Help with my research...


AH member
Nov 13, 2019
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UK (previously Alaska)
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Hi all! (y)

"Wildlife research" and "hunting history" is kinda my thing.

I am doing some research on "The Dangerous Seven"

And I am wondering what attributes have historically been most highly prized in these 7 trophy animals?

ie. hunters in the past would consider a lion with a black mane to be valuable and prestigious.

But what about the other 6? What do you all look for? What would hunters of the olden days looked for?

Suppose for a minute we lived in an ideal world where we could all have the ideal trophies... what would you want?

(P.S. Not saying I am actually going trophy hunting, this is just enjoyable research for me!).

Feel free to copy the 7 below and comment:

Nile Croc:
Cape Buffalo:

Your assistance in this research is GREATLY appreciated!!!!!


1) DG as trophy, for classic trophy hunter
Lion: size, mane, black mane
Nile Croc: size
Leopard: size
Hippo: tusks
Cape Buffalo: horn size
Elephant: ivory size
Rhino: horn size

Thats for classic trophy hunter

2) DG as vermin:
All of them at some point have been considered as vermin - so they have been shot for being in wrong place / wrong time, or making damaegs or killing people.

3) DG as hunting experience
Finally, some modern hunters look for experience to hunt DG. So, when looking for experience size of trophy doesn't matter.
For example: buffalo cow, tuskless ellephant, lioness, etc...
This type of hunting, I beleive is mostly motivated either by lower costs of such hunt, or in some cases no possibility to legally export trophies in some countries.
Super, Mark.

Thanks for the detailed reply. This makes a lot of sense.

I presume that also the "beauty" of the animal will also have a bearing?

Since an ugly faced animal, ie. with excessive scarring, missing teeth etc, will not be as welcome on the wall as a fresh faced handsome specimen?

... posted twice...

Since an ugly faced animal, ie. with excessive scarring, missing teeth etc, will not be as welcome on the wall as a fresh faced handsome specimen?

No. Quite the opposite!

Scarred animals bring character to the trophy.
Some prefer exactly that. Check also, scrub bulls (use search option on the forum)

Then you have lions.
Generally, captive bread lions, will not have scars.
On the other hand, typically true mature wild african alpha male lion will have scars.
While wild lions are much praised trophy (and very expensive), CBL lions are economic option. Budget hunter will have to compromise, but CBL is option, or forget about lion to hunt if too expensive to hunt in wild.

Scars in general on DG will be a confirmation of mature, true wild trophy.

I forgot to mention earlier, there is also hunt for traditional reasons.
For example traditional hunting elephants with sabres or swords... The motive was tradition. Approaching close, and cutting tendons in hind legs till elephant drops down. Then finishing it. I think this was practised till beggining of XX century, in northern part of Africa by arabic hunters (maybe others as well)

In Kenya, during collonial period, lion riding was practiced. A form of hunting driven lion from horse back, under specific (sporting) rules. (do the research, also on google) In that case I believe, the motive is sport activity.

If I think of something else, I will let you know.

PS - maybe on first glimpse, hunting DG without a trophy may be a shame...It certainly brings down a number of interested foreign hunters.
But I am not at all against hunting tuskless elephant, for example. "Material" trophy in that case is a good photo. Less shipping costs, etc. What about experience, memories, or good hunting story for grand children? Think again! :)
Which one would you prefer:
a scarred warrior, or hair dressed and manicured trophy? :)
nice lion.jpg
nice lion2.jpg
Which one would you prefer:
a scarred warrior, or hair dressed and manicured trophy? :)
View attachment 314444 View attachment 314445
Between those two? The old one.

If I ever went after those, preferably one that is already a bit old for the good of the lion population.

I've understood that it heightens the experience for many, if you get one that is trying to get you.
I like the busted up old ones, scars, broken horn...the old warrior. One that has been through it and accomplished his lifestyle work every breeding season.

I guess in the same token, when I die, people look at me and say wow that guy must of seen some shit!
Excellent, fellas

very knowledgeable

I love the comments

Any further info you guys might have on what makes the best trophy animals?

keep em coming

all opinions welcome
I would be interested in hearing about your past hunts and experiences. Love hearing the experiences we as hunters have enjoyed.
When I first started hunting, all I really cared about was success. That mainly just meant a representative trophy of the species. Over time, and the decades, my motivation changed to find the oldest, not largest of the species. For a lot of the DG, the oldest can mean the biggest. But size, or score, has never been a factor in my pursuits. Most folks who see my taxidermy mounts have no clue about age or score. What does interest them is the story behind the hunt. As stated before, to be able to explain scars, torn ears, worn down horns as part of the story lends credibility to the conservation story. Nothing makes me feel more satisfied than for my PH to show me worn down teeth, broomed off horns or antlers, and state “man that is an ancient old warrior.” That is the ultimate for me now.
I would be interested in hearing about your past hunts and experiences. Love hearing the experiences we as hunters have enjoyed.
yes james the "researcher" I would love to hear about your "hunting" experiences and lets see a few photo's please. As your questions seem very much like those a "Stealth Anti" would ask. post a trophy photo with you in it.
yes james the "researcher" I would love to hear about your "hunting" experiences and lets see a few photo's please. As your questions seem very much like those a "Stealth Anti" would ask. post a trophy photo with you in it.
The reason they are highly prized is because they are DANGEROUS and can kill you or others in your party.
The exhilaration and adrenaline rush of just being in close proximity to some of these animals is enough for most people.

Hunting anything is dangerous, and I don't care if you are talking squirrel it can be dangerous.
But hunting animals on foot that can kill you in the blink of an eye takes it to a whole new level.

BTW - Still waiting on a trophy pic....
Paranoid bunch, much? Relax. It's a forum. I hate to break it to you but there are probably dozens, if not hundreds, of people on here that you don't actually know - even ones you THINK you know. Not everyone has some top secret weirdo agenda.

I'm here to learn more about hunting and picking the brains of those more experienced than myself.

Got a problem with it? See a shrink.

Just sayin'
AH has a strong member following and although we may not be all on a first name basis I know we all share one thing in common. Outdoors, hunting, family and Africa ect ect.
That being said, your question came across to me atleast as gathering information for a report, essay or something along those lines but either way your recommendation to see a shrink for anyone asking you to contribute to this forum via a story or picture is not going to get more folks offering up their opinions in regards to your post. IMO

Just sayin'
Paranoid bunch, much? Relax. It's a forum. I hate to break it to you but there are probably dozens, if not hundreds, of people on here that you don't actually know - even ones you THINK you know. Not everyone has some top secret weirdo agenda.

I'm here to learn more about hunting and picking the brains of those more experienced than myself.

Got a problem with it? See a shrink.

Just sayin'
I will second the post above of @BnC 04 and I will add that your comments have you walking a fine line IMO.
The "Got a problem with it? See a shrink" comment is out of line (again my opinion).
If you wish to become combative/passive-agressive in future posts, I will deafen you with my silence.

Good luck to you and your "research".
I'm done with this thread.
No worries.

I take it you haven't done research before?

To be asked to prove yourself by showing a bunch of photos is not a pleasant way of welcoming someone into a community.

If you wish to help, its much appreciated. If you have paranoid or negative tendencies, you can move on. Nobody here needs to prove themselves to anyone. It's an online forum.

If we met in person, I'm certain you wouldn't dare ask the same.

You chose to respond to the thread. You can also chose to not answer to it. Negative nancy, neutral or open to sharing an opinion. Your choice. No skin off my nose. I owe you nothing.


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Bill J H wrote on gearguywb's profile.
Do you still have this rifle? I'm in the KC area on business and I'm very interested.
Safari Dave wrote on CoElkHunter's profile.
I didn't get drawn for Wyoming this year.

Are you planning to hunt Unit 4 this fall?

(Thinking about coming out)
another great review
