Sharps catalog and very few original Sharps rifles were made for it by special order.

The 50-90 was the big buffalo gun, and with a 600 grainer and compressed 110 of 2F I always wanted more capacity. Will you get a little more vel than the straight 500NE?
It all depends on apples to apples comparison. My guess is if the two were hand-loaded exactly the same then I suspect so simply because there would be slightly more pressure in the 2.8". The 500 NE 3" have a bit more volume so pressure would likely be less; again apples to apples.
This is what started me down this path. It's a 50-90 tipped with a 570gr Peregrine Bushmaster seated just off the lands. The best I was able to get out of it was 2018fps, about 140fps short of my. minimum goal. That's certainly enough UMPH but goals are goals.


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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards